API Definition


Searching for Company News
Text Searches for News
Basic Search Logic
Using Metadata to Find Stories
Searching for Company Metadata
Improving News Search Results
Getting More Pages of Story Results

Searching for Company News
Acquire Media maintains metadata about thousands of companies, and automatically applies appropriate company and other metadata to all news stories.
This example shows how to search for company metadata, which you then use to focus a search for news about a company.
  1. Start an API session.
    If a session is not already running, invoke session/login and include the name and password parameters. Remember to store the value of the user-token element from session/login to use in other API requests.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. Search for a company.

    Search for information about a company using company/search and include the required parameters session (set to your user-token value) and query. This example searches for Exxon.

    The number of companies found is the totalHits attribute (1) of the entity-list element from company/search. Each company is identified in the list by an entity element.

    You can use various metadata values to identify a company in other searches. Examples of some of the most common elements to use are in the results below:

     <name>Exxon Mobil Corporation</name> . . . <acorn>3820784326</acorn> . . . <ticker> <symbol>XOM</symbol> 


    <entity-list totalHits="1">
      <entity tickers="14">
        <name>Exxon Mobil Corporation</name>
          <exchange>New York Stock Exchange</exchange>
        <children count="116">
          <child> ... </child>
            <name>Imperial Oil Limited</name>
            <exchange>Toronto Stock Exchange</exchange>
  3. Search for news about a company.

    Invoke news/search with the required parameters session and query. The query parameter has a very large variety of formats you can use. This example shows how to search using a metadata field. The format is described as follows:

    • [ ] - Enclose the query in square brackets to restrict a search to metadata fields.
    • com:/acorn= Search in company metadata in the acorn field.
      Every company has assigned to it a unique ACquire media ORganizational Number (acorn).
    • acorn-number - Use the value in the previous step of an acorn element from company/search results.

    For the complete list of company metadata formats you can use in the query parameter of news/search, see the example Using Company Metadata in news/search Queries.


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160302T212919247">
      <search startDate="20160202T000000-0500" endDate="20160302T213019-0500" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <highlightTerms str="comHighlight=%2Facorn%3D3820784326">
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.029459585">...</result>
        <result score="0.016368654">...</result>
        <result score="0.1258364">...</result>
        <result score="0.10329337">...</result>
        <result score="0.11869488">...</result>
        <result score="0.10329337">...</result>
        <result score="0.032990936">...</result>
        <result score="0.41675395">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="Benzinga" name="Benzinga Lightning Feed"  short-name="Benzinga Lightning Feed">
            <provider code="BENZINGA" name="Accretive Capital, LLC">
              <service code="Benzinga" name="News Service"/>
            <topness code="FALSE"/>
            <content-type code="NewswireBiz" name="Business & Financial Newswire"/>
            <media-type code="Text" name="Text"/>
            <rights code="CLEARED" name="Licensed Feed"/>
              <entity name="North America">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RB/nam</property>
                <property code="fullname">North America</property>
              <entity name="United States">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RC/US</property>
                <property code="fullname">United States</property>
              <entity name="Americas">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RR/am</property>
                <property code="fullname">Americas</property>
              <entity name="Delaware">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RS/US.DE</property>
                <property code="fullname">Delaware</property>
              <entity name="Dover">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RU/us.de.dover</property>
                <property code="fullname">Dover, Delaware</property>
              <entity name="Global">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">GR/glb</property>
                <property code="fullname">Global</property>
                <taxonomy code="Subject">
                  <classifier name="Finance" code="PX/fin"></classifier>
            <package code="NewsEdge"/>
            ExxonMobil Announces 2016 Capital Spending Plan At Investor Conference
          <copyrightline>(c) 2016 Benzinga Newswires. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.</copyrightline>
          <language code="en"/>
            Shares of Exxon Mobil Corporation were trading higher by more than 0.5 percent on Wednesday as the company hosted an Investor Day presentation to discuss its spending outlook.
        <result score="0.029459585">...</result>
        <result score="0.75">...</result>
        <result score="0.032990936">...</result>
        <result score="0.021937601">...</result>
        <result score="0.75015706">...</result>
        <result score="0.7498429">...</result>
        <result score="0.2797643">...</result>
        <result score="0.67185324">...</result>
        <result score="0.018328298">...</result>
        <result score="0.018410241">...</result>
        <result score="0.75015706">...</result>
        <result score="0.10026163">...</result>
  4. Refine the search results.

    There are many ways to narrow a search and results. For example, some metadata provides a measure of how much a story is about a company.

    1. mention - stories in which the company is mentioned.
    2. primary - stories strongly related to the company.

    Use these values with the .use attribute following a metadata query to restrict the results to stories related to the company as follows:

    1. [metadata-search].use>value - returns stories that are categorized greater than the value. For example, use>mention - returns stories where company is tagged as primary.
    2. [metadata-search].use=value - returns stories categorized equal to the value.
    3. [metadata-search].use<value - returns stories that are categorized less than the value. For example, use<primary returns mention stories.

    Complete details of the returned results are described on the news/search reference page.


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160302T213036984">
      <search startDate="20160202T000000-0500" endDate="20160302T213136-0500" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <highlightTerms str="comHighlight=%2Facorn%3D3820784326">
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.1229778">...</result>
        <result score="0.096961744">...</result>
        <result score="0.11251153">...</result>
        <result score="0.096961744">...</result>
        <result score="0.41669604">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="Benzinga" name="Benzinga Lightning Feed" short-name="Benzinga Lightning Feed">
            <provider code="BENZINGA" name="Accretive Capital, LLC">
              <service code="Benzinga" name="News Service"/>
            <topness code="FALSE"/>
            <content-type code="NewswireBiz" name="Business & Financial Newswire"/>
            <media-type code="Text" name="Text"/>
            <rights code="CLEARED" name="Licensed Feed"/>
              <entity name="North America">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RB/nam</property>
                <property code="fullname">North America</property>
              <entity name="United States">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RC/US</property>
                <property code="fullname">United States</property>
              <entity name="Americas">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RR/am</property>
                <property code="fullname">Americas</property>
              <entity name="Delaware">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RS/US.DE</property>
                <property code="fullname">Delaware</property>
              <entity name="Dover">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RU/us.de.dover</property>
                <property code="fullname">Dover, Delaware</property>
              <entity name="Global">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">GR/glb</property>
                <property code="fullname">Global</property>
                <taxonomy code="Subject">
                  <classifier name="Finance" code="PX/fin"></classifier>
            <package code="NewsEdge"/>
            ExxonMobil Announces 2016 Capital Spending Plan At Investor Conference
          <copyrightline>(c) 2016 Benzinga Newswires. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.</copyrightline>
          <language code="en"/>
            Shares of Exxon Mobil Corporation were trading higher by more than 0.5 percent on Wednesday as the company hosted an Investor Day presentation to discuss its spending outlook.
        <result score="0.74999994">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="Can_Press_DF" name="Canadian Press DataFile"  short-name="Canadian Press DataFile">
            <provider code="CAPRESS_" name="Canadian Press, The">
              <service code="Can_Press_DF" name="Canadian Press DataFile"/>
            <topness code="TRUE"/>
            <content-type code="NewswireGen" name="General Newswire"/>
            <media-type code="Text" name="Text"/>
            <rights code="CLEARED" name="Licensed Feed"/>
            <geo-origin><entity name="North America">
              <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RB/nam</property>
              <property code="fullname">North America</property>
            <entity name="Canada">
              <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RC/CA</property>
              <property code="fullname">Canada</property>
            <entity name="Americas">
              <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RR/am</property>
              <property code="fullname">Americas</property>
            <entity name="Ontario">
              <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RS/CA.ON</property>
              <property code="fullname">Ontario</property>
            <entity name="Toronto">
              <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RU/ca.on.tornto</property>
              <property code="fullname">Toronto, Ontario, Canada</property>
            <entity name="Canada">
              <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">GC/CA</property>
              <property code="fullname">Canada</property>
              <taxonomy code="Subject">
                <classifier name="General News" code="PX/gen"></classifier>
            <package code="NewsEdge"/>
            <package code="CCS"/>
            <package code="OCS"/>        
            CEO says Exxon ready for acquisitions, investing in business
          <byline>Menelaos Hadjicostis, The Associated Press</byline>
          <copyrightline>(c) 2016 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.</copyrightline>
          <language code="en"/>
        <result score="0.75005287">...</result>
        <result score="0.7499471">...</result>
        <result score="0.27844632">...</result>
        <result score="0.66841215">...</result>
        <result score="0.75005287">...</result>
        <result score="0.75005186">...</result>
        <result score="0.10527244">...</result>
        <result score="0.4167533">...</result>
        <result score="0.08808671">...</result>
        <result score="0.13987501">...</result>
        <result score="0.74999994">...</result>
        <result score="0.50080943">...</result>
        <result score="0.75005186">...</result>
        <result score="0.75005186">...</result>

Text Searches for News

A news/search looks in many fields of information for stories, most of which contain text about the story. Every story is also tagged with metadata that categorizes it by industry, subject, company, people, and so on. A simple news search looks in all of the following fields by default:

  • headline
  • deckline - (An optional small headline running below a main headline.)
  • body of the story
  • keywords
  • reference item description
  • metadata

To restrict a news/search to the story's text fields and bypass the metadata, surround the search terms of the query with parentheses { }. On the other hand, to restrict a news/search to metadata and not look in the text of the story, surround the search terms of the query with square brackets [ ]. Metadata news searches are described in later examples in Using Metadata to Find Stories.

The following table contains a summary of text query formats for searching in the text of stories using the query parameter of news/search:

Text Query Format for news/searchFields Searched
{searchTerm} All text fields:
  • headline
  • deckline
  • body of the story
  • reference item description
  • keywords
{searchTerm}.location=headlineheadline and deckline fields
{searchTerm}.location=abstractheadline, deckline, and summary fields
{searchTerm}.location=newslinenewsline field
{searchTerm}.location=bodybody of the story
{searchTerm}.location=keywordkeyword field
{searchTerm}.occurrence>numbersearches in text fields and returns results where the searchTerm occurs more than the number of times.
[metadata-search-format]Searches in the metadata fields and not the text fields. See the section Using Metadata to Find Stories.
  1. Search for news in all text fields but not metadata.

    https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session=935DA0B364E9E130F0EC3827FC3CCC9C&query=({solar and petroleum})

    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160321T154044891">
      <search startDate="20160220T230000-0500" endDate="20160321T154144-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
        <queryString>(({solar and petroleum}))</queryString>
      <highlightTerms str="highlight=petroleum,solar">
      <results status="true">...</results>
  2. Search for news in a specific text field.
    This example searches for the term solar in headlines.


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160321T155329828">
      <search startDate="20160220T230000-0500" endDate="20160321T155429-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <highlightTerms str="highlight=solar">
        <totalResults partialTotal="true">387</totalResults>
        <totalPages partialTotal="true">20</totalPages>
      <results status="true">...</results>
  3. Search for news by the number of occurrences of a search term.
    This example searches for the term solar in headlines that have the term more than 2 times.


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160321T155616075">
      <search startDate="20160220T230000-0500" endDate="20160321T155716-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <highlightTerms str="highlight=solar">
      <results status="true">...</results>

Basic Search Logic

The following table and examples show the common basic query formats you can use in search queries for all the search APIs:

  • company/search
  • industry/search
  • geography/search
  • people/search
  • subject/search
  • taxonomy/search
  • dictionary/search
  • news/search
  • savedsearch/create

Query Format Search Result

Searches all fields for the searchTerm. Any search term in this table can be the following:

  • A single word.
  • A quoted phrase consisting of a combination of words enclosed within quotation marks.
  • Another query such as a Boolean expression.
  • For news/search queries, a proximity query, or any combination of proximity and Boolean expression.
"quoted phrase" Searches for the phrase delineated by double quotes. Includes stemming of words in the phrase.
Term1 and Term2 Searches for the Boolean combination of both terms.
Term1 or Term2 Searches for the Boolean combination of either term.
Term1 not Term2 Searches for the Boolean combination of Term1 but not Term2.
((Term1 or Term2) and (Term3 or Term4)) Use parentheses to nest search terms and to clarify the precedence order of complex search combinations.
search?erm A wildcard search where ? replaces one character.
searchT* A wildcard search where * replaces zero or more characters.
^searchTerm Do not use stemming for the searchTerm.
  1. Boolean Searches.
    A query can be a Boolean expression of search terms, where the Boolean operators are and, or, or not, in either upper or lower case. Boolean expressions can be combined together with parentheses to clarify the precedence order and logic. This example uses the subject code is/lifesoc for Environment obtained from subject/search and the industry code ii/envman for Environmental and Waste Management obtained from industry/search.

    https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session=935DA0B364E9E130F0EC3827FC3CCC9C&query=(styrofoam AND ([SUBC:is/lifesoc.environ] OR [INDC:ii/envman]))

    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160321T161340141">
      <search startDate="20160220T230000-0500" endDate="20160321T161440-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
          ((styrofoam AND ([SUBC:is/lifesoc.environ] OR [INDC:ii/envman])))
      <highlightTerms str="highlight=styrofoam&indCodeHighlight=ii%2Fenvman&subCodeHighlight=is%2Flifesoc.environ">
      <results status="true">...</results>
  2. Quoted Phrases and Nested Phrases in Queries.
    This example uses the subject code is/lifesoc.environ for Environment obtained from subject/search and the industry code ii/envman for Environmental and Waste Management obtained from industry/search.

    https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session=935DA0B364E9E130F0EC3827FC3CCC9C&query=("water bottle" AND ([SUBC:is/lifesoc.environ] OR [INDC:ii/envman]))

    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160321T160716033">
      <search startDate="20160220T230000-0500" endDate="20160321T160816-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" ="0" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
          (("water bottle" AND ([SUBC:is/lifesoc.environ] OR [INDC:ii/envman])))
      <highlightTerms str="highlight=water+bottle&indCodeHighlight=ii%2Fenvman&subCodeHighlight=is%2Flifesoc.environ">
        <highlight>water bottle</highlight>
      <results status="true">...</results>
  3. Wildcard Searches.
    This example of a wildcard search shows how to take into account the difference between US and British spelling for certain words, in this case labor (labour).

    https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session935DA0B364E9E130F0EC3827FC3CCC9C&query=("labo?r negotiations")

    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160321T162158314">
      <search startDate="20160220T230000-0500" endDate="20160321T162258-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
        <queryString>(("labo?r negotiations"))</queryString>
      <highlightTerms str="highlight=labo%3Fr+negotiations">
        <highlight>labo?r negotiations</highlight>
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.0076557193">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="AllAfrica_com" name="AllAfrica"  short-name="AllAfrica">...</source>
          <headline>Labour Act Overhaul Gathers Momentum</headline>
          <language code="en"/>
    GOVERNMENT, business and labour are meeting every Friday under the auspices of the Labour Law Advisory Council in a bid to clean up recent controversial amendments to the Labour Act. The three parties have been meeting since February 26 to begin the process of further amending the Labour Act. The first meeting, chaired by the Director of Labour Administration Clemence Vusani, was attended by ...</summary>
        <result score="0.0042023715">...</result>
        <result score="0.00482477">...</result>
        <result score="0.008285079">...</result>
        <result score="0.0074764164">...</result>
        <result score="0.0066855038">...</result>
        <result score="0.009231411">...</result>
        <result score="0.0050738025">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="Alb_Brooks_Bulle" name="Brooks Bulletin, The (Alberta)" short-name="The Brooks Bulletin">...</source>
          <headline>Labor action not needed at this time</headline>
          <language code="en"/>
    There are potentially more headaches to come for the provincial NDP as they prepare to introduce new legislation that will declare certain sectors of the provincial work force as essential services, thereby denying them the right to strike. While all unionized Alberta government employees, post-secondary faculty and staff, police, fire and emergency medical personnel and nurses, support staff ...</summary>
        <result score="0.010730812">...</result>
        <result score="0.0038273237">...</result>
        <result score="0.008137761">...</result>
        <result score="0.0044711716">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="0.00482477">...</result>
        <result score="0.008048109">...</result>
        <result score="0.007183045">...</result>
        <result score="0.005889907">...</result>
        <result score="0.0060490267">...</result>
        <result score="0.0055716685">...</result>
        <result score="0.0070663313">...</result>
  4. Stem Searches.

    Stemming is a linguistic process of determining the root of a word. Stemming is used in searches by default. When stemming is used, the search performs a less strict match using all words closely related to the root. For example, if a search term includes starred, the root stem is star and thus the stem search includes all related terms such as stars, starred, starring, and so on.

    This example searches in the headline text field for the word "Starring". Since stemming is often the default, the caret symbol (^) means no stemming, so only results with the word "Starring" are returned. Headlines with "star" or other stemming variations are not returned.


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160321T162915861">
      <search startDate="20160220T230000-0500" endDate="20160321T163015-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <highlightTerms str="highlight=%5Estarring">
      <results status="true">
        <result score="1.0">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="Forbes" name="Forbes"  short-name="Forbes">...</source>
            Google Maps Will Give Uber A Starring Role In Directions
          <language code="en"/>
          <summary>Google isn't relegating ride-sharing to second-class transportation status any more. On Tuesday, Google announced that it would be more tightly integrating Uber and other global ride-share options into its signature Maps product. While Google Maps...</summary>
        <result score="0.5006445">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="PR_Newswire_EN" name="PR Newswire" short-name="PR Newswire">...</source>
            LEGOLAND® Florida Resort Announces All-New Beach-Themed Accommodations, Immersive Theme Park Land with Cutting-Edge LEGO® NINJAGO® Attraction and '4D' Theatrical Experience Starring LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS™
          <language code="en"/>
          <summary>WINTER HAVEN, Fla., March 15, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- LEGOLAND Florida Resort today announced an unprecedented slate of projects that will deliver additional on-site accommodations, an immersive new theme park land with a cutting-edge, interactive attraction, the first-ever expansion of its water park, a new, action-packed "4D" theatrical attraction and...</summary>
        <result score="0.6005306">...</result>
        <result score="0.60050553">...</result>
        <result score="0.8002276">...</result>
        <result score="0.2781917">...</result>
        <result score="0.8884536">...</result>
        <result score="0.8002779">...</result>
        <result score="0.40077168">...</result>
        <result score="0.1949528">...</result>
        <result score="0.40077168">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="0.44461665">...</result>
        <result score="0.34025106">...</result>

Using Metadata to Find Stories
The awesome Parameter Search
Using Company Metadata in news/search Queries
Using Industry Metadata in news/search Queries
Using Geography Metadata in news/search Queries
Using People Metadata in news/search Queries
Using Subject Metadata in news/search Queries
The awesome Parameter Search
The following APIs each search in the metadata for details about the respective category:
  • industry/search
  • subject/search
  • geography/search
  • company/search
  • people/search
  • source/search
  • taxonomy/search
  • dictionary/search

For example, industry/search returns industry sub-categories you can then use in news/search to narrow a story search to specific industries. When you include the parameter awesome=1 with any of these APIs, the results are an abbreviated list of the most common metadata items that match a query term. For example, if you combine the awesome parameter of geography/search with the query parameter, the results are a short list of world-wide locations that match the query. (The "awesome" name is an abbreviation for Automatic Word Expansion for Organizations, Meanings, and Entities).

Since Acquire Media has already tagged all the stories with metadata terms, use awesome=1 to obtain the specific metadata code for common items, related items, and key words to then use in news searches. Each category's most common items are determined from document term frequency values that are based on Acquire Media's indexing of all stories.

The default awesome search returns up to five items. To return a different number of results, include the maxResults parameter.

  1. Using the awesome parameter in industry/search.

    This example searches for the list of top industries related to wind energy by using the search term "wind". In the results the last three industry elements are the best results for the purposes of this example. We will later show how to use these code attributes of the industry element from industry/search in a news/search query.

    Industry codes are hierarchical. For example, the code II/utility is the parent of the code II/utility.electric. The hierarchy is explained in the example Searching for Industry Metadata.


      <results status="true">
        <industries results="5">
          <industry code="II/utility" name="Utilities"/>
          <industry code="II/utility.electric" name="Electric Utilities"/>
          <industry code="II/energy.alt" name="Renewable Energy"/>
          <industry code="II/energy.altequip" name="Renewable Energy Equipment"/>
          <industry code="II/utility.altelec" name="Alternative Electricity Generation"/>
  2. Using the awesome parameter in subject/search.

    This example searches for the list of top subjects related to wind using the search term "wind". Note the best subject element result for our search has a subject code of IS/lifesoc.renew representing Renewable Energy Resources. In a later news/search query example we will use this code attribute of the subject element from subject/search.

    Subject codes, like industry codes are hierarchical. For example, the code IS/lifesoc represents the Life and Society parent of the code IS/lifesoc.renew. The hierarchy is explained in the example Searching for Subject Metadata.


      <results status="true">
        <subjects results="5">
          <subject code="IS/lifesoc.envener" name="Energy Resources"/>
          <subject code="IS/lifesoc.weather" name="Weather News"/>
          <subject code="IS/lifesoc.storm" name="Storms"/>
          <subject code="IS/lifesoc.renew" name="Renewable Energy Resources"/>
          <subject code="IS/lifesoc.badstorm" name="Destructive Storms"/>
  3. Using the awesome parameter in geography/search.
    This example searches for the list of top locations related to the search term "US". Note the returned code LC/US is the one we want for this example. In a later news/search query example we will use this code attribute of the loc element from geography/search. Location codes follow the UN & ISO 3166 standard and are explained in the example Searching for Geographic Location Metadata.


      <results status="true">
        <locations results="3">
          <loc code="LC/US" name="United States, North America"/>
          <loc code="LU/vi..charamal" name="Charlotte Amalie, US Virgin Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands"/>
          <loc code="LC/UM" name="United States Minor Outlying Islands, North America"/>
  4. Using metadata codes in a news/search.

    This example uses the following metadata codes found in previous steps in the query parameter of news/search:

     <industry code="II/energy.alt" name="Renewable Energy"/>
    <industry code="II/utility.altelec" name="Alternative Electricity Generation"/>
    <subject code="IS/lifesoc.renew" name="Renewable Energy Resources"/>
    <loc code="LC/US" name="United States, North America"/>

    Use square brackets, [ ], in the query parameter of news/search to identify metadata to be searched. The formats are as follows:

    • Industry codes - [INDC: II/energy.alt] and [INDC: II/utility.altelec]
      For more about these formats see the example Using Industry Metadata in news/search Queries.
    • Subject codes - [SUBC:IS/lifesoc.renew]
      For more about these formats see the example Using Subject Metadata in news/search Queries.
    • Location codes - [GEOC:LC/US]
      For more about these formats see the example Using Geography Metadata in news/search Queries.

    In this example we also include the search term "wind" to help restrict the search to stories about wind alternative energy as apposed to geothermal, biomass, and others.

    https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session=935DA0B364E9E130F0EC3827FC3CCC9C&query=((wind and ([INDC:II/energy.alt] or [INDC:II/utility.altelec]) and [SUBC:IS/lifesoc.renew] and [GEOC:LC/US]))

    <searchResults searchKey="102131_20160229T112558924">
      <search startDate="20160129T000000-0500" endDate="20160229T112658-0500" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
          (((wind and ([INDC:II/energy.alt] or [INDC:II/utility.altelec]) and [SUBC:IS/lifesoc.renew] and [GEOC:LC/US])))
      <highlightTerms str="highlight=wind&locHighlight=LC%2FUS&indCodeHighlight=II%2Fenergy.alt,II%2Futility.altelec&subCodeHighlight=IS%2Flifesoc.renew">
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.019250158">...</result>
        <result score="0.30842876">...</result>
        <result score="0.09391141">...</result>
        <result score="0.025947515">...</result>
        <result score="0.082758226">...</result>
        <result score="0.0121144615">...</result>
        <result score="0.045343768">...</result>
        <result score="0.24948703">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="Daily_Oklahoman" name="Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City)" short-name="Daily Oklahoman">
            <provider code="MCT_____" name="McClatchy-Tribune Information Services">
              <service code="MCT-Regional" name="Regional News"/>
            <topness code="TRUE"/>
            <content-type code="Newspaper" name="Newspaper"/>
            <media-type code="Text" name="Text"/>
            <rights code="CLEARED" name="Licensed Feed"/>
          <packages> ... </packages>
          <headline>OG&E expedites work on new wind power line</headline>
          <language code="en"/>
    Feb. 27--Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. is moving up the construction timeline of a $190 million transmission line to help connect wind farms in northwestern Oklahoma, company executives said Friday. The utility said it will begin building the 126-mile Windspeed II line from Woodward to its Cimarron substation northwest of Oklahoma City early next year. The line is expected to be in service by ...</summary>
        <result score="0.085372776">...</result>
        <result score="0.09971909">...</result>
        <result score="0.40578946">...</result>
        <result score="0.92540234">...</result>
        <result score="0.6154884">...</result>
        <result score="0.24989164">...</result>
        <result score="0.063767605">...</result>
        <result score="0.58503723">...</result>
        <result score="0.10652846">...</result>
        <result score="0.49166372">...</result>
        <result score="0.045005295">...</result>
        <result score="0.40725893">...</result>
  5. Using the awesome parameter in company/search.
    You can also search for the top companies related to a search term. This example uses the search term "GE" to get the organization code of General Electric, a company that among other things manufactures wind turbines. In a later news/search query example we will use the General Electric Company's code attribute of the org element from company/search.


      <results status="true">
        <organizations results="5">
          <org code="1655421979" name="General Electric Company"/>
          <org code="2003348841" name="Ge-Shen Corporation Berhad"/>
          <org code="5011388127" name="Tian Ge Interactive Holdings Limited"/>
          <org code="1141493559" name="Gefran Sensori SRL"/>
          <org code="3433780162" name="Chongqing Tong Jun Ge Co. Ltd."/>
  6. Using organization and industry metadata codes in a news/search.

    This example searches for stories about General Electric and renewable energy equipment by using the following metadata codes found in earlier steps:

     <org code="1655421979" name="General Electric Company"/>
    <industry code="II/energy.altequip" name="Renewable Energy Equipment"/>

    The formats to use in the query parameter of news/search are as follows:

    https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session=935DA0B364E9E130F0EC3827FC3CCC9C&query=([COMC:1655421979] and [INDC:II/energy.altequip])

    <searchResults searchKey="102131_20160229T113347631">
      <search startDate="20160129T000000-0500" endDate="20160229T113447-0500" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
        <queryString>(([COMC:1655421979] and [INDC:II/energy.altequip]))</queryString>
      <highlightTerms str="comCodeHighlight=1655421979&indCodeHighlight=II%2Fenergy.altequip">
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.3308525">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="European_Patents" name="European Patents"  short-name="European Patents">
            <provider code="MICROPAT" name="MicroPatent">
              <service code="European_Patents" name="European Patents"/>
            <topness code="TRUE"/>
            <content-type code="Patent_Ab" name="Patent Abstract"/>
            <media-type code="Text" name="Text"/>
            <rights code="CLEARED" name="Licensed Feed"/>
              <entity name="Western Europe">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RB/weur</property>
                <property code="fullname">Western Europe</property>
              <entity name="Germany">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RC/DE</property>
                <property code="fullname">Germany</property>
              <entity name="Europe">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RR/eur</property>
                <property code="fullname">Europe</property>
              <entity name="Muenchen">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RU/de..munich</property>
                <property code="fullname">Muenchen, Germany</property>
              <entity name="Europe">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">GR/eur</property>
                <property code="fullname">Europe</property>
                <taxonomy code="Subject">
                  <classifier name="Business and Commerce" code="PX/biz">
                    <classifier name="Intellectual Property" code="PX/biz.intprop">
                      <classifier name="Patents and Trademarks" code="PX/biz.patents"></classifier>
          <copyrightline>(c) 2016 Micropatent LLC</copyrightline>
          <language code="en"/>
          <cluster cluster-publication-date="20160229T092200-0500" cluster-received-date="20160229T092200-0500">
            <cluster-result score="0.2587753">
              <type code="News"/>
              <source code="European_Patents" name="European Patents" short-name="European Patents">
                <provider code="MICROPAT" name="MicroPatent">
                  <service code="European_Patents" name="European Patents"/>
                <topness code="TRUE"/>
                <content-type code="Patent_Ab" name="Patent Abstract"/>
                <media-type code="Text" name="Text"/>
                <rights code="CLEARED" name="Licensed Feed"/>
                  <entity name="Western Europe">
                    <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RB/weur</property>
                    <property code="fullname">Western Europe</property>
                  <entity name="Germany">
                    <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RC/DE</property>
                    <property code="fullname">Germany</property>
                  <entity name="Europe">
                    <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RR/eur</property>
                    <property code="fullname">Europe</property>
                  <entity name="Muenchen">
                    <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RU/de..munich</property>
                    <property code="fullname">Muenchen, Germany</property>
                  <entity name="Europe">
                    <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">GR/eur</property>
                    <property code="fullname">Europe</property>
                    <taxonomy code="Subject">
                      <classifier name="Business and Commerce" code="PX/biz">
                        <classifier name="Intellectual Property" code="PX/biz.intprop">
                          <classifier name="Patents and Trademarks" code="PX/biz.patents"></classifier>
                <package code="NewsEdge"/>
                Method and apparatus for controlling a wind turbine
              <copyrightline>(c) 2016 Micropatent LLC</copyrightline>
              <language code="en"/>
        <result score="0.18953538">...</result>
        <result score="0.39292398">...</result>
        <result score="0.1554492">...</result>
        <result score="0.15507925">...</result>
        <result score="0.10314818">...</result>
        <result score="0.3237773">...</result>
        <result score="0.7070212">...</result>
        <result score="0.7070212">...</result>
        <result score="1.0"="false">...</result>
        <result score="0.33866426">...</result>
        <result score="0.39292398">...</result>
        <result score="0.39292398">...</result>
        <result score="0.39292398">...</result>
        <result score="0.21887815">...</result>
        <result score="0.2913598">...</result>
        <result score="0.0857145">...</result>
        <result score="0.14351143">...</result>
        <result score="0.1542136">...</result>
  7. Using the awesome parameter in taxonomy/search.

    The taxonomy/search request searches for subject, industry, and location metadata in one request. Appending the required awesome parameter retrieves the top subject, industry, and location codes related to the query search term.

    This example uses the same search term "wind", as was used in previous steps. The results for subjects and industries are the same as for earlier subject/search and industry/search requests. However, for our purposes the locations results are not useful.


      <results status="true">
        <subjects results="5">
          <subject code="IS/lifesoc.envener" name="Energy Resources"/>
          <subject code="IS/lifesoc.weather" name="Weather News"/>
          <subject code="IS/lifesoc.storm" name="Storms"/>
          <subject code="IS/lifesoc.renew" name="Renewable Energy Resources"/>
          <subject code="IS/lifesoc.badstorm" name="Destructive Storms"/>
        <industries results="5">
          <industry code="II/utility" name="Utilities"/>
          <industry code="II/utility.electric" name="Electric Utilities"/>
          <industry code="II/energy.alt" name="Renewable Energy"/>
          <industry code="II/energy.altequip" name="Renewable Energy Equipment"/>
          <industry code="II/utility.altelec" name="Alternative Electricity Generation"/>
        <locations results="4">
          <loc code="LU/us.pa.wingap" name="Wind Gap, Pennsylvania"/>
          <loc code="LU/us.sd.wndcav" name="Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota"/>
          <loc code="LU/us.wi.winake" name="Wind Lake, Wisconsin"/>
          <loc code="LU/us.pa.windge" name="Wind Ridge, Pennsylvania"/>
  8. Using the awesome parameter in source/search.
    This example searches for the top publisher sources that contain the search term "wind". Note there are only three sources that match this search.


      <results status="true">
        <sources results="3">
          <source code="SPD_windener" name="Wind Energy Update" short-name="Wind Energy Update" rights="linked" licensedPackage="0" weblinkedPackage="4" language="English"/>
          <source code="SPD_aweablog" name="Power of Wind" short-name="Power of Wind" rights="linked" licensedPackage="0" weblinkedPackage="3" language="English"/>
          <source code="SPD_RenewEnrgAcc" name="RenewableEnergyWorld.com" short-name="RenewableEnergyWorld.com" rights="linked" licensedPackage="0" weblinkedPackage="3" language="English"/>
  9. Using the awesome parameter in people/search.
    This example searches for the top people whose name contains the search term "Smith". All the metadata searches that use the parameter awesome=1 return up to five results, by default. Use the maxResults parameter in any of the metadata search APIs to return a different number. This example uses maxResults=10.


      <results status="true">
        <people results="10">
          <person code="2337907106" name="Brad Smith : EVP and General Counsel of Microsoft Corporation" lastname="Smith"/>
          <person code="2039137455" name="Fred Smith : Chairman, President and CEO of FedEx Corporation" lastname="Smith"/>
          <person code="3189844746" name="Benjamin Smith: President, Passenger Airlines of Air Canada" lastname="Smith"/>
          <person code="4018561459" name="Greg Smith : EVP, Business Development and Strategy and CFO of The Boeing Company" lastname="Smith"/>
          <person code="3622006133" name="Thomas S. Smith: President and CEO of Sotheby's" lastname="Smith"/>
          <person code="3199099250" name="Stacy Smith: EVP amd CFO of Intel Corporation" lastname="Smith"/>
          <person code="0851434586" name="Gary B Smith: President and CEO of Ciena Corporation" lastname="Smith"/>
          <person code="0930860427" name="Roland Smith: Chairman and CEO of Office Depot, Inc." lastname="Smith"/>
          <person code="3520027126" name="Sally Smith: President, CEO, and Director of Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc." lastname="Smith"/>
          <person code="2622614432" name="Jeffrey C. Smith: Chairman of Darden Restaurants, Inc." lastname="Smith"/>
  10. Using the awesome parameter in dictionary/search.
    The dictionary/search request searches for metadata key words that match a query search term. If the request includes the awesome parameter in dictionary/search, the results contain the top words related to the search term of the query.


      <results status="true">
        <words results="5">
          <word name="energy"/>
          <word name="energy.com"/>
          <word name="energyinsights"/>
          <word name="energy.gov"/>
          <word name="energystar"/>
Using Company Metadata in news/search Queries

To search for stories by company metadata, use the formats from the following table in the query parameter of news/search. (To get metadata values about a specific company, use company/search.)

Metadata Query in news/search Company Metadata Fields Searched
[COM:company-name] company name field
[COMC:company-code] company code field
[COM:"search string"] a company name matching the quoted search-string
[COM:/ticker-symbol] all exchanges for the matching ticker-symbol
[COM:/exchange.ticker-symbol] the specified exchange for the matching ticker-symbol
[COM:/acorn=number] a unique ACquire media ORganizational Number (ACORN) field matching the specified number.
[COM:/number] an Orbis ID, CUSIP or ISIN matching the specified number
[COM:/orbisid=number] an Orbis ID field matching the specified number
[COM:/cusip=number] a CUSIP field matching the specified number
[COM:/isin=number] an ISIN field matching the specified number
Perform the COM search and then filter the results based on the .use property, which indicates how much a story is about a company. The value can be one of the following use categories:
  1. mention - the story has a mention of the company.
  2. primary - the story is strongly related to the company
  3. parent - the story is related to the parent company.

The values are relative, for example:

  • If [. . .].use=primary, the results will include stories tagged as the primary category.
  • If [. . .].use>mention, the results will include stories tagged as theprimary category.
  1. Searching by Ticker Symbol.
    This example search for news stories based on the General Motors ticker symbol, GM. Because a symbol might represent different companies on the various exchanges around the world, include the exchange in the request.


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160322T081844022">
      <search startDate="20160221T230000-0500" endDate="20160322T081944-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <highlightTerms str="comHighlight=%2FNYSE.GM">
      <results status="true">...</results>
  2. Searching by ACORN number.
    An ACORN number (also known as an ACquire media ORganizational Number) is a good way to narrow a search for news about a specific company because it is guaranteed to be unique. This example uses the ACORN number for Exxon (3820784326) found by using company/search with the parameter query=(Exxon).


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160322T081844022">
      <search startDate="20160221T230000-0500" endDate="20160322T081944-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <highlightTerms str="comHighlight=%2Facorn%3D3820784326">
      <results status="true">...</results>
Using Industry Metadata in news/search Queries

To search for stories by industry metadata, use the formats from the following table in the query parameter of news/search. (To get metadata values about a specific industry, use industry/search.)

Metadata Query in news/search Industry Metadata Fields Searched
[IND:searchTerm] industry name and code for the stem of the searchTerm
[INDC:industry-code] search only the industry code.
Perform the industry search and then filter for results based on the grade property. Grades are a measure of how well the story matches the industry code. An A story matches extremely well, a B story matches pretty well, a C story matches OK and a D story barely matches. By default D stories are not included in the results of a search.

The values are relative, for example:

  • If [. . .].grade=b, the results will include stories tagged with an industry grade of b.
  • If [. . .].grade>c, the results will include stories tagged with industry grades of a and b.
  1. Search for stories by industry code and grade.
    This example uses the industry code for Central Banks, ii/finserv.centbank, which was found by using industry/search with the parameter query=(banking). The search also restricts the results to stories that are A grade, which match very well as being about central banks.


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160323T074555115">
      <search startDate="20160222T230000-0500" endDate="20160323T074655-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <highlightTerms str="indCodeHighlight=ii%2Ffinserv.centbank">...</highlightTerms>
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.30453095">...</result>
        <result score="0.30453095">...</result>
        <result score="0.25628155">...</result>
        <result score="0.76877266">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="Marketwatch" name="Marketwatch" short-name="Marketwatch">...</source>
            UPDATE: Dollar pushes higher against yen after Fed officials' comments
          <language code="en"/>
          <cluster cluster-publication-date="20160323T071000-0400" cluster-received-date="20160323T071000-0400">...</cluster>
          <summary>The dollar briefly touched another 17-month low against. the yen Wednesday after the release of minutes from the Federal Reserve’s March meeting showed signs of uncertainty about when to raise interest rates next. The dollar traded as low as...</summary>
        <result score="0.5762963">...</result>
        <result score="0.2972584">...</result>
        <result score="0.25004792">...</result>
        <result score="0.25004792">...</result>
        <result score="0.7500718">...</result>
        <result score="0.7500718">...</result>
        <result score="0.6587832">...</result>
        <result score="0.41678646">...</result>
        <result score="0.74999994">...</result>
        <result score="0.2972584">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="0.75014377">...</result>
        <result score="0.7499281">...</result>
        <result score="0.7500718">...</result>
        <result score="0.7341584">...</result>
        <result score="0.64286983">...</result>
Using Geography Metadata in news/search Queries

To search for stories by geography metadata, use the formats from the following table in the query parameter of news/search. (To get metadata values about a specific geographic location, use geography/search.)

Metadata Query in news/search Geography Metadata Fields Searched
[GEO:searchTerm] search the location name or location code field for the stem of the searchTerm.
[GEO:"search string"] search the Geography metadata for the name matching the quoted search-string
[GEOC:location-code] search by the location code.
Perform the geography search and then filter the results based on the .use property, which indicates how much a story is about a location. The value can be one of the following use categories:
  1. mention - the story has a mention of the location but it is not about the location.
  2. secondary - the story is related to the location.
  3. primary - the story is about to the location.

The values are relative, for example:

  • If [. . .].use>=secondary, the results will include stories tagged as the secondary and primary categories.
  • If [. . .].use>mention, the results will include stories tagged as the secondary and primary categories.
  1. Search for stories by location metadata.
    This example searches for stories about Iowa and polling. The geographic location code for the state of Iowa, ls/us.ia, is obtained using geography/search with the parameter query=(Iowa).

    https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session=935DA0B364E9E130F0EC3827FC3CCC9C&query=([GEOC:ls/us.ia] and polling)

    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160323T080403714">
      <search startDate="20160222T230000-0500" endDate="20160323T080503-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
        <queryString>(([GEOC:ls/us.ia] and polling))</queryString>
      <highlightTerms str="highlight=polling&locHighlight=ls%2Fus.ia">...</highlightTerms>
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.004695357">...</result>
        <result score="0.008167884">...</result>
        <result score="0.48462358">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="PR_Newswire_EN" name="PR Newswire" short-name="PR Newswire">...</source>
            New Poll: Solar Energy Could Push Independent Voters in Critical Swing States
          <language code="en"/>
          <summary>ALEXANDRIA, Va., March 22, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Independent voters in key swing states would be more likely to vote for a Republican candidate who vocally supported solar energy, according to a new poll by Public Opinion Strategies. When asked about the impact of a Republican candidate showing</summary>
        <result score="0.0066640223">...</result>
        <result score="0.004192157">...</result>
        <result score="0.007257847">...</result>
        <result score="0.0038653186">...</result>
        <result score="0.006132184">...</result>
        <result score="0.006309355">...</result>
        <result score="0.0041405503">...</result>
        <result score="0.004043034">...</result>
        <result score="0.0041594803">...</result>
        <result score="0.007417059">...</result>
        <result score="0.0047410396">...</result>
        <result score="0.008738618"">...</result>
        <result score="0.007175679">...</result>
        <result score="0.0071166414">...</result>
        <result score="0.007286964">...</result>
        <result score="0.007352985">...</result>
Using People Metadata in news/search Queries

To search for stories by people metadata, use the formats from the following table in the query parameter of news/search. (To get metadata values about a specific person, use people/search.)

Metadata Query in news/search People Metadata Fields Searched
[PEO:searchTerm] search the person name or person code field for the stem of the searchTerm.
[PEO:"search string"] search the people metadata for the name matching the quoted search-string.

search by the Acquire media Person Identification Number (APIN).

An APIN is a 10 digit numerical identifier for important business and political people. The value of the property with a code of "use" will have the value "author" which indicates that the value of this property is the person who holds the byline of the story. Please note that a person entity may have both an apin and use property.

[PEO:searchTerm].use=authorThe story is authored by the person as presented in the story byline.
  1. Search for stories by people code.
    This example searches for stories that are tagged with the name Warren Buffett. His APIN number (3655490420) is obtained by using people/search with the parameter query=(Buffett).


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160323T082504326">
      <search startDate="20160222T230000-0500" endDate="20160323T082604-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <highlightTerms str="peoCodeHighlight=3655490420">
        <totalResults partialTotal="true">60</totalResults>
        <totalPages partialTotal="true">3</totalPages>
      <results status="true">...</results>
Using Subject Metadata in news/search Queries

To search for stories by subject metadata, use the formats from the following table in the query parameter of news/search. (To get metadata values about a specific subject, use subject/search.)

Metadata Query in news/search Subject Metadata Fields Searched
[SUB:searchTerm] search the subject name and code for the stem of the searchTerm
[SUBC:subject-code] search only the subject code.
Perform the subject search and then filter for results based on the grade property. Grades are a measure of how well the story matches the subject code. An A story matches extremely well, a B story matches pretty well, a C story matches OK and a D story barely matches. By default D stories are not included in the results of a search.

The values are relative, for example:

  • If [. . .].grade=b, the results will include stories tagged with n subject grade of b.
  • If [. . .].grade>c, the results will include stories tagged with subject grades of a and b.
  1. Searching stories by subject code.
    This example searches for stories about Digital Rights in music using the subject code is/biz.digright, obtained by using subject/search with the parameter query=(music). The search is further refined by searching only for stories that have a grade of A related to the subject.


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160323T084033404">
      <search startDate="20160222T230000-0500" endDate="20160323T084133-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <highlightTerms str="subCodeHighlight=is%2Fbiz.digright">...</highlightTerms>
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.43865088">...</result>
        <result score="0.75055456">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="U_S__Patents" name="U.S. Patents" short-name="U.S. Patents">...</source>
            <package code="NewsEdge"/>
            Device using secure processing zone to establish trust for digital rights management
          <copyrightline>(c) 2016 Micropatent LLC</copyrightline>
          <language code="en"/>
        <result score="0.75055456">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="U_S__Patents" name="U.S. Patents" short-name="U.S. Patents">...</source>
          <headline>System and method for digital user authentication</headline>
          <copyrightline>(c) 2016 Micropatent LLC</copyrightline>
          <language code="en"/>
        <result score="0.6258318">...</result>
        <result score="0.6257931">...</result>
        <result score="0.33337206">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="0.7505932">...</result>
        <result score="0.7505932">...</result>
        <result score="0.7505932">...</result>
        <result score="0.6257931">...</result>
        <result score="0.75055456">...</result>
        <result score="0.3708047">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="0.3708864">...</result>
        <result score="0.7403337">...</result>

Searching for Company Metadata
Recall that in Searching for Company News we introduced how to get company metadata and search for news based on the metadata. This section shows more about using company/search to find company information.
Finding Companies with company/search
Using Company Metadata in company/search Queries
Finding Companies with company/search
  1. Finding public or private companies.

    The default results of company/search show public companies. Use the facet parameter of company/search to find public, private, or both kinds of companies. This example lists the private companies for a query of Microsoft.

    See also the childFilter parameter of company/search to filter child company details.


    <entity-list totalHits="59">
      <entity tickers="1">
        <name>Branch of Microsoft Colombia Inc</name>
        <short-name>Branch Microsoft Colombia</short-name>
      <entity tickers="1">
        <name>Microsoft AB</name>
        <short-name>Microsoft AB</short-name>
        <parent more-children="true">
          <name>Microsoft Corporation</name>
       . . .
  2. Finding company parent-child (subsidiary) relationships.


    <entity-list totalHits="7">
      <entity hit="false">
        <name>Boges Limited</name>
        <children partial="false">
          <child more-children="false" hit="true" tickers="1">
            <name>Boguchanskaya Ges Oao</name>
            <short-name>Boguchanskaya Ges</short-name>
              <exchange>Russian Trading System</exchange>
      <entity hit="true" tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity hit="false">...</entity>
      <entity hit="true" tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity hit="true" tickers="3">...</entity>
      <entity hit="true" tickers="8">
        <name>General Electric Company</name>
          <exchange>Swiss Exchange</exchange>
        <children partial="true" count="2"/>
      <entity hit="true" tickers="2">...</entity>
  3. Filtering out companies that have no stories.
    The docfreq element from company/search indicates the number of times a company has been tagged in stories. This example shows how to filter out companies that are not in any stories by setting the excludeEmptyDocFreq parameter of company/search to 1.

    https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/company/search?session=935DA0B364E9E130F0EC3827FC3CCC9C&query=("Cisco Systems Inc")&excludeEmptyDocFreq=1

    <entity-list totalHits="12">
      <entity tickers="1"></entity>
      <entity tickers="1"></entity>
      <entity tickers="1"></entity>
      <entity tickers="1"></entity>
      <entity tickers="1"></entity>
      <entity tickers="1"></entity>
      <entity tickers="1"></entity>
      <entity tickers="1"></entity>
      <entity tickers="1"></entity>
      <entity tickers="20">
        <name>Cisco Systems Inc.</name>
          <exchange>NASDAQ National Market</exchange>
        <children count="76">
      <entity tickers="1"></entity>
      <entity tickers="1"></entity>
  4. Filtering Company Ticker Results.

    A company's security trading metadata is represented in a ticker element from company/search. Companies that trade on more than one exchange will have additional ticker elements, with one exchange designated as the company's reference ticker. By default, company/search returns only the reference ticker element. Set the referenceOnly parameter of company/search to 0 to return metadata for all tickers, as shown in this example.

    Acquire Media categorizes ticker metadata using an Acquire Media Security Type for Equity Listing (AMSTEL). A company's ticker category is identified in the amstel element from company/search. Valid amstel values include EQUITY, BOND, ADR, INDEX, FUND. To filter the returned ticker results by AMSTEL values, use a combination of the includeAmstel and excludeAmstel parameters in a company/search.


    <entity-list totalHits="34">
      <entity tickers="1">
        <name>Abc Banking Corp Ltd</name>
        <short-name>Abc Banking</short-name>
          <exchange>Mauritius Stock Exchange</exchange>
      <entity tickers="2">
        <name>Al Baraka Banking Group B.S.C.</name>
        <short-name>Albaraka Banking</short-name>
          <exchange>Bahrain Stock Exchange</exchange>
        <children count="2">...</children>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="2">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="7">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="2">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="5">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="3">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="18">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="4">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="5">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="2">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="7">...</entity>
  5. Sorting Company Results.

    By default, the results of company/search list the companies alphabetically by name. You can instead sort by highest to lowest document frequency, which is the number of times the company is tagged in stories. This example shows how to sort the list of companies by document frequency by setting the sort parameter of company/search to the docFreq value.


    <entity-list totalHits="7">
      <entity tickers="8">
        <name>General Electric Company</name>
          <exchange>Swiss Exchange</exchange>
        <children count="2">
            <name>Bank BPH Spólka Akcyjna</name>
            <exchange>Warsaw Stock Exchange</exchange>
            <name>Cembra Money Bank AG</name>
            <exchange>Swiss Exchange</exchange>
      <entity tickers="1">
        <name>Ge-Shen Corporation Berhad</name>
        <short-name>Ge Shen</short-name>
          <exchange>Malaysian Exchange of Securities Dealing & Automat</exchange>
      <entity tickers="2">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="3">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
      <entity tickers="1">...</entity>
Using Company Metadata in company/search Queries
To find companies by searching in specific metadata fields, use the following formats in the query parameter of company/search.
Metadata Query in company/search Company Metadata Fields Searched
acorn:number The acorn field, Acquire Media's unique ten digit identification number for a company.
amstel:value the ticker Amstel value indicating the type of security. Values include: EQUITY, BOND, ADR, INDEX, and FUND.
orbisid:numberthe company orbisid number field.
cusip:numberthe company CUSIP number field.
exchange:exchange-namea ticker exchange on which companies are traded.
exchangecountry:country an exchange's country. For example, [exchangecountry:UK]
exchangemic:MICA ticker exchange market identifier code (MIC) for companies.
exchangename:short-nameAn exchange short name. For example, [exchangename:NASDAQ-NMS]
exchangesm:exchange Search with stemming in exchange field.
exchangest:exchange Search with stop-word filtering in the exchange field.
exchangestsm:exchangeSearch with stop-word filtering and stemming in the exchange field.
isin:number The ISIN field, a company's International Securities Identification Number (ISIN).
name:company-nameThe company name as maintained by Acquire Media.
namesm:company-nameSearch with stemming in the company name field.
namest:company-nameSearch with stop-word filtering in the company name field.
namestartwith:wordSearch by the first word of company name. This search is not supported in a quoted phrase search. A wildcard character is not allowed in either the first or the second character positions.
namestl:XSearch by the starting letter of company name. For example, [namestl:B] returns results of companies whose names start with B.
namestsm:company-nameSearch by the starting letter of company name with stop-word filtering and stemming.
symbol:ticker-symbolSearch by company ticker symbol. To restrict the search to a specific exchange, see the ticker metadata search in this table.
synonym:name Search by company synonym.
synonymsm:nameSearch by company synonym with stemming.
synonymst:nameSearch by company synonym with stop-word filtering.
synonymstartwith:word Search by the first word of company synonym. This search is not supported in a quoted phrase search. A wildcard character is not allowed in either the first or the second character positions.
synonymstsm:name Search by the first word of company synonym with stop-word filtering and stemming.
ticker:exchange-name:symbolSearch by a combination of exchange-name and company ticker symbol.
ultacorn:number Search for companies whose parent has this ACORN number.
  1. Searching for companies by metadata.
    This example returns the company with Orbis id 006741192.


    <entity-list totalHits="1">
      <entity tickers="20">
        <name>Cisco Systems Inc.</name>
          <exchange>NASDAQ National Market</exchange>
        <children count="76">

Improving News Search Results

There are many features and techniques to use for improving your search results. For example, take note of a particularly appropriate story from the results you have so far, then look at that story's metadata. Use the metadata to refine your original search. On the other hand, take note of a particularly poor result and use a NOT clause in the query to avoid inappropriate results. Consider also the following tips for your searches:

  • Add to your query another metadata AND clause or consider using a metatdata NOT clause to avoid unnecessary results.
  • When searching with company or geography metadata, try adding to the metadata query term the attribute .use=primary or other combinations.
  • When searching with industry or subject metadata, try adding to the metadata query term the attribute .grade>C or other combinations.

Many parameters are available in news/search to control the search and results returned. Consider the following issues and related parameters when putting together a news search:

  1. Build a Search Query - Use the following parameters to assemble a search query:
    • query
    • addlQuery
    • savedSearch
  2. Refine the Search Query - Use the following parameters to further control how the search performs:
    • searchDate, startDate, endDate
    • fastSearch
    • stem
  3. Filter the Results - Use the following parameters to narrow which results are returned:
    • relevanceCutOff
    • busRelCutOff
    • filterLicensedPkg
    • filterWebLinkedPkg
    • includeNRC
    • includeProvDup
  4. Organize the Results - Use the following parameters to group and sort the results returned.
    • sort
    • dedup
    • cluster
    • resultsPerPage, page
  5. Present the Results - Use the following parameters to control what data is returned and how the results display:
    • highlight
    • minimum
    • summary
    • metadata
    • entity
    • taxonomy
    • providerCode

The following examples show how to use many of these parameters.

Setting the Timeframe of a Search
Sorting News Search Results
Filtering News Search Results
Removing Duplicate Stories
Grouping Similar Stories (Clustering)
Controlling News Results Presentation
Setting the Timeframe of a Search
The default search timeframe is today (current date) for news/search as well as savedsearch/create and savedsearch/update. For internalnews/get the default search timeframe is all, which represents all dates from the earliest date the server indexed stories up to today. The following examples show how to set a different timeframe for searches.
  1. Searching with preset timeframes.

    To use one of the preset timeframes, use the searchDate parameter in news/search as well as in savedsearch/create, savedsearch/update, and internalnews/get. Valid values include today, yesterday, past7days, past14days, past21days, past30days, etc. See news/search for additional supported values.

    This example runs a query on a saved search (a Drug Trials search) with the parameter searchDate=past30days to create a monthly report.


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160325T091800777">
      <search startDate="20160224T230000-0500" endDate="20160325T091900-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
          ([INDC:ii/hcare.pharma] and [SUBC:is/haw.clinical] and [SUBC:is/haw.drugappr])
      <highlightTerms str="indCodeHighlight=ii%2Fhcare.pharma&subCodeHighlight=is%2Fhaw.clinical,is%2Fhaw.drugappr">...</highlightTerms>
        <totalResults partialTotal="true">92</totalResults>
        <totalPages partialTotal="true">5</totalPages>
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.12835304">...</result>
        <result score="0.16601285">...</result>
        <result score="0.26235962">...</result>
        <result score="0.6031213">...</result>
        <result score="0.3632757">...</result>
        <result score="0.17924353">...</result>
        <result score="0.9111098">...</result>
        <result score="0.49138954">...</result>
        <result score="0.32440838">...</result>
        <result score="0.6521338">...</result>
        <result score="0.47952175">...</result>
        <result score="0.16950446">...</result>
        <result score="0.2916358">...</result>
        <result score="0.29219216">...</result>
        <result score="0.19482414">...</result>
        <result score="0.22436215">...</result>
        <result score="0.14035134">...</result>
        <result score="0.11850299">...</result>
        <result score="0.32440838">...</result>
        <result score="0.1271843">...</result>
  2. Searching with custom timeframes.

    To use a specific timeframe other than the preset values available for news/search, savedsearch/create, and savedsearch/update, use the startDate and endDate parameters together. The date and time format for the API parameters is: yyyymmddThhmmss-hhmm

    For example, October 1, 2016 at 5:12:30 PM in the Eastern US time zone is: 20161001T171230-0500.

    The format is described as follows:

    mmmonth, where 01=January, 02= February, and so on
    ddday of the month in two digits such as 01, 02, and so on
    TA divider between date and time.
    hhhour in 24 hour format
    mm minute
    -hhmmA time zone offset from Greenwich Mean Time.

    The following query finds stories about Exxon (ACORN value found using company/search) for the month of April 2016.


    <searchResults searchKey="102130_20160531T144719845">
      <search startDate="20160401T000000-0400" endDate="20160430T235900-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <highlightTerms str="comHighlight=%2Facorn%3D3820784326">
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.020196835">...</result>
        <result score="0.502758">...</result>
        <result score="0.017409567">...</result>
        <result score="0.019563472">...</result>
        <result score="0.7503868">...</result>
        <result score="0.051806152">...</result>
        <result score="0.5872853">...</result>
        <result score="0.7503868">...</result>
        <result score="0.031161249">...</result>
        <result score="0.17742078">...</result>
        <result score="0.21181366">...</result>
        <result score="0.2241756">...</result>
        <result score="0.05232193">...</result>
        <result score="0.023212757">...</result>
        <result score="0.37855673">...</result>
        <result score="0.03289324">...</result>
        <result score="0.12454201">...</result>
        <result score="0.012509912">...</result>
        <result score="0.2241756">...</result>
        <result score="0.023212757">...</result>
Sorting News Search Results

Use the sort parameter of news/search to sort by receiveDate (default), publicationDate, or relevance. The sort parameter is also available with internalnews/get, savedsearch/create, savedsearch/update, and storyfolder/info. See also the orderBy parameter of storyfolder/create.

This example shows how to sort the stories of a news search results by relevance, which measures how well a story fits the search terms. A higher value is more relevant. The relevance value is in the score attribute of the result element from news/search, in a range between 0 and 1.

  1. Sorting news results by relevance.

    This example searches for news using the Industry code for Alternative Electricity Generation (obtained from an industry/search query) or the Subject code for Renewable Energy Resources (obtained from a subject/search query) . The parameter sort=relevance then sorts the results.

    In the results, the type of sort used is indicated by the sorting attribute of the search element from news/search.

    https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session=935DA0B364E9E130F0EC3827FC3CCC9C&query=([INDC:ii/utility.altelec] OR [SUBC:is/lifesoc.renew])&sort=relevance

    <searchResults searchKey="112030_20160325T112459584">
      <search startDate="20160324T000000-0400" endDate="20160325T112559-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="relevance" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
          (([INDC:ii/utility.altelec] OR [SUBC:is/lifesoc.renew]))
      <highlightTerms str="indCodeHighlight=ii%2Futility.altelec&subCodeHighlight=is%2Flifesoc.renew">...</highlightTerms>
      <results status="true">
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="0.96409297">...</result>
        <result score="0.90659446">...</result>
        <result score="0.90659446">...</result>
        <result score="0.89549065">...</result>
        <result score="0.89549065">...</result>
        <result score="0.89534557">...</result>
        <result score="0.83799213">...</result>
        <result score="0.8379622">...</result>
        <result score="0.7652469">...</result>
        <result score="0.76510185">...</result>
        <result score="0.7611039">...</result>
        <result score="0.69250154">...</result>
        <result score="0.6772546">...</result>
        <result score="0.67311174">...</result>
        <result score="0.6306093">...</result>
        <result score="0.60067296">...</result>
        <result score="0.52455735">...</result>
        <result score="0.49907452">...</result>
        <result score="0.45726562">...</result>
Filtering News Search Results
The following examples show how to use several parameters to filter the results returned from news/search.
  1. Filter results by relevance.

    Use the relevanceCutOff parameter of news/search to filter out stories by relevance, which is a measure of how close a story is to the search terms of the query. The higher the value, the closer it is to matching the query. The values for relevanceCutOff are 0 to 99. The relevanceCutOff parameter is also available with savedsearch/create and savedsearch/update.

    This example uses relevanceCutOff=50, to get stories with a relevance value of 50 percent or more. Stories that are lower will be filtered out of the results. Recall that the previous sort example (about Alternative Electricity Generation or Renewable Energy Resources) sorted the results by relevance. Note in this example, the number of results are reduced from the number of the original sort example.

    https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session=935DA0B364E9E130F0EC3827FC3CCC9C&query=([INDC:ii/utility.altelec] OR [SUBC:is/lifesoc.renew])&sort=relevance&relevanceCutOff=50

    <searchResults searchKey="112030_20160325T112947715">
      <search startDate="20160324T000000-0400" endDate="20160325T113047-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="relevance" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="50" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
          (([INDC:ii/utility.altelec] OR [SUBC:is/lifesoc.renew]))
      <highlightTerms str="indCodeHighlight=ii%2Futility.altelec&subCodeHighlight=is%2Flifesoc.renew">...</highlightTerms>
      <results status="true">
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="0.93541354">...</result>
        <result score="0.93541354">...</result>
        <result score="0.92803">...</result>
        <result score="0.92803">...</result>
        <result score="0.92787766">...</result>
        <result score="0.8680217">...</result>
        <result score="0.86344355">...</result>
        <result score="0.7871765">...</result>
        <result score="0.7870242">...</result>
        <result score="0.7828794">...</result>
        <result score="0.7109093">...</result>
        <result score="0.69922864">...</result>
        <result score="0.69493157">...</result>
        <result score="0.65049005">...</result>
        <result score="0.6190797">...</result>
        <result score="0.539234">...</result>
        <result score="0.50818604">...</result>
  2. Filter results by business relevance.

    Use the busRelCutOff parameter of news/search to filter out stories based on exceeding a business relevance threshold, which is a measure based on company, industry and subject metadata codes related to business. The higher the percentage, the more tightly focused your results will be toward business matters. Values are from 0 to 99, where 0 is no relevance and 99 is excellent relevance. The busRelCutOff parameter is also available with internalnews/get, savedsearch/create, and savedsearch/update.

    This example uses the same query as the previous step about Alternative Electricity Generation or Renewable Energy Resources, but it includes the parameter busRelCutOff=80. The minimum parameter from news/search is also required to display the business relevance values, which are in the business-relevance element from news/search, a sub-element of the result element.

    https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session=935DA0B364E9E130F0EC3827FC3CCC9C&query=([INDC:ii/utility.altelec] OR [SUBC:is/lifesoc.renew])&minimum=0&busRelCutOff=80

    <searchResults searchKey="112030_20160325T114213738">
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          (([INDC:ii/utility.altelec] OR [SUBC:is/lifesoc.renew]))
      <highlightTerms str="indCodeHighlight=ii%2Futility.altelec&subCodeHighlight=is%2Flifesoc.renew">...</highlightTerms>
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          <source code="Edgar_Glimpses" name="Edgar Glimpses" short-name="Edgar Glimpses">...</source>
            REX AMERICAN RESOURCES CORP - 10-K - Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
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          <source code="ENP_Newswire" name="ENP Newswire" short-name="ENP Newswire">...</source>
            Douglas-Westwood - Offshore Wind, 2016 a Pivotal Year
          <copyrightline>(c) 2016 Electronic News Publishing -</copyrightline>
          <language code="en"/>
        <result score="0.12385383">...</result>
        <result score="0.24153234">...</result>
        <result score="0.90435857">...</result>
        <result score="0.2187847">...</result>
        <result score="0.033855837">...</result>
        <result score="0.75684077">...</result>
        <result score="0.834755">...</result>
        <result score="0.4487627">...</result>
        <result score="0.7608488">...</result>
        <result score="0.07231698">...</result>
        <result score="0.07231698">...</result>
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        <result score="0.113040216">...</result>
        <result score="0.022927301">...</result>
        <result score="0.4911837">...</result>
        <result score="0.76099616">...</result>
        <result score="0.07469721">...</result>
  3. Filter results by licensed or Weblinked packages.

    Licensed or WebLinked packages are applicable to customers subscribing to Acquire Media content packages. Confirm with your Acquire Media Administrator which packages you subscribe to. You filter for these packages by using the filterLicensedPkg and filterWebLinkedPkg parameters with news/search, savedsearch/create and savedsearch/update.

    Use the filterLicensedPkg parameter to filter for licensed packages that include CS-Essential, CS-Core, CS-Pro, or CS-Extended. Use a value of NONE to filter out all licensed stores. CS-Essential is the smallest package of global, major-brand online sources whereas CS-Extended includes all licensed packages. See the filterLicensedPkg parameter of news/search for more details.

    Use the filterWebLinkedPkg parameter to filter for Web Linked packages that include WL-Essential, WL-Core, WL-Pro, or WL-Extended. Use a value of NONE to filter out all Web Linked stores. WL-Essential are the smallest package of global, major-brand online sources such as AP, New York Times, CNN, and others, whereas CS-Extended includes all Web Linked packages. See the filterWebLinkedPkg parameter of news/search for more details.

    This example uses the query from the previous step and then filters out the Web Linked packages and filters to include the licensed CS-Core package. Note the packages element from news/search results.

    https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session=935DA0B364E9E130F0EC3827FC3CCC9C&query=([INDC:ii/utility.altelec] OR [SUBC:is/lifesoc.renew])&filterWebLinkedPkg=NONE&filterLicensedPkg=CS-core

    <searchResults searchKey="112030_20160325T124449428">
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          (([INDC:ii/utility.altelec] OR [SUBC:is/lifesoc.renew]))
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            REX AMERICAN RESOURCES CORP - 10-K - Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
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          <source code="ADP_Renewable_En" name="SeeNews Renewables" short-name="SeeNews Renewables">...</source>
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            <package code="CCS"/>
            Brazil's CPFL starts 800-kWp solar research project in Sao Paulo
          <language code="en"/>
    March 25 (SeeNews) - Power company CPFL Energia SA (BVMF:CPFE3) said Thursday it has initiated an 800-kWp solar microgeneration research project in Sao Paulo state.The Telhados Solares project will require BRL 14.8 million (USD 4m/EUR 3.6m) in investments. It involves the connection of 200 solar systems installed at CPFL's residential and commercial consumers in Campinas city.Scheduled for ...</summary>
        <result score="0.9025261">...</result>
        <result score="0.9025261">...</result>
        <result score="0.21878335">...</result>
        <result score="0.7554435">...</result>
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Removing Duplicate Stories
De-duplication removes stories from the search that are identical or nearly so. For example, stories with the same headline published within a 36 hour time period are considered duplicates. De-duplication is controlled with the dedup parameter of news/search, savedsearch/create, and savedsearch/update.
  1. Removing duplicate news search results (default)
    The default for the dedup parameter of news/search is 1, which removes duplicate stories from results.


    <searchResults searchKey="112030_20160325T164052908">
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            Rockefeller Fund to Cut Exxon Holdings on Climate-Change Worries
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          <summary>The Rockefeller Family Fund said on Wednesday it will divest from fossil fuels as quickly as possible and "eliminate holdings" of Exxon Mobil Corp., saying the oil company associated with the family fortune has misled the public about climate change risks. The U.S.-based charity will also...</summary>
        <result score="0.014740289">...</result>
        <result score="0.024260031">...</result>
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        <result score="0.18591826">...</result>
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  2. Including duplicate news search results
    To include duplicates, use dedup=0 in news/search. Note the stories expanded in the results are duplicates, one of which was not included in the previous step.


    <searchResults searchKey="112030_20160325T164026058">
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            Rockefeller family charity to withdraw all investments in fossil fuel companies.
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          <summary>The Rockefeller Family Fund, a charitable arm of the oil rich family, has pledged to divest all of its financial investments from fossil fuel companies. "It makes little sense financially or ethically to continue holding investments in these companies," the RFF said...</summary>
        <result score="0.021246985">...</result>
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        <result score="0.39945835">...</result>
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              <item href="https://www.newsmax.com/..."></item>
           Rockefeller Fund to Cut Exxon Holdings on Climate-Change Worries
          <language code="en"></language>
          <summary>The Rockefeller Family Fund said on Wednesday it will divest from fossil fuels as quickly as possible and "eliminate holdings" of Exxon Mobil Corp., saying the oil company associated with the family fortune has misled the public about climate change risks. The U.S.-based charity will also...</summary>
        <result score="0.0244889">...</result>
        <result score="0.014740289">...</result>
        <result score="0.024260031">...</result>
        <result score="0.23487231">...</result>
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        <result score="0.18591826">...</result>
        <result score="0.18591826">...</result>
        <result score="0.0244889">...</result>
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Grouping Similar Stories (Clustering)
Clustering groups stories together that are highly similar but not identical. For example, a press release might have similar stories clustered under it that have small modifications by other sources about the original story. Clustering is controlled with the cluster parameter of news/search, savedsearch/create, and savedsearch/update.
  1. Clustering news search results (default)
    The default for the cluster parameter of news/search is 1, which clusters stories in the results.


    <searchResults searchKey="112030_20160325T173517558">
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                <property code="fullname">New York City, New York</property>
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                  <classifier name="General News" code="PX/gen"></classifier>
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            <package code="CCS"/>
            Gasoline Prices Will Be Low for Easter, but Don't Get Used to It
          <copyrightline>(c) 2016 The New York Times Company</copyrightline>
          <language code="en"/>
          <cluster cluster-publication-date="20160325T000000-0400" cluster-received-date="20160325T000000-0400">
            <cluster-result score="0.077363856">
              <type code="News"/>
              <source code="NYT_Online" name="New York Times Online" short-name="New York Times Online">
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                  <service code="NYT_Web" name="Online"/>
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                <content-type code="Newspaper" name="Newspaper"/>
                <media-type code="Text" name="Text"/>
                <rights code="CLEARED" name="Licensed Feed"/>
                Gas Prices Will Be Low for Easter, but Don’t Get Used to It
              <copyrightline>Copyright 2016 The New York Times Company</copyrightline>
              <language code="en"/>
              <summary>HOUSTON — With gasoline prices at their lowest point for the Easter weekend since 2004, holiday travelers have something to cheer about. But they better fill up their tanks fast. Prices at the pump are climbing quickly as oil prices firm and the summer driving season approaches. On Thursday...</summary>
          <summary>HOUSTON — With gasoline prices at their lowest point for the Easter weekend since 2004, holiday travelers have something to cheer about. But they better fill up their tanks fast. Prices at the pump are climbing quickly as oil prices firm and the summer driving season approaches. On Thursday...</summary>
        <result score="0.012223867">...</result>
        <result score="0.0147111425">...</result>
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  2. Un-clustering news search results
    To uncluster stories, use cluster=0 in news/search.


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            Gasoline Prices Will Be Low for Easter, but Don't Get Used to It
          <copyrightline>(c) 2016 The New York Times Company</copyrightline>
          <language code="en"/>
          <summary>HOUSTON — With gasoline prices at their lowest point for the Easter weekend since 2004, holiday travelers have something to cheer about. But they better fill up their tanks fast. Prices at the pump are climbing quickly as oil prices firm and the summer driving season approaches. On Thursday...</summary>
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                <property code="fullname">New York</property>
              <entity name="New York City">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RU/us.ny.nyc</property>
                <property code="fullname">New York City, New York</property>
              <entity name="United States">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">GC/US</property>
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                <property code="fullname">New York City, New York</property>
                <taxonomy code="Subject">
                  <classifier name="General News" code="PX/gen"></classifier>
            <package code="NewsEdge"/>
            <package code="CCS"/>
            Gas Prices Will Be Low for Easter, but Don’t Get Used to It
          <copyrightline>Copyright 2016 The New York Times Company</copyrightline>
          <language code="en"/>
          <summary>HOUSTON — With gasoline prices at their lowest point for the Easter weekend since 2004, holiday travelers have something to cheer about. But they better fill up their tanks fast. Prices at the pump are climbing quickly as oil prices firm and the summer driving season approaches. On Thursday...</summary>
        <result score="0.012223868">...</result>
        <result score="0.014711143">...</result>
Controlling News Results Presentation
The following examples control what data is included in the returned results. The examples continue to query for Exxon by its ACORN value, [com:/acorn=3820784326].
  1. Hiding story summaries
    The default for the summary parameter of news/search is 1. To hide story summaries, use summary=0. The summary parameter is also available for internalnews/get, savedsearch/create and savedsearch/update.


    <searchResults searchKey="112030_20160325T174956591">
      <search startDate="20160324T000000-0400" endDate="20160325T175056-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="0" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <highlightTerms str="comHighlight=%2Facorn%3D3820784326">...</highlightTerms>
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.03731558">
          <type code="News"/>
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            <provider code="WASHPOST" name="The Washington Post News Media Services">
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            <media-type code="Text" name="Text"/>
            <rights code="CLEARED" name="Licensed Feed"/>
              <entity name="North America">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RB/nam</property>
                <property code="fullname">North America</property>
              <entity name="United States">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RC/US</property>
                <property code="fullname">United States</property>
              <entity name="Americas">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RR/am</property>
                <property code="fullname">Americas</property>
              <entity name="District of Columbia">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RS/US.DC</property>
                <property code="fullname">District of Columbia</property>
              <entity name="United States">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">GC/US</property>
                <property code="fullname">United States</property>
                <taxonomy code="Subject">
                  <classifier name="General News" code="PX/gen"></classifier>
            <package code="NewsEdge"/>
          <headline>The big bust in the oil fields</headline>
          <copyrightline>(c) 2016, The Washington Post</copyrightline>
          <language code="en"/>
        <result score="0.02721231">...</result>
        <result score="0.033446226">...</result>
        <result score="0.02721231">...</result>
        <result score="0.16196167">...</result>
        <result score="0.20750035">...</result>
        <result score="0.11549505">...</result>
        <result score="0.033128727">...</result>
        <result score="0.02721231">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="0.034668155">...</result>
        <result score="0.032179296">...</result>
        <result score="0.0408711">...</result>
        <result score="0.7498117">...</result>
        <result score="0.053803276">...</result>
        <result score="0.060014904">...</result>
        <result score="0.5311001">...</result>
        <result score="0.03086771">...</result>
        <result score="0.027676525">...</result>
        <result score="0.13623975">...</result>
  2. Displaying minimum data.
    The default for the minimum parameter of news/search is 0, which displays the detailed data view for each item. See the news/search results for all the details. To display less data, use minimum=1.


    <searchResults searchKey="112030_20160325T175347197">
      <search startDate="20160324T000000-0400" endDate="20160325T175447-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="1" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <highlightTerms str="comHighlight=%2Facorn%3D3820784326">...</highlightTerms>
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.037315574">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="WP_Blogs" name="Washington Post, The (Blogs)" short-name="The Washington Post (Blogs)">
            <provider code="WASHPOST" name="The Washington Post News Media Services">
              <service code="WP_Blogs" name="Blogs"/>
            <package code="NewsEdge"/>
          <headline>The big bust in the oil fields</headline>
          <summary>TILDEN, Tex. - He'd borrowed from banks and investors and retirement funds, all in a frenzied mission to drill for oil and gas, and by the time Terry Swift realized hed gone too far, this was his debt: $1.349 billion.
    His company, founded by his father a...</summary>
        <result score="0.027212303">...</result>
        <result score="0.033446223">...</result>
        <result score="0.027212303">...</result>
        <result score="0.16196164">...</result>
        <result score="0.20750032">...</result>
        <result score="0.11549504">...</result>
        <result score="0.03312872">...</result>
        <result score="0.027212303">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="0.034668148">...</result>
        <result score="0.03217929">...</result>
        <result score="0.04087109">...</result>
        <result score="0.74981153">...</result>
        <result score="0.05380327">...</result>
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        <result score="0.53110003">...</result>
        <result score="0.030867707">...</result>
        <result score="0.027676517">...</result>
        <result score="0.13623972">...</result>
  3. Displaying company, people, or geography metadata for stories.
    Use the entity parameter of news/search to show entity metadata of company, people, or geography. This example shows the people and company metadata using entity=com|peo.


    <searchResults searchKey="112030_20160325T181420691">
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      <highlightTerms str="comHighlight=%2Facorn%3D3820784326">...</highlightTerms>
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                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">RS/US.DC</property>
                <property code="fullname">District of Columbia</property>
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                <taxonomy code="Subject">
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          <headline>The big bust in the oil fields</headline>
          <copyrightline>(c) 2016, The Washington Post</copyrightline>
          <language code="en"/>
              <entity-list code="Organization">
                <entity name="Swift Energy Company">
                  <property code="sym">OTC-PINK.SFYWQ</property>
                  <property code="symsrc">Acquire Tickers</property>
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                  <property code="isin">US8707381013</property>
                  <property code="acorn">1960304346</property>
                  <property code="use">primary</property>
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                  <property code="use">mention</property>
                <entity name="Exxon Mobil Corporation">
                  <property code="sym">NYSE.XOM</property>
                  <property code="symsrc">Acquire Tickers</property>
                  <property code="cusip">30231G102</property>
                  <property code="isin">US30231G1022</property>
                  <property code="acorn">3820784326</property>
                  <property code="use">mention</property>
                <entity name="University of Houston">
                  <property code="acorn">2072607687</property>
                  <property code="use">mention</property>
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                  <property code="acorn">0889638654</property>
                  <property code="use">mention</property>
                <entity name="New York Stock Exchange"></entity>
                <entity name="Chevron"></entity>
              <entity-list code="Person">
                <entity name="Terry E. Swift">
                  <property code="apin">0217337068</property>
                <entity name="Alton D. Heckaman Jr.">
                  <property code="apin">1402691980</property>
                <entity name="Chico Harlan">
                  <property code="use">author</property>
                <entity name="Fadel Gheit"></entity>
                <entity name="Aubrey Earl Swift"></entity>
                <entity name="David Deckelbaum"></entity>
                <entity name="J. Ellwood Towle"></entity>
                <entity name="Robbie Walters"></entity>
                <entity name="Pepe Boudreaux's"></entity>
        <result score="0.02710311">...</result>
        <result score="0.033304602">...</result>
        <result score="0.02710311">...</result>
        <result score="0.16190228">...</result>
        <result score="0.20745778">...</result>
        <result score="0.11541986">...</result>
        <result score="0.03302321">...</result>
        <result score="0.02710311">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="0.03455902">...</result>
        <result score="0.0320692">...</result>
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        <result score="0.027677022">...</result>
        <result score="0.1362817">...</result>
  4. Displaying industry or subject metadata for stories.
    Use the taxonomy parameter of news/search to display industry or subject metadata in story results.


    <searchResults searchKey="112030_20160325T182512741">
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              <entity name="United States">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">GC/US</property>
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          <headline>The big bust in the oil fields</headline>
          <copyrightline>(c) 2016, The Washington Post</copyrightline>
          <language code="en"/>
          <summary>TILDEN, Tex. - He'd borrowed from banks and investors and retirement funds, all in a frenzied mission to drill for oil and gas, and by the time Terry Swift realized hed gone too far, this was his debt: $1.349 billion.
    His company, founded by his father a...</summary>
              <taxonomy code="Industry">
                <classifier name="Energy" code="II/energy" grade="A">
                  <classifier name="Oil and Gas" code="II/energy.og" grade="A">
                    <classifier name="Oil and Gas Production and Operations" code="II/energy.ogops" grade="C"></classifier>
                    <classifier name="Oil and Gas Services" code="II/energy.ogserv" grade="C">
                      <classifier name="Oil and Gas Gathering, Terminalling and Storage" code="II/energy.pipeline" grade="C"></classifier>
                <classifier name="Services" code="II/service" grade="C">
                  <classifier name="Energy Services" code="II/service.energy" grade="C">
                    <classifier name="Oil and Gas Services" code="II/energy.ogserv" grade="C">
                      <classifier name="Oil and Gas Gathering, Terminalling and Storage" code="II/energy.pipeline" grade="C"></classifier>
              <taxonomy code="Subject">
                <classifier name="Science and Technology" code="IS/appsci" grade="C">
                  <classifier name="Technology" code="IS/appsci.tech" grade="C">
                    <classifier name="Technology Trends" code="IS/appsci.tectrend" grade="C"></classifier>
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                    <classifier name="Energy Resources" code="IS/lifesoc.envener" grade="C">
                      <classifier name="Fossil Fuels" code="IS/lifesoc.fossil" grade="C"></classifier>
        <result score="0.027039725">...</result>
        <result score="0.033225916">...</result>
        <result score="0.027039725">...</result>
        <result score="0.16186656">...</result>
        <result score="0.20743142">...</result>
        <result score="0.115375705">...</result>
        <result score="0.032962203">...</result>
        <result score="0.027039725">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="0.034495007">...</result>
        <result score="0.032004654">...</result>
        <result score="0.04065555">...</result>
        <result score="0.74981135">...</result>
        <result score="0.053402875">...</result>
        <result score="0.05961804">...</result>
        <result score="0.5308298">...</result>
        <result score="0.030891405">...</result>
        <result score="0.02767589">...</result>
        <result score="0.13630395">...</result>

Getting More Pages of Story Results
When you search for news stories, a limited number are returned as a page of results, even if the total possible number of results might be much larger. This example shows how to control the number of results on a page and how to get additional pages of results.
  1. Set the resultsPerPage parameter for a story search.

    Use the resultsPerPage parameter to set the number of result elements you want returned on a page. You set this with your initial query request. The default is 20 results. In this example we use resultsPerPage=50.


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160304T122434784">
      <search startDate="20160204T000000-0500" endDate="20160304T122534-0500" resultsPerPage="50" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
        <totalResults partialTotal="true">623</totalResults>
        <totalPages partialTotal="true">13</totalPages>
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.00703198">...</result>
        <result score="0.006948803">...</result>
        <result score="0.0098145455">...</result>
        <result score="0.02022045">...</result>
        <result score="0.011282851">...</result>
        <result score="0.009804666">...</result>
        <result score="0.0049375766">...</result>
        <result score="0.10625087">...</result>
        <result score="0.008535895">...</result>
        <result score="0.0049868445">...</result>
        <result score="0.0050592213">...</result>
        <result score="0.10054356">...</result>
        <result score="0.002964647">...</result>
        <result score="0.008566765">...</result>
        <result score="0.10036619">...</result>
        <result score="0.0048883087">...</result>
        <result score="0.008684438">...</result>
        <result score="0.008667645">...</result>
        <result score="0.008945543">...</result>
        <result score="0.0029329853">...</result>
        <result score="0.008539078">...</result>
        <result score="0.008507075">...</result>
        <result score="0.008760783">...</result>
        <result score="0.015089218">...</result>
        <result score="0.004845895">...</result>
        <result score="0.003004831">...</result>
        <result score="0.011434137">...</result>
        <result score="0.0049128328">...</result>
        <result score="0.011562802">...</result>
        <result score="0.002937098">...</result>
        <result score="0.0049444307">...</result>
        <result score="0.008938148">...</result>
        <result score="0.004850196">...</result>
        <result score="0.0028484159">...</result>
        <result score="0.0037674655">...</result>
        <result score="0.004065843">...</result>
        <result score="0.0048986645">...</result>
        <result score="0.10082162">...</result>
        <result score="0.008500905">...</result>
        <result score="0.002907537">...</result>
        <result score="0.008692181">...</result>
        <result score="0.0028779763">...</result>
        <result score="0.0028779763">...</result>
        <result score="0.0028484159">...</result>
        <result score="0.004786346">...</result>
        <result score="0.004761712">...</result>
        <result score="0.0046734572">...</result>
        <result score="0.004796627">...</result>
        <result score="0.004845895">...</result>
        <result score="0.004796627">...</result>
  2. Get another page of story results.

    To get another page of results, use the page and searchKey parameters. The default page is 1 for the first page of results in the previous step. You obtain additional pages by setting page to 2, 3, and so on for subsequent requests. This example uses page=2 to get the second page of results.

    For the searchKey parameter, use the value returned in the searchKey attribute from the original search query, as shown in the previous step. A search query's result details are maintained on the server for 20 minutes. When you make a request, a portion of the results are delivered to your application on a page. To request another page of the results efficiently, you do not resubmit the search using the query parameter but instead use the searchKey parameter to access additional pages of results.

    Also, do not include the resultsPerPage parameter in the subsequent page requests.


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160304T122434784">
      <search startDate="20160204T000000-0500" endDate="20160304T122534-0500" resultsPerPage="50" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false"relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <results status="true">
        <result score="0.0047096354">...</result>
        <result score="0.008251844">...</result>
        <result score="0.010166031">...</result>
        <result score="0.0047164685">...</result>
        <result score="0.0047164685">...</result>
        <result score="0.008425536">...</result>
        <result score="0.008672992">...</result>
        <result score="0.0046952437">...</result>
        <result score="0.0046459613">...</result>
        <result score="0.008590653">...</result>
        <result score="0.008596168">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="0.008413235">...</result>
        <result score="0.009012981">...</result>
        <result score="0.011279043">...</result>
        <result score="0.010930151">...</result>
        <result score="0.0087680705">...</result>
        <result score="0.009477742">...</result>
        <result score="0.0047164685">...</result>
        <result score="0.008552448">...</result>
        <result score="0.008330677">...</result>
        <result score="0.0084637385">...</result>
        <result score="0.008413235">...</result>
        <result score="0.00837503">...</result>
        <result score="0.00836273">...</result>
        <result score="0.0087680705">...</result>
        <result score="0.20089579">...</result>
        <result score="0.00836273">...</result>
        <result score="0.0046281535">...</result>
        <result score="0.004910269">...</result>
        <result score="0.006366998">...</result>
        <result score="0.008425536">...</result>
        <result score="0.78081846">...</result>
        <result score="0.00135993">...</result>
        <result score="0.002631442">...</result>
        <result score="0.0015433937">...</result>
        <result score="0.002995867">...</result>
        <result score="0.0031070404">...</result>
        <result score="0.0016419591">...</result>
        <result score="0.0014584955">...</result>
        <result score="0.5614107">...</result>
        <result score="0.00255261">...</result>
        <result score="0.0015255859">...</result>
        <result score="0.0027982518">...</result>
        <result score="0.0026757966">...</result>
        <result score="0.0015545842">...</result>
        <result score="0.0032080496">...</result>
        <result score="0.003567729">...</result>
        <result score="0.005762838">...</result>
        <result score="0.005545785">...</result>
  3. Loop through all pages of story results.

    To control access to all the pages of stories, your application needs to loop through the pages of results. The following items from the returned results contain the details for controlling pagination in your application.

    Element or AttributeSampleDescription
    resultsPerPage50An attribute of the search element that is set with the resultsPerPage parameter in the original request.
    totalResults 3898 A sub-element of the pageInfo element that identifies the number of result elements available. If the partialTotal attribute is true, the results from the query have not fully accumulated yet on the server and thus the totalResults value is not yet complete.
    totalPages 78 A sub-element of the pageInfo element that identifies the number pages of results available, that is based on totalResults divided by resultsPerPage. If the partialTotal attribute is true, the results from the query have not fully accumulated yet on the server and thus the totalPages value is not yet complete.
    resultsPage 2A sub-element of the pageInfo element that you set with the page parameter to represent the current page.
    numberResults 50 A sub-element of the pageInfo element that is the actual number of result elements on the page. In most cases this will be the same as the resultsPerPage value. However, when delivering the last page of results, this number might be lower.
    topResult 51 A sub-element of the pageInfo element that identifies the first in the sequence of results on the page.
    bottomResult 100 A sub-element of the pageInfo element that identifies the last in the sequence of results on the page.


    <searchResults searchKey="112130_20160304T122434784">
      <search startDate="20160204T000000-0500" endDate="20160304T122534-0500" resultsPerPage="50" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="1" dedup="1" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <results status="true">...</results>

news/search - Search for news stories

A news/search call searches for stories by taking as input a query string of formatted search items or a savedSearch identifier of a previously saved search. The search returns a page containing a set of results. The page also includes a search key that identifies the search and page information such as the number of pages of results available and the total number of results found.

To retrieve an additional page of results, invoke news/search again with the searchKey and page parameters. For example, page=2 returns the second page of results, and so on.

See also, news/read to get the details of a specific story, the savedsearch API for how to save a search for repeated use, and api/info where noun=news and verb=search.


https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)[&parameter=value][& . . .]

https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session=<<user-token>>&savedSearch=<<saved-ID>>[&parameter=value][& . . .]

https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/search?session=<<user-token>>&searchKey=<<key>>&page=number[&parameter=value][& . . .]

Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description
queryA string of one or more search terms and other query formatting. For complete details of query string formats, see the Query Formats document. One of the following parameters query, savedSearch or searchKey parameter is required.
savedSearchA number representing a previously saved search. Use a saved search ss attribute for the value. See also the savedsearch API for more. Either the query, savedSearch or searchKey parameter is required.
searchKeyUse the searchKey parameter in combination with the page parameter to get subsequent pages of results. Obtain the value from the searchKey attribute of a previous searchResults element. Either the query, savedSearch or searchKey parameter is required.
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.
addlQueryUse to append an additional query to a search query. For details of query string formats, see the Query Formats document.

Business Relevance is a method of scoring a story based on algorithm using Company, Industry and Subject codes related to business. The higher the percentage, the more tightly focused your results will be toward business matters.

0 - Do not filter returned stories for business relevance.

1-99 - Return stories that have business relevance equal or greater than a value.

0, 1

Clustering groups the returned results stories by parent-child relationships based on a clustering value.

1 - Cluster the search results.

0 - Do not cluster the search results.

0, 1

De-duplication removes duplicate stories from the returned results.

1 - Return only the original story. The duplicate stories that came afterward are not returned.

0 - Return all stories, regardless of duplication.

De-duplication does not remove duplicate stories that fall outside a specific time range, which by default is 36 hours. See also the includeProvDup parameter.


The end of the date range for this search, where startDate is earlier than endDate.

The most efficient news/search is to query with the briefest date format, i.e. YYYY. In this case, using an optional parameter endDate=2018, means the date range ends on the last day of the last month at T235959.


YYYY - year

MM - month, where 01=January, 02= February, and so on.

DD - day of the month

T - Time is optional and entered as the current logged in user's local time. If a time is not set, 235959 is used for endDate (one second before midnight of the current day).

HH - hour in 24 hour format

MM - minute

SS - second

ZZZZ - timezone offset

See also the searchDate and startDate parameters.

0, 1, PEO, COM, GEO

0 - Do not return any company, people or location entity information in search results.

1 - Return all company, people and location entity information in search results.

PEO - Return people entity information in search results.

COM - Return company entity information in search results.

GEO - Return location entity information in search results.

PEO, COM, and GEO can be combined using a pipe symbol. For example: entity=COM|GEO will return company and location entities.

0, 1

1 - Perform a quicker search to return a partial total of results that satisfy the request.

0 - Perform an exhaustive search to return all results.

filterLicensedPkgCS-Essential, CS-Core, CS-Pro, CS-Extended, NONE

Filter the returned results to specific packages of licensed sources.

CS-Essential is a selection of the world's top news organizations responsible for much of today's global news and events coverage. This package contains approximately 50 sources.

CS-Core continues to expand the content offering to roughly 500 newswires, newspapers, and top industry trade journals from around the globe. These sources will provide more in depth news and analysis as well industry specific outlooks.

CS-Pro broadens the scope of content by capturing more subject-matter expertise from the niche or specialty publications as well as to provide locally derived perspectives from around the globe. This package contains approximately 2000 sources that include national news agencies, major metro newspapers and subscription-only online content.

CS-Extended is an all-encompassing package provides access to the full licensed set of content in the NewsEdge Content Catalog. The additional sources represent coverage from magazines, transcripts, hyper-local newspapers, and much more. The total sources are approximately 6000.

NONE - Filter to exclude all licensed sources.

License filter coding is cumulative, meaning that stories tagged as:

1. CS-Essential are also tagged as CS-Core, CS-Pro, and CS-Extended.

2. CS-Core are also tagged as CS-Pro, and CS-Extended.

3. CS-Pro are also tagged as CS-Extended.

See also the filterWebLinkedPkg parameter.

filterWebLinkedPkgWL-Essential, WL-Core, WL-Pro, WL-Extended, NONE

Filter the returned results to specific packages of WebLinked sources.

WL-Essential is a selection of the world's top news sites responsible for much of today's global news and events coverage. This package contains approximately 50 sources.

WL-Core continues to expand the content offering to roughly 300 websites that focus on general news, business, and industry news around the globe. These sources will provide more in depth news and analysis as well industry specific outlooks.

WL-Pro broadens the scope of content by capturing more subject-matter expertise from the experts in the field as well as to provide locally derived perspectives from around the globe. This package contains approximately 2000 sources that include web sites, blogs, RSS and certain social media content.

WL-Extended is the all-encompassing package provides access to the full source set of web-linked content in the NewsEdge Content Catalog. The additional sources represent coverage from smaller web sites, local bloggers and independent information providers. The total sources are approximately 6000.

NONE - Filter to exclude all WebLinked sources.

WebLinked filter coding is cumulative, meaning that stories tagged as:

1. WL-Essential are also tagged as WL-Core, WL-Pro, and WL-Extended.

2. WL-Core are also tagged as WL-Pro, and WL-Extended.

3. WL-Pro are also tagged as WL-Extended.

A story source is either Licensed or WebLinked, but not both. See also the filterLicensedPkg parameter.

0,false, 1,true

false, 0 - Do not highlight the query terms.

true, 1 - Highlight the query terms in the story headline and summary of the returned results.

includeNRCDefault:Exclude NRC results
All, NRC-code

NRC-code - Return results that include the specified Non-Relevant Content taxonomy code.

All - Return results of all stories with an NRC code.

0, 1

0 - Do not include duplicated stories from the same provider.

1 - Include all stories that match the search..

See also the dedup parameter.

0, 1

0 - Do not show story metadata in the returned results unless overridden by the entity, taxonomy, or providerCode parameters.

1 - Show all of the story metadata in the returned results. Metadata is returned in the classification element of the XML. See the Returned Results section.

0, 1

1 - The result element in the returned results will include the following:











0 - The result element in the returned results will include all of the above plus additional elements described in the Returned Results section.

1 - totalPages
A number representing a page of returned results. Use the page parameter in combination with the searchKey parameter to return subsequent pages of results. The totalPages element from returned results indicates how many pages of results are available.
0, 1, amx, newsedge, provider

The providerCode parameter enables the return of additional metadata. This metadata is specific to each story and is not commonly used or needed.

0 - do not include additional provider metadata.

1 - include all additional provider metadata.

amx - include legacy Acquire Media provider metadata.

newsedge - include legacy NewsEdge provider metadata.

provider - include metadata from the provider of the story. These codes are specific to each provider, preserving and passing on metadata from the original news provider in its original format.

You can select one or more provider metadata type by combining values with a pipe. For example, providerCode=(amx|provider) would return the legacy Acquire Media and provider-supplied metadata. providerCode=(amx|newsedge|provider) is equivalent to provideCode=1

0, 1
The refine parameter is an optional parameter to prepare the refinery data for the active search results. This is a required parameter when using the refinery/get API.

The relevance score is a measure of how closely the story matches the search.

0 - Do not filter returned results for relevance.

1-99 - Return results that have relevance equal or greater than a value.

1 - 210
The number of results returned in a news/search call.
all, today, past2days, past7days, past14days, past21days, past30days, past60days, past90days, past6months, past1year, past2years, past3years, past4years, past5years, past6years, past7years, past8years, past9years, past10years, past11years, past12years.

Set the date range of the search. The value for searchDate is converted to the appropriate values for the startDate and endDate settings, where startDate is earlier than endDate.

today - The startDate time is set to midnight of the previous day.

past2days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day before yesterday.

past7days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day seven days before today.

past14days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day fourteen days before today.

past21days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day twenty one days before today.

past30days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day thirty days before today.

past60days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day sixty days before today.

past90days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day ninety days before today.

past6months - the startDate is set to midnight of the day six months before today.

past1year - the startDate is set to midnight of the day one year before today.

past2years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day two years before today.

past3years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day three years before today.

past4years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day four years before today.

past5years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day five years before today.

past6years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day six years before today.

past7years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day seven years before today.

past8years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day eight years before today.

past9years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day nine years before today.

past10years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day ten years before today.

past11years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day eleven years before today.

past12years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day twelve years before today.

all - The startDate is set to midnight of January 1, 2007.

receiveDate, publicationDate, relevance

Set the order of the returned results.

receiveDate - Sort by the date the story is received, from recent to oldest.

publicationDate - Sort by the story provider's publication date, from recent to oldest.

relevance - Sort by how well the story fits the search terms, from highest relevance value to lowest. See also the relevanceCutOff parameter.


The start of the date range for this search, where startDate is earlier than endDate.

The most efficient news/search is to query with the briefest date format, i.e. YYYY. In this case, using an optional parameter startDate=2018, means the date range begins on the first day of the first month at T000000.


YYYY - year

MM - month, where 01=January, 02= February, and so on.

DD - day of the month

T - Time is optional and entered as the current logged in user's local time. If a time is not set, 000000 is used for startDate (midnight of the previous day).

See also the searchDate parameter and the endDate parameter for date formats.

0, 1

1 - The search includes stemming of search terms.

0 - the search uses the search words as is with no stemming.

Stemming is a linguistic process of determining the root of a word. The search then performs a less strict match using all words closely related to the root. For example, if a search term includes starred, the root stem is star and thus the stem search includes all related terms such as star, starred, and starring.

0, 1

1 - Include the story lead summary element in the returned results.

0 - Do not include the summary element in the returned results.

0, 1

0 - Do not return any ACME taxonomic information in search results.

1 - Return all ACME taxonomic information in search results.

Returned Results

The search returns a page of information containing a results element, which holds a number of result elements each of which represents a story. Each result has a link to the story in a storyURL element. The page contains only a portion of the total number of results found. You retrieve more results using the searchKey attribute to identify this search along with information in the pageInfo element.


The outer container element, which contains the searchKey attribute.

Name Values Description
searchKeyAn attribute that identifies the search. Store this value to use for retrieving subsequent pages of results or retrieving refinery results.

Contains attributes that hold the parameter values for the original search call. See the associated parameter for more about the attributes.

Additional attributes include:

refine - The default is 0 or false. If refine=true, the search results are refined by counting how many stories from that result set are related to each facet.

score - The default is 0 or false. If score=true, the search generates a score value in the search results for each story. The score value may be used for relevance sorting. This setting is automatically score=true when the parameter setting sort=relevance.

queryStringThe query from the original search.

This element contains the information, when passed to news/read, allows for the search terms for this search to be highlighted in the resulting story display.

The url decoded version of the str attribute is appended to storyURL call. For example:
https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/news/read?key=nRhB19hkd73ZuwqSySucuv5TtuNwxvyfGJTdZMJWRu0IOBjWbSTEQbY&highlight=apple& comHighlight=/acorn=1392549739&locHighlight=LU/us.ma.boston&indCodeHighlight=II/finserv.lending

Individual facet highlight terms are provided if you want to selectively highlight different search facets:

highlight: Contains the text terms for highlighting. To use these terms append &highlight= and these terms to the storyURL

comCodeHighlight: Contains company codes for highlighting. To use these terms append &comCodeHighlight and these terms to the storyURL

comHighlight: Contains company information for highlighting. To use these terms append &comHighlight and these terms to the storyURL

peoCodeHighlight: Contains people codes for highlighting. To use th se terms append &peoCodeHighlight and these terms to the storyURL

geoCodeHighlight: Contains location codes for highlighting. To use th se terms append &geoCodeHighlight and these terms to the storyURL

indCodeHighlight: Contains industry codes for highlighting. To use th se terms append &indCodeHighlight and these terms to the storyURL

subCodeHighlight: Contains subject codes for highlighting. To use th se terms append &subCodeHighlight and these terms to the storyURL


Contains paging information for this search in the following child elements:

totalResults is how many matches were found for the queryString. If the totalResults element contains the attribute partialTotal and it is set to true, then the value of totalResults is not complete, and may increase with subsequent news/search calls with this searchKey.

totalPages is the number of pages at the current resultsPerPage setting. If the totalPages element contains the attribute partialTotal and it is set to true, then the value of totalPages is not complete, and may increase with subsequent news/search calls with this searchKey.

resultsPage is the current page of results.

numberResults is the number of results on this page and it is equal to resultsPerPage or less if you are on the last page of results.

topResult is the sequential number for the first result on this page.

bottomResult is the sequential number for the last result on this page.


The container element for all search results. Attributes include:

status - true if the query was valid or false if an error is returned.


The container element for a specific story, which includes the following attributes:

score is the relevance score for this story with respect to the search executed..


This alphanumeric string uniquely identifies this story. It is suitable for a database key.


This is the URL to follow to read the full story.

typeNews, Spider

The type element indicates if the result is a licensed story or a WebLinked story.

If News, the complete story is hosted by NewsEdge servers and will be returned, along with associated metadata, when the storyURL is followed.

If Spider, a story summary, along with associated metadata, is returned when the storyURL is followed. To get the original story, the caller must follow the item href attribute of the reference of type "pub-source" in the returned story.


This is the date and time that the publisher of this story has set. If the HHMMSS is set to 000100, then this story is from a daily, weekly or quarterly publication.


This is the latest time the NewsEdge system received an update to this story.


This is the first time the NewsEdge system received this story.


The source element contains the name, short-name and code attributes. The name attribute is the Acquire Media full name for the publication. The short-name attribute is the text that should be displayed to the user as the source of the story. The code attribute can be used as a search term.

The source element contains the provider element. The provider element is the company that sends the story to NewsEdge.

The provider element contains one or more service elements. The service element describes, at a high level, the type of source.

The source element also contains source classification data:

topness - The NewsEdge content team deems this source to be extremely influential with high editorial value.

content-type - The type of content from this source.

media-type - The type of media from this source.

geo-origin - The geographic origin for this source.

geo-focus - The main geographic regions that this source concentrates on.

classification - The industries and/or subjects that this source primarily covers.


NewsEdge collects sources into groups called packages. A package can be identify the usage rights for that particular story. Please consult with your Acquire Media salesperson for more information.


The references element may contain zero or more reference elements.

A reference element contains a url to information related to the story. If the reference type is "pub-source", then the item href points to the full version of the story. If the reference type is "associated-media", the href points to an image, video, audio, or other media file that is related to the story. If the reference type is "authoritative-media", then the href points to the media file that is the story.

business-relevance0 - 99

The business-relevance element value is a score, from 0 to 99, of the business applicability of this story.


If 1, this story is a duplicate of another story from this provider and is only included because dedup=0 and includeProvDup=1. If 0, this is not a duplicate story from this provider.

wordcountFor stories of type="News", this is the length in words of the story.
headlineThis is the headline of the story.

This element may be present zero or more times. If present, they contain sub-headlines.

It is recommended that they be displayed under the headline in a smaller font.


The author(s) of this story. This element is optional.

copyrightlineThis is the copyright on the story provided by the publisher. If present, it should be displayed at the bottom of the story when the story is read.
languageThis is the two-letter, ISO-639-1 language code for the body of the story.

The classification element contains the taxonomies and entities elements.

The taxonomies element contains the industry and subject taxonomic nodes that apply to this story.

The entities element contains the location, company and people entity-lists that apply to this story.


This is an abstract, summation or the lead of the story.

company/search - Search for company-specific information

Use company/search to get details about companies such as the official name, ACORN code, ticker security exchange information, and parent/child relationships for companies. You can use the information in other API calls such as news/search queries to refine searches.

By default, the returned results are a list where each matching company is an entity in the list. Use &type=search to instead return results in a hierarchical list of companies showing parent-child (subsidiary) relationships. Use &awesome=1 to return results as an abbreviated list of the top matching companies that have the highest document frequency of tagged stories.

See also api/info where noun=company and verb=search.


https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/company/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)[&parameter=value][& . . .]

https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/company/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)&type=search[&parameter=value][& . . .]

https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/company/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)&awesome=1[&parameter=value][& . . .]

Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description

A string of search terms and other query formatting to identify one or more companies. The search looks in all the company metadata fields. To search for company information using specific metadata fields, use the query format field:value. For example:

sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.
0, 1

If awesome=1, the return results are an abbreviated list of companies having the highest document frequency of tagged stories within 180 days. The default number of companies returned is 5. Use the maxResults parameter to return a different number of results.

For more about the results, see the searchResults element and the entity-list's docFreq element in the returned results section. AWESOME stands for Automatic Word Expansion for Organizations, Meanings, and Entities.

childFilterpublic, private, bothFilter the child company details in the returned results. Note, if you do not use this parameter, the value of childFilter is automatically set to the same value as the facet parameter.

The excludeAmstel parameter (Acquire Media Security Type for Equity Listing) controls the types of tickers to exclude from the returned results of company listings.

Use excludeAmstel in combination with includeAmstel=ALL. For example:


To select multiple values, use the vertical bar (|). For example:


See also the includeAmstel parameter and the ticker's amstel sub-element in the returned results. Note, the referenceOnly parameter also controls ticker data in the returned results.

0, 1

0 -Show all companies in the returned results without regard to the number of times that the company has been tagged in a story.

1 -Exclude companies that have not been tagged in stories (docFreq element value is 0 in returned results).

See also the docFreq element in the Returned Results for more.

public, private, both

public - Search only public companies.

private - Search only private companies.

both - Search both public and private companies.


An AMSTEL value is the Acquire Media Security Type for Equity Listing, which controls the types of tickers to include in the returned results. Values include:

EQUITY - Shares issued by a company.

BOND - A security representing the debt of the company or government issuing it.

ADR - American Depositary Receipt. A negotiable certificate issued by a U.S. bank representing a specified number of shares in a foreign stock that is traded on a U.S. exchange.

INDEX - A security representing a statistical measure of the value of a portfolio of securities.

FUND - A security representing a pool of liquid assets of various securities and/or derivatives intended to produce a certain return.

ALL - includes all of the above: EQUITY, BOND, ADR, INDEX, FUND.

To select multiple values, use the vertical bar (|). For example:


See also the excludeAmstel parameter and the ticker's amstel sub-element in the returned results. Note that the referenceOnly parameter also controls ticker data in the returned results.

1 - 250,000
Sets the total number of returned results of entity or org elements across all results pages. If the parameter awesome=1, this defaults to maxResults=5.
1 - total-pages
A number representing a page of returned results. Use the page parameter in subsequent company/search calls to return another page of results. For example, include &page=2 to a search to return the second page of results.
1, 0

1 - Return in the results, only the reference exchange ticker data of a public company.

0 - Return in the results ticker data for all exchanges on which the public company is traded. Note, ticker results are also controlled by use of the includeAmstel and excludeAmstel parameters.

1 - 210
The number of entity results returned in a company/search call.
name, docFreq

name - Sort returned results alphabetically by company name.

docFreq - Sort returned results by document frequency, which is the number of stories in which the company is tagged. Note, this setting also requires the default setting type=browse.

See also the docFreq element in the Returned Results for more.

0, 1

1 - The search includes stemming of search terms.

0 - the search uses the search words as-is with no stemming.

browse, search

browse - Returned results display a list of companies that match the search, where each company is an entity in the list.

search - Returned results display a hierarchical list of companies showing parent-child (subsidiary) relationships. Either the parent company or a child company matches the search.

See the Returned Results for more details.

Returned Results

The results returned are an entity-list element or a searchResults element if parameter awesome=1.


Name Values Description

Represents a company's information. Attributes include:

hit - A value of true indicates the entity matches the query. A value of false indicates the entity does not match the query but a child element does. See the child element.

tickers - indicates the total number of exchanges where the entity trades. See the ticker element.

If type=browse(default), each entity in the returned results match the search.

If type=search, each entity in the returned result is a parent company. If the search matches a subsidiary and not the parent company, the child subsidiary company information is included and is subordinate to the parent.

nameThe full company name as maintained by Acquire Media. A sub-element of entity or child.
short-nameAn abbreviated name to use in searches. A sub-element of entity or child.
orbisidThe orbis identifier number of the company, if applicable. A sub-element of entity or child.
acornAcquire Media's unique ID for a company maintained in a database as an acorn value, ACquire media ORganizational Number. A sub-element of entity or child.
ultacornThe acorn number of the parent company, if applicable. A sub-element of entity or child.
docfreqThe document frequency is the number of times that this company has been tagged in a story in the last 180 days. A sub-element of entity or child.

Information about the ticker exchanges on which the company is traded. A sub-element of entity or child.

The number of ticker sub-elements displayed, depends on the combined values of the search request parameters referenceOnly, includeAmstel, and excludeAmstel. For example:

* To get only the reference ticker for searches, use the default for the referenceOnly parameter (1)

* To get all ticker elements, use &referenceOnly=0,&includeAmstel=ALL

* To get no ticker elements, use &excludeAmstel=BOND|EQUITY|ADR|INDEX|FUND

Note that private companies will have one ticker element for structural consistency, where:

* symbol sub-element value is the company's acorn value

* exchange-name sub-element value is Private

* Amstel sub-element value is EQUITY

See also the referenceOnly, includeAmstel, and excludeAmstel parameters.

symbolThe company's ticker symbol on the particular exchange.
amstelEQUITY, BOND, ADR, INDEX, FUNDThe company's ticker amstel value identifies the company's type of security listing. See the includeAmstel parameter for more details.

An indicator of a different ticker that is the company's reference ticker. The format of the value is exchange:symbol. The reference ticker element is the one ticker that does not contain a reference-ticker sub-element; All other ticker elements contain the reference-ticker sub-element.

If the search includes the parameter referenceOnly=1 (default), the reference ticker is the only one shown.

exchangeA ticker exchange where the company is traded. See the NewsEdge Stock Exchange Names for a complete listing.
exchange-nameThe abbreviated name of the ticker exchange. See the NewsEdge Stock Exchange Names for a complete listing.
exchange-micThe company's Market Identifier Code for the ticker.
exchange-countryThe country of the ticker exchange.
isinThe company's International Securities Identification Number (ISIN).

The parent element includes:

more-children attribute- a value of true indicates the parent company has more child companies.

acorn element - the parent company's acorn value.

name element - the parent company name.

If the parameter type=browse, the entity is a hit (matches the search) and it includes the parent sub-element if it has a parent company.

If the parameter type=search, the entity or one or more child elements are hits and it includes a parents sub-element which in turn contains the company's ancestry as parent sub-elements.


Contains information on the entity's child subsidiary companies and includes the following attributes:

partial - If the value is true, the entity has more child companies but they are not included in the results because they are not search hits. If the value is false, there are no other child companies.

count - reflects the number of children for this corresponding entity.


Represents a child company's information. Attributes include:

more-children - a value of true indicates this child company also has descendent child companies. Note these descendants are not shown in the returned results.

hit - A value of true indicates the child company matches the search query. A value of false indicates the child company does not match the query.

tickers - indicates the total number of exchanges where the child company trades. See also the ticker element.

If the parameter type=browse and the entity has children, each child element has the following sub-elements: name, acorn, reference-ticker (if the child is a public company), and exchange (if the child is a public company.)

If the parameter type=search, the child company is a search hit, it includes the following sub-elements: name, short-name, acorn, ultacorn, docfreq and ticker.


A search that includes parameter awesome=1 returns a searchResults element containing the top organizations sorted by document frequency, which is the number of times the organization is tagged in stories.

Name Values Description
searchThe search element contains uid and query sub-elements representing a user ID and the string used in the search's query parameter.
resultsThe results element includes a status attribute with a value of true if results were found.
organizationsThe organizations element includes a results attribute indicating the number if hits found. Values are 0, 1, 2, . . . maxResults. It also includes one or more org sub-elements.

The org sub-elements identify the organizations found. Attributes include:

code - represents the company's acorn number.

name - represents the company name.

industry/search - Search for industry information

Use industry/search to get information about industry categories including the industry name, an Acquire Media code representing the industry, and a description of the industry.

By default, the returned results are a list of nodes where each node in the list is a matching industry. Use &type=search to instead return results in a hierarchy of industries that includes the parent-child relationships of the industry categories. Use &awesome=1 to return results as an abbreviated list of the top matching industries that have the highest document frequency of tagged stories.

See also api/info where noun=industry and verb=search.


https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/industry/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)[&parameter=value][& . . .]

https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/industry/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)&type=search[&parameter=value][& . . .]

https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/industry/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)&awesome=1[&parameter=value][& . . .]

Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description

A string of search terms and other query formatting to identify one or more industries.

The following example returns all of the ACME industry topics related to construction.


To get a list of the top industry taxonomy nodes, use the query


sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.
0, 1
When awesome=1, the return results are an abbreviated list containing the top industries having the highest document frequency of tagged stories within 180 days. The default number of locations returned is 5. Use the maxResults parameter to return a different number of results. See searchResults in the returned results section. AWESOME stands for Automatic Word Expansion for Organizations, Meanings, and Entities.
0, 1

0 -Show all industries in the returned results without regard to the number of times the industry has been tagged in a story.

1 -Exclude industries that have not been tagged in stories.

1 - 250,000
Sets the total number of returned results of node or industry elements across all pages. If the parameter awesome=1, this defaults to maxResults=5.
1, 2, . . ., total-pages
A number representing a page of returned results. Use the page parameter in subsequent industry/search calls to return another page of results. For example, add &page=2 to a search to return the second page of results.
1,2, . . ., 210
The number of node results returned per page in an industry/search call.
sortname, docFreq

name - Sort returned result nodes alphabetically by industry name.

docFreq - Sort returned result nodes by document frequency, which is the number of stories in which the industry is tagged. Note, this setting also requires the default setting type=browse.

0, 1

1 - The search includes stemming of search terms.

0 - the search uses the search words as-is with no stemming.

typebrowse, search

browse - Returned results display a list of nodes that match the search, where each industry is a node in the list.

search - Returned results display a hierarchy of industries showing the category levels as parent-child relationships. See the Returned Results for more details.

Returned Results

The results returned are an acmetaxonomy element or a searchResults element if parameter awesome=1.


Name Values Description
nodesRepresents the list of industry categories. The totalHits attribute is the total number of node elements in the list.

Represents industry information and includes the hit attribute. If hit="true" the node matches the query. A value of false indicates the node does not match the query but a child element does. See the child element.

The node includes sub-elements code, hit-name, name, scope, parents, and children.


A code that uniquely identifies an industry category. The code element is a sub-element of node, parent, or child. The code format is ii/category.sub-category. The following examples show the codes for a part of the industry category hierarchy:

ii/man - Manufacturing is a top-level category

ii/man.hcare - Medical Device Manufacturing is a first-level category under Manufacturing

ii/man.meddevic - Medical Devices is a second-level category under Medical Device Manufacturing

ii/hcare.diagnost - Medical Diagnostic Equipment is a third-level category

ii/hcare.displays - Medical Displays is a fourth-level category

nameThe industry name as maintained by Acquire Media. A sub-element of node, parent, or child.
short-nameAn abbreviated name for the industry.
scopeA description of the industry.

The parent element contains the following sub-elements:

code - the node's parent industry code.

name - the node's parent industry name.


Contains child sub-elements representing industry subcategories and may include a partial attribute. If the search included the parameter type=search, the partial attribute is an indicator of child hits.

If partial="false", all of the child industries match the search.

If partial="true", some or none of the child industries match the search. For those that do not match, descendant industries will match. See the child hit attribute for which child elements match.


Represents child industry information. Attributes include:

more-children - a value of true indicates this child industry has the children sub-element with descendant child industry sub-categories. A value of false indicates the industry has no descendants.

hit - A value of true indicates this child industry matches the search query. A value of false indicates the child industry does not match the query.

Each child element has the following sub-elements: code, name, and scope.


Name Values Description
searchResultsA search that includes parameter awesome=1, returns a searchResults element containing the top industry categories sorted by document frequency, which is the number of times the industry is tagged in stories within 180 days.
searchThe search element contains uid and query sub-elements representing a user ID and the string used in the search query parameter.
resultsThe results element includes a status attribute with a value of true if results were found.
industriesThe industries element includes a results attribute indicating the number of hits in the returned results. It also includes one or more industry child elements.

The industry elements identify the industries found. Attributes include:

code - represents the Acquire Media unique code for the industry.

name - represents the industry name.

subject/search - Search for subject information

Use subject/search to get information about subject topics by which stories are categorized.

By default, the returned results are a list of nodes where each node in the list is a matching subject. Use &type=search to instead return results in a hierarchy of subjects that includes the parent-child relationships of the subject topics. Use &awesome=1 to return results as an abbreviated list of the top matching subjects that have the highest document frequency of tagged stories.

See also api/info where noun=subject and verb=search.


https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/subject/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)[&parameter=value][& . . .]

https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/subject/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)&type=search[&parameter=value][& . . .]

https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/subject/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)&awesome=1[&parameter=value][& . . .]

Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description

A string of search terms and other query formatting to identify one or more subjects.

The following example returns a list of subjects related to Finance. Combining this query with the parameter type=search returns the results in the ACME hierarchy


To get a list of the top subject taxonomy nodes, use the query


sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.
0, 1
When awesome=1, the return results are an abbreviated list containing the top subjects having the highest document frequency of tagged stories within 180 days. The default number of subjects returned is 5. Use the maxResults parameter to return a different number of results. See searchResults in the returned results section. AWESOME stands for Automatic Word Expansion for Organizations, Meanings, and Entities.
excludeEmptyDocFreq0, 1

0 -Show all subjects in the returned results without regard to the number of times the subject has been tagged in a story.

1 -Exclude subjects that have not been tagged in stories.

1 - 250,000
Sets the total number of returned results or node or subject elements across all pages. If the parameter awesome=1, this defaults to maxResults=5.
1, 2, . . ., total-pages
A number representing a page of returned results. Use the page parameter in subsequent subject/search calls to return another page of results. For example, add &page=2 to a search to return the second page of subject results.
1,2, . . ., 210
The number of node results returned per page in a subject/search call.
name, docFreq

name - Sort returned result nodes alphabetically by subject name.

docFreq - Sort returned result nodes by document frequency, which is the number of stories in which the subject is tagged. Note, this setting also requires the default setting type=browse.

browse, search

browse - Returned results display a list of nodes that match the search, where each subject is a node in the list.

search - Returned results display a hierarchy of subjects showing the topic levels as parent-child relationships. See the Returned Results for more details.

Returned Results

The results returned are an acmetaxonomy element or a searchResults element if parameter awesome=1.


Name Values Description
facetThe facet element identifies the type of metadata search, where subject is the value of the name sub-element. The other sub-element is nodes.
nodesRepresents the list of subject topics. The totalHits attribute is the total number of node sub-elements in the list.

Each node represents subject information in the sub-elements code, name, short-name, scope, parents, and children. The node elements or child sub-elements match the search, depending on the value of the search's type parameter.

If type=browse(default), the returned results are a flat list where each node matches the search. No children match the search.

If type=search, the returned results are a hierarchy where each node is a top-level subject with a child sub-hierarchy. A node or child element matches the search if its attribute hit="true". If the attribute hit="false", the node or child does not match the search but one or more of its child sub-element does.


A code that uniquely identifies a subject. The code element is a sub-element of node, parent, or child. The code format is is/subject.sub-topic. The following examples show the codes for a part of the subject hierarchy:

is/fin - Finance is a top-level subject

is/fin.invest - Investments is a first-level subject under Finance

is/fin.commod - Commodities is a second-level subject under Investments

is/fin.encomm - Energy Commodities is a third-level subject under Commodities

is/fin.crude - Crude Oil Trading is a fourth-level subject

is/fin.brentoil - Brent Crude Oil is a fifth-level subject

nameThe subject name as maintained by Acquire Media. A sub-element of node, parent, or child.
short-nameAn abbreviated name for the subject.
scopeA description of the subject.

The parent element contains the following sub-elements:

code - the node's parent subject code.

name - the node's parent subject name.

If the search included the parameter type=search, the parent element is empty because the node is a top-level subject.


Contains child sub-elements representing subject sub-topics and may include a partial attribute. If the search included the parameter type=search, the partial attribute is an indicator of child hits.

If partial="false", all of the child elements are subjects that match the search.

If partial="true", some or none of the child elements match the search. For those that do not match, descendant child subjects will match. See the child hit attribute for which child elements match.


Represents child subject information. Attributes include:

more-children - A value of false indicates the subject has no descendant children sub-topics. A value of true indicates the subject has descendent children sub-topics. However, if the search included the parameter type=browse (default), the descendent children are not included. If the search included the parameter type=search, the child element includes a children sub-element, which shows the descendent child sub-topics.

hit - A value of true indicates this child subject matches the search. A value of false indicates the child subject does not match the search.

Each child element has the following sub-elements: code, name, scope. and sometimes children if the attribute more-children="true".


Name Values Description
searchResultsA search that includes the parameter awesome=1, returns a searchResults element containing the top subjects sorted by document frequency, which is the number of times the subject is tagged in stories within 180 days.
searchThe search element contains uid and query sub-elements representing a user ID and the string used in the search query parameter.
resultsThe results element includes a status attribute with a value of true if results were found.
subjectsThe subjects element includes a results attribute indicating the number if hits in the returned results. It also includes one or more subject sub-elements.

The subject elements identify the subjects found. Attributes include:

code - represents the Acquire Media unique code for the subject.

name - represents the subject name.

geography/search - Search for location information

Use geography/search to get location names and codes, and the hierarchical relationship of locations within the following geographic levels:

  • region - Africa, Americas, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, Oceania
  • sub-region such as Caribbean, Central America, North America, South America
  • country
  • subdivision such as state or province
  • urban location such as city or town

By default, the returned results are a list of nodes where each node in the list is a matching location. Use &type=search to instead return results in a hierarchy of locations that includes the parent-child relationships of the geographic levels. Use &awesome=1 to return results as an abbreviated list of the top matching locations that have the highest document frequency of tagged stories.

See also api/info where noun=geography and verb=search.


https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/geography/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)[&parameter=value][& . . .]

https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/geography/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)&type=search[&parameter=value]& . . .]

https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/geography/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)&awesome=1[&parameter=value][& . . .]

Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description

A string of search terms and other query formatting to identify one or more geographical locations.

To search by geographic levels, use the format lower-level, higher-level. The following example returns the single city result:

&query=(Burlington, MA)

To search for locations using specific metadata fields, use the query format field:value. The following example returns a list of the sub-regions under the Americas:


To get a list of the top locations, use the query


sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.
0, 1
When awesome=1, the return results are an abbreviated list containing the top locations having the highest document frequency of tagged stories within 180 days. The default number of locations returned is 5. Use the maxResults parameter to return a different number of results. See searchResults in the returned results section. AWESOME stands for Automatic Word Expansion for Organizations, Meanings, and Entities.
0, 1

0 -Show all locations in the returned results without regard to the number of times the location has been tagged in a story.

1 -Exclude locations that have not been tagged in stories.

maxResults1 - 250,000Sets the total number of returned results of node or geography elements for all pages. If the parameter awesome=1, this defaults to maxResults=5.
page1, 2, . . ., total-pagesA number representing a page of returned results. Use the page parameter in subsequent geography/search calls to return another page of results. total-pages is returned For example, add &page=2 to a search to return the second page of results.
1,2, . . ., 210
The number of node results returned per page in a geography/search call.
name, docFreq

name - Sort returned results alphabetically by location name.

docFreq - Sort returned results by document frequency, which is the number of stories in which the location is tagged. Note, this setting also requires the default setting type=browse.


browse - Returned results display a list of nodes that match the search, where each location is a node in the list.

search - Returned results display a hierarchy of locations showing the geographic levels as parent-child relationships. See the Returned Results for more details.

Returned Results

The results returned are an acmetaxonomy element or a searchResults element if parameter awesome=1.


Name Values Description
nodesRepresents the list of locations. The totalHits attribute is the total number of top-level node locations in the list.
nodeRepresents location information and includes the hit attribute. If hit="true" the node matches the query. A value of false indicates the node does not match the query but a child element does. See the child element. The node location includes sub-elements code, hit-name, name, scope, parents, and children.

A code that uniquely identifies a location. The code element is a sub-element of node, parent, or child. The code format is as follows:

lr - a region of the world such as Asia, Europe, Americas, Oceania, Africa, Antarctica. For example, lr/am represents the Americas.

lb - a sub-region such as Eastern, Northern, Southern, or Western part of a region. For example, lb/nam represents North America.

lc - a country. For example, lc/us represents the United States

ls - a state within a country. For example, ls/us.ma represents Massachusetts, USA

lu - a city within a state and country. For example, lu/us.ma.neword represents New Ashford, Massachusetts, USA. Note that the city portion of the code is reduced to six letters.

hit-nameThe portion of the node's location name that matched the query.
nameThe location name as maintained by Acquire Media. A sub-element of node, parent, or child.
scopeNot applicable for location data.

The parent element contains the following sub-elements:

code - the node's parent location code.

name - the node's parent location name.


Contains child sub-elements of locations and may include a partial attribute. If the search included the parameter type=search, the partial attribute is an indicator of child hits.

If partial="false", all of the child locations match the search.

If partial="true", some or none of the child locations match the search. For those that do not match, descendant locations will match. See the child hit attribute for which child locations match.


Represents child location information. Attributes include:

more-children - a value of true indicates this child location has the children sub-element with descendant child locations. A value of false indicates the location has no descendants.

hit - A value of true indicates this child location matches the search query. A value of false indicates the child location does not match the query.

Each child element has the following sub-elements: code, name, and scope.


A search that includes parameter awesome=1 returns a searchResults element containing the top locations sorted by document frequency, which is the number of times the location is tagged in stories within 180 days.

Name Values Description
searchThe search element contains uid and query sub-elements representing a user ID and the string used in the search query parameter.
resultsThe results element includes a status attribute with a value of true if results were found.
locationsThe locations element includes a results attribute indicating the number if hits found. It also includes one or more loc sub-elements.

The loc sub-elements identify the locations found. Attributes include:

code - represents the Acquire Media unique code for the location.

name - represents the location name.

people/search - Search for people information

Use people/search to get information about people such as the name, title, and affiliated company. Synonyms of people's first names are supported for a search. For example, a search with &query=("bill gates") will return results for William Gates.

Use &awesome=1 to return results as an abbreviated list of the top matching people who have the highest document frequency of tagged stories.

See also api/info where noun=people and verb=search.


https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/people/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)[&parameter=<<value>>][& . . .]

https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/people/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)&awesome=1[&parameter=<<value>>][& . . .]

Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description

A string of search terms and other query formatting to identify one or more people. To search for people using specific metadata fields, use the query format field:value. For example, the following query searches for people named Adams affiliated with the company Precision Therapeutics:

&query=(Adams and acorn:1175266128)
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.
0, 1
When awesome=1, the return results are an abbreviated list containing the top people having the highest frequency of tagged stories within 180 days. The default number of people returned is 5. Use the maxResults parameter to return a different number of results. See searchResults in the returned results section.
0, 1

0 -Show all people in the returned results without regard to the number of times the person has been tagged in a story.

1 -Exclude people that have not been tagged in stories.

1 - 250,000
Sets the total number of returned results of entity or person elements across all pages. If the parameter awesome=1, this defaults to maxResults=5.
1, 2, . . ., total-pages
A number representing a page of returned results. Use the page parameter in subsequent people/search calls to return another page of results. For example, add &page=2 to a search to return the second page of results.
1, 2, ..., 210
The number of entity results returned per page in a people/search call.
name, docFreq

name - Sort returned results alphabetically by person's last name.

docFreq - Sort returned results by document frequency, which is the number of stories in which the person is tagged.

0, 1

1 - The search includes stemming of search words.

0 - the search uses the search words as-is with no stemming.

Returned Results

The results returned are an entity-list element or a searchResults element if parameter awesome=1.


The results returned is an entity-list contain a list of entity sub-elements representing people matches. The totalHits attribute is the total number of entity people in the list.

Name Values Description
entityRepresents a person's information.
apinAn Acquire Media unique person ID.
firstNameThe person's first name.
middleNameThe person's middle name or initial.
lastnameThe person's last name.
suffixA suffix for the person such as Jr., III, MD, PhD., and so on.
nicknameThe person's nickname. For example, William H. Gates, III will have a nickname of Bill.
familiarnameThe person's name as commonly used. For example, William H. Gates, III will have a familiarname of Bill Gates.

The person's company affiliation. Attributes represent the following company information:

role of the person in the company

title of the person's job in the company

job-function of the person

acorn number of the company

company name

primary. This value is true for the person's primary company affiliation. If a person has more than one affiliation, the others have a value of false.

docfreqThe document frequency is the number of times that this person has been tagged in a story in the last 180 days.


A search that includes parameter awesome=1, returns a searchResults element containing the top people sorted by document frequency, which is the number of times the person is tagged in stories within 180 days.

Name Values Description
searchThe search element contains uid and query sub-elements representing a search ID and the string used in the search query parameter.
resultsThe results element includes a status attribute with a value of true if results were found.
peopleThe people element includes a results attribute indicating the number if hits in the returned results. It also includes one or more person sub-elements.

The person elements identify the people found. Attributes include:

code - represents the Acquire Media unique code for the person.

name - represents the person in the format full-name:affiliation, where the full name includes the suffix or familiar name and the affiliation includes the person's title and company of their primary affiliation or the first affiliation in their record.

lastname - represents the person's last name.

source/search - Search for source information

Use source/search to look up content sources entitled for your API account. The source/search returns information and metadata about each source, including source name, code, description, sections and other source-related metadata fields. For example, a search with &query=("wind") will return results for any source with wind in its source name, source code, section name or section code fields.

Source search results would be combined with other query terms in a news/search to filter for news results from selected publications. Alternatively, use the source search results as a news search exclusion term to omit articles from selected sources.

Use &awesome=1 to return results as an abbreviated list of the top matching sources with the highest document frequency of tagged stories.

See also api/info where noun=source and verb=search.


https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/source/search?session=<<user-token>>&query=(<<query-string>>)[&parameter=<<value>>][& . . .]

Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description

A string of search terms and other query formatting to identify one or more sources. To search for sources using specific source metadata fields, use the query format field:value. For example, the following query searches for sources with the term wind and the source originates from the U.S.:

&query=(wind and geo_origin:rc/us)

Other source metadata fields are:

  • code - Find content by source code.
  • name - Filter for content by source name.
  • secc - Filter by source section code.
  • secname - Filter by source section name.
  • classification - Filter sources by industry or subject classification. Valid classification codes values are ACME industry codes with the leading I replaced by the letter P
    or ACME subject codes with the leading IS replaced by PX
  • geo_focus - Geographic focus code. Filter source by the geographic coverage of the source. Valid values are the ACME Geographic Taxonomy codes with the leading L replaced by the letter G. For example, sources where its content covers the United States
  • geo_origin - Geographic origin code. Filter sources by geographic origin. Valid values are the ACME Geographic Taxonomy codes with the leading L replaced by the letter R. For example, content source originating from New York City, New York
  • lang - Filter sources by the two-letter ISO-639-1 language code.
  • media_type - media type code. Valid values are: Text, Graphic, Photo, Video, Audio, Data, and Web.
  • source_type - Search for content sources by source type code. Valid values are:
    Code Description
    Acad_ab Academic abstracts
    Acad_journ academic journals
    Blog WebBlogs
    Column Regularly scheduled columns or features
    Govt_doc Government documents
    Magazine Magazines
    News_ab News abstracts or digests
    Newsletter Newsletters
    Newspaper Newspapers
    Newspaper_ab Newspaper abstracts
    NewswireBiz Business & financial newswires
    NewswireGen General newswires
    Patent_ab Patent abstracts
    PR Press releases
    PR_ab Press release abstracts
    Reg_filing Regulatory filings
    Report Reports, analyses, commentaries
    Trade_ab Trade journal abstracts
    Trade_journ Professional, business and trade journals
    Trans_broad Broadcast transcripts
    Trans_govt Public hearing & regulatory transcripts
    Web Websites
  • rights - Find sources by the content licensing rights. Valid values are: linked and cleared, where linked licensing rights refer to Weblinked content sources and cleared licensing rights are fully licensed content sources.
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.

If awesome=1, the return results are an abbreviated list of sources having the highest document frequency of tagged stories within 180 days. The default number of sources returned is 5. Use the maxResults parameter to return a different number of results.

For more about the results, see the searchResults element and the entity-list's docFreq element in the returned results section. AWESOME stands for Automatic Word Expansion for Organizations, Meanings, and Entities.
0, 1

0 -Show all sources in the returned results without regard to the number of stories available from the source from the past 180 days.

1 -Exclude sources from which no stories were received in the past 180 days.

maxResults1 - 250,000Sets the total number of returned results of node or source elements for all pages. If the parameter awesome=1, this defaults to maxResults=5.
1, 2, . . ., total-pages
A number representing a page of returned results. Use the page parameter in subsequent source/search calls to return another page of results. For example, add &page=2 to a search to return the second page of results.
1, 2, ..., 210
The number of entity results returned per page in a source/search call.
name, docFreq

name - Sort returned results alphabetically by source name.

docFreq - Sort returned results by document frequency, which is the number of stories from the source.

Returned Results

The results returned are a sources element or a searchResults element if parameter awesome=1.


The results returned is a sources element containing a list of source elements. The counts attribute is the total number of source elements matching the query.

Name Values Description
sourceA source element represents one source with a code and name attribute, and source sub-elements.
codeThe Acquire Media unique source code.
nameThe source name.
short-nameThe source name in a user-friendly format.
descriptionA description of the source.
urlThe source URL.
sectionsIf the rights code attribute is linked, there will be a sections sub-element and one or more section sub-elements. Not applicable to rights code cleared.
sectionThe section element is a child element of sections and has attributes code and name.

code - a unique section code for the source section.

name - is the section name.

The section element has child elements: description, url and rss.

descriptionThe section description.
urlThe section url.
rssFALSE, TRUEDescribes if the section is an RSS feed.

FALSE - the section does not originate from an RSS feed.

TRUE - the section does originate from an RSS feed.

languageDescribes the language of the source. The language element includes a code and name attribute. There is one language associated to a source.

code - the language represented by a two-letter code according to the ISO-639-1 standard.

name - the language name.

media-typeThe media-type element for the source contains code and name attributes. A source will have one media-type element.

code - a unique code representing the media type. Valid media-type codes are: Text, Graphic, Photo, Video, Audio, Data, and Web

name - a description of the media-type.

rightsThe source rights element describes the content licensing rights and it includes code and name attributes. A source will have one rights element.

code - the rights code for the content source. Valid values for code are:

  • linked - the source is weblinked content.
  • cleared - the source is licensed content.

name - the rights description.

content-typeDescribes the content type of the source. The content-type element includes a code and name attribute. A source will have one content-type element.

code - the Acquire Media content type code. See query parameter metadata values for a list of the content-type codes.

name - a description of the content type.

geo-originDescribes the geographic origin of the source. The geo-origin element includes a code and name attribute. A source will have only one geo-origin element.

code - valid values are the ACME Geographic Taxonomy codes with the leading L replaced by the letter R.

name - a description of the geographic origin of the source.

For example, the geo-origin element for a source with geographic origin Washington DC:

<geo-origin code="ru/us.dc.wash" name"Washington, District of Columbia"/>
geo-focusDescribes the geographic focus for the source. The geo-focus element includes a code and name attribute. A source be assigned one or more geo-focus elements.

code - valid values are the ACME Geographic Taxonomy codes with the leading L replaced by the letter G.

name - a description of the geographic focus.

For example, the geo-focus element for a source with geographic focus United States:

<geo-focus code="gc/us" name="United States"/>
classificationThe industry and subject classification assigned to the source. A source may have one or more classification elements assigned. Valid classification codes values are ACME industry codes with the leading I replaced by the letter P or ACME subject codes with the leading IS replaced by PX. For example:
<classification code="px/lifesoc.wind" name="Wind Energy"/>
docfreqThe document frequency is the number of stories received from this source in the last 180 days.
licensedPackage0, 1, 2, 3, 4The content package code for a licensed source with rights value cleared.

0 - source is not licensed content.

1 - source is licensed content under the CS-Essential package.

2 - source is licensed content under the CS-Core and CS-Essential packages.

3 - source is licensed content under the CS-Pro, CS-Core, and CS-Essential packages.

4 - source is licensed content under the CS-Extended, CS-Pro, CS-Core, and CS-Essential packages.

weblinkedPackage0, 1, 2, 3, 4The content package code for a weblinked source with rights value linked.

0 - source is not weblinked content.

1 - source is weblinked content under the WL-Essential package.

2 - source is weblinked content under the WL-Core and WL-Essential packages.

3 - source is weblinked content under the WL-Pro, WL-Core, and WL-Essential packages.

4 - source is weblinked content under the WL-Extended, WL-Pro, WL-Core, and WL-Essential packages.

otherPackageOther content package information.


A search that includes parameter awesome=1, returns a searchResults element containing the top sources sorted by document frequency within the last 180 days.

Name Values Description
searchThe search element contains uid and query sub-elements representing a user ID and the string used in the search query parameter.
resultsThe results element includes a status attribute with a value of true if results were found.
sourcesThe sources element includes a results attribute indicating the number of hits in the returned results. It also includes one or more source child elements.

The source elements identify the sources found. Attributes include:

code - represents the Acquire Media unique code for the source.

name - represents the source name.

short-name - represents a user-friendly version of the source name.

rights - describes the content licensing rights. Valid values are: linked and cleared, where linked licensing rights refer to Weblinked content sources and cleared licensing rights are fully licensed content sources.

licensedPackage - a numeric value representing the licensed content packages. Valid values are:

  • 0 - Not included in the licensed package.
  • 1 - Part of the CS-Essential package.
  • 2 - Part of the CS-Core package.
  • 3 - Part of the CS-Pro package.
  • 4 - Part of the CS-Extended package.

weblinkedPackage - a numeric value representing the weblinked content package. Valid values are:

  • 0 - Not included in the weblinked package.
  • 1 - Part of the WL-Essential package.
  • 2 - Part of the WL-Core package.
  • 3 - Part of the WL-Pro package.
  • 4 - Part of the WL-Extended package.

language - represents the language of the source.

refinery/get - Retrieve news search refinery data

The refinery/get call returns the Acquire Media taxonomy and classification terms describing the content characteristics of your search results. Begin by submitting the news/search request using optional parameter refine=1 to produce refinery results. Note the searchKey value from the searchResults element. Submit the refinery/get call to learn the organizations, people, locations, sources, industry and subject codes appearing most frequently in the search results. These Refinery results are re-calculated with every change in news/search call.

By default, the five most frequently found metadata values are returned for each facet, along with its story counts. To see more than five values for any facet, use the optional parameter format and limit to specify facet and the number of values to return.

See also news/search for notes about the optional parameter refine and the searchKey element in the returned results. As well, see api/info where noun=refinery and verb=get.


https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/refinery/get?session=<<user-token>>&searchKey=<<searchKey-id>>[&parameter=value][&. . .]

Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description
searchKeyUse the searchKey parameter to retrieve the refinery data for the search results. Obtain the value from the searchKey attribute in the news/search searchResults element.
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.
geography, industry, organization, people, source, subject, summary

The format parameter controls the returned results. If the parameter is not provided, the results are returned in summary format.

summary - returns the five most frequently found codes of each taxonomy facet.

geography - returns the five most frequently found location codes for the search results.

industry - returns the five most frequently found ACME industry codes for the search results.

organization - returns the five most frequently found organization codes for the search results.

people - returns the five most frequently found ACME people codes for the search results.

source - returns the five most frequently found source codes for the search results.

subject - returns the five most frequently found ACME subject codes for the search results.

1 - 20
The limit parameters determines how many codes to display for each facet.

Returned Results

The refinery/get results is an opens-api element with a refinery element containing up to six sub-elements for organizations, subjects, industries, geographies, sources and people. Each of these six elements will have one or more sub-elements representing one metadata code.


Name Values Description
refineryRefinery is a set of the most frequently found taxonomy facet codes from the search results. Its stories attribute represents the total number of stories returned by the search results. Refinery will have one or more facets organized by sub-elements: organizations, subjects, industries, geographies, sources and people.

The geographies element contains one or more geography sub-elements. By default, the 5 most frequently found ACME Location codes are returned in decreasing order by count. By requesting the refinery results with the optional parameter limit, up to 20 geography elements can be returned.

The count attribute for the geographies element is the number of locations identified in the search results.


The geography element represents a location found in the search results. Its attributes include:

code - The ACME location code.

count - The number of results assigned this location code.

shortname - The shortened location name.

name - The full location name.


The industries element contains one or more industry sub-elements. As a default, the 5 most frequently found ACME Industry codes are returned in decreasing order by count. By requesting the refinery results with the optional parameter limit, up to 20 industry elements can be returned.

The count attribute for the industries element is the number of industry codes identified in the search results.


The industry element represents an industry code returned in the search results. Its attributes include:

code - The ACME industry code.

count - The number of results assigned this industry code.

shortname - The shortened name for the industry.

name - The full industry name.


The organizations element will contain one or more org sub-elements representing the most frequently found organizations in the search results. As a default, 5 org sub-elements are returned in decreasing order by count. By requesting the refinery results with the optional parameter limit, up to 20 org sub-elements can be returned.

The count attribute for the organizations element is the number of organizations identified in the search results.


The org element represents an organization found in the search results. Its attributes include:

code - The unique ACORN (ACquire media ORganizational Number) identifier for an organization.

count - The number of results assigned this ACORN.

shortname - The shortened name for the organization.

name - The full name for the organization.


The people element will contain one or more person sub-elements representing the most frequently found business-relevant persons in the search results. As a default, 5 person sub-elements are returned in decreasing order by count. By requesting the refinery results with the optional parameter limit, up to 20 person sub-elements can be returned.

The count attribute for the people element is the number of persons identified in the search results.


The person element represents a business-relevant individual found in the search results. Its attributes include:

code - The unique Acquire Media APIN identifier for a person.

count - The number of results tagged with the APIN code.

shortname - The shortened name for the person.

name - The person's full name.


The sources element contains one or more source sub-elements. By default, the 5 most frequently found sources in the search results are returned in decreasing order by count. If the optional parameter limit is used, up to 20 source elements can be returned.

The count attribute for the sources element is the number of sources returned in the search results.


The source element represents a source returned in the search results. Its attributes include:

code - The source code.

count - The number of results from this source.

shortname - The shortened name for this source.

name - The full name for the source.


The subjects element contains one or more subject sub-elements. By default, the 5 most frequently found ACME Subject codes are returned in decreasing order by count. By requesting the refinery results with the optional parameter limit, up to 20 subject elements can be returned.

The count attribute for the subjects element is the number of subjects identified in the search results.


The subject element represents an ACME subject returned in the search results. Its attributes include:

code - The ACME subject code.

count - The number of results assigned this subject code.

shortname - The shortened name for the subject.

name - The full subject name.