API Definition

Internal News Stories

The Internal News API allows you to create news stories for sharing with the rest of your organization. These internal news stories are automatically tagged with the ACME industry, subject, location and people metadata, and are included in news/search results, as well as in email alert and RSS feed results.
Adding Stories to Internal News Wire
Reading Internal News Stories
Modifying an Internal Wire Story
Deleting an Internal Wire Story

Adding Stories to Internal News Wire
Listing your internal news sources
Adding a story to your internal news source
Listing your internal news sources
  1. List sources with internalnews/getsources.
    Using internalnews/getsources, you will identify an internal news source where stories can be uploaded and shared with your organization. From the sources result list, save a particular source element's code attribute to use in the next step.


      <sources count="1">
        <source code="IW_IntWire1" name="Acquire Media Internal Wire"/>
Adding a story to your internal news source
  1. Preparing the Story XML.
    The story XML you supply contains both the story content and instructions on managing the internal news, whether this story is to be added, modified or deleted.

    The story XML consists of a newsedge container element with two main child elements, the header element and the asset element. The header element contains information about the story, such as the publish-reason, classification codes, and the internal news source code. The asset element contains the story, including the headline, the byline, and the story content.

    Remember to ensure special characters are properly stored and displayed, use UTF-8 encoding.

     <newsedge version="1.0">
    <publish-reason code="original"/> <!-- required. Use this value for a new story -->
    <provider-codes> <!-- optional. Use if story is from another provider. -->
    <provider-code source="provider-name" code="OrigStoryLink">http://link-to-original-story</provider-code> <!-- optional. Use to include an external link to the read the story. -->
    <provider-code source="provider-name" code="OrigSource">News Sourced</provider-code> <!-- optional. Use to show the original publication source for the story. -->
    <source code="IW_IntWire1"></source> <!-- required. Use this value to identify the internal news source code. -->
    <headline>US remembers astronauts killed, pledges to reach Mars</headline> <!-- required. Use this element for the story headline. -->
    <byline>The Author</byline> <!-- optional. Use to identify the author of the story. -->
    <content> <!-- required. Use this element for the story text. -->
    The US space agency marks the 30th anniversary Thursday of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger with a pledge to remember lost astronauts as it presses on toward Mars. Wreath-laying ceremonies were planned for Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia and the Kennedy Space Center in Florida as NASA commemorated the seven lives lost on January 28, 1986, as well as other deadly space travel missions.
  2. Uploading the internal story with internalnews/upload.
    Note for most stories, you will want to use an HTTP Post command to submit the story due to the typical 2,000 character limit for HTTP urls.



Reading Internal News Stories
The internalnews/get API can be used to return all uploaded stories for an internal news source.
Reading Stories from internalnews/get
  1. List your internal news sources.
    From the sources list, save a particular source element's code attribute to use in the next step.


      <sources count="1">
        <source code="IW_IntWire1" name="Acquire Media Internal Wire"/>
  2. Get stories from internalnews/get results.

    A results list is returned that contains stories represented by multiple result elements. Each result element includes a storyURL sub-element that you use to get the story content.


    <searchResults searchKey="112131_20170707T161334359">
      <search startDate="20170501T000000-0400" endDate="20170707T161434-0400quot; resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="0" dedup="0" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <results status="true">
        <result score="1.0">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="IW_IntWire1" name="Acquire Media Internal Wire" short-name="Acquire Media Internal Wire">
            <provider code="ACQMEDIA" name="Acquire Media">
              <service code="IW_Custom" name="Custom Content"/>
            <topness code="FALSE"/>
            <media-type code="Text" name="Text"/>
            <rights code="DELIVERY" name="Delivery Rights"/>
          <headline>US remembers astronauts killed, pledges to reach Mars</headline>
          <byline>The Author</byline>
          <language code="en"/>
    The US space agency marks the 30th anniversary Thursday of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger with a pledge to remember lost astronauts as it presses on toward Mars. Wreath-laying ceremonies were planned for Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia and the Kennedy Space Center in Florida as NASA commemorated the seven lives lost on January 28, 1986, as well as other deadly space ...
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>    
  3. Submit a news/read with the storyURL.

    This example submits the storyURL from the previous step that has the following headline:

    US remembers astronauts killed, pledges to reach Mars

    Returned results are XML whose format depends on your agreement with Acquire Media. The results here show Acquire Media's SNiX format. Note the details of the story are in the asset element, in particular, the headline, summary, and content elements.


    <newsedge version="1.0">
        <publish-reason code="original"/>
        <type code="News"/>
        <user-display-publication-date isotimevalue=""2017-07-07T19:38:00Z">Friday, July 7, 2017, 3:38:00 PM EDT</user-display-publication-date>
        <user-display-received-date isotimevalue="20170707T153800-0400">Friday, July 7, 2017, 3:38:00 PM EDT</user-display-received-date>
            <entity-list code="Location">
              <entity name="North America">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">LB/nam</property>
                <property code="fullname">North America</property>
                <property code="use">primary</property>
              <entity name="United States">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">LC/us</property>
                <property code="fullname">United States</property>
                <property code="use">primary</property>
              <entity name="Americas">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">LR/am</property>
                <property code="fullname">Americas</property>
                <property code="use">primary</property>
              <entity name="Florida">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">LS/us.fl</property>
                <property code="fullname">Florida</property>
                <property code="use">primary</property>
              <entity name="Virginia">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">LS/us.va</property>
                <property code="fullname">Virginia</property>
                <property code="use">primary</property>
              <entity name="Kennedy Space Center">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">LU/us.fl.kenter</property>
                <property code="fullname">Kennedy Space Center, Florida</property>
                <property code="use">primary</property>
            <entity-list code="Person">
              <entity name="The Author">
                <property code="use">author</property>
        <source short-name="Acquire Media Internal Wire" name="Acquire Media Internal Wire" code="IW_IntWire1">
          <provider name="Acquire Media" code="ACQMEDIA">
            <service name="Custom Content" code="IW_Custom"/>
          <topness code="FALSE"/>
          <media-type name="Text" code="Text"/>
          <rights name="Delivery Rights" code="DELIVERY"/>
            US remembers astronauts killed, pledges to reach Mars
          <byline>The Author</byline>
            The US space agency marks the 30th anniversary Thursday of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger with a pledge to remember lost astronauts as it presses on toward Mars. Wreath-laying ceremonies were planned for Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia and the Kennedy Space Center in Florida as NASA commemorated the seven lives lost on January 28, 1986, as well as other deadly space ...
            The US space agency marks the 30th anniversary Thursday of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger with a pledge to remember lost astronauts as it presses on toward Mars. Wreath-laying ceremonies were planned for 
            <location>Arlington National Cemetery</location>
            <location idsrc="xmltag.org" value="LS/us.va">Virginia</location>
             and the 
            <location idsrc="xmltag.org" value="LU/us.fl.kenter">Kennedy Space Center</location>
            <location idsrc="xmltag.org" value="LS/us.fl">Florida</location>
             as NASA commemorated the seven lives lost on 
            <chron>January 28, 1986</chron>
            , as well as other deadly space travel missions.
        <language code="en"/>

Modifying an Internal Wire Story
This example assumes that stories have already been added to the internal news source and you would like to modify a story uploaded previously, e.g. changes to the headline, byline, provider information, or the story content of an uploaded story.
  1. Identifying the internal wire story to be modified.

    In this example, submit a request to the internalnews/get api to view the list of uploaded stories and identify the story to be modified.


    <searchResults searchKey="112131_20170710T110618591">
      <search startDate="20170501T000000-0400" endDate="20170710T110718-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="0" dedup="0" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <results status="true">
        <result score="1.0">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="IW_IntWire1" name="Acquire Media Internal Wire" short-name="Acquire Media Internal Wire">
            <provider code="ACQMEDIA" name="Acquire Media">
              <service code="IW_Custom" name="Custom Content"/>
            <topness code="FALSE"/>
            <media-type code="Text" name="Text"/>
            <rights code="DELIVERY" name="Delivery Rights"/>
          <headline>US remembers astronauts killed, pledges to reach Mars</headline>
          <byline>The Author</byline>
          <language code="en"/>
    The US space agency marks the 30th anniversary Thursday of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger with a pledge to remember lost astronauts as it presses on toward Mars. Wreath-laying ceremonies were planned for Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia and the Kennedy Space Center in Florida as NASA commemorated the seven lives lost on January 28, 1986, as well as other deadly space ...
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
  2. Preparing the story XML.
    Prepare the story XML with the desired modification(s) and in contrast to the example for adding a new story to the internal wire, here, you will set the publish-reason element with a code attribute value corrected. In this example, we will add the original source name and edit the headline.
     <newsedge version="1.0">
    <publish-reason code="corrected"/>
    <provider-code source="provider-name" code="IW_OrigSource">Space News and Stuff</provider-code>
    <source code="IW_IntWire1"> </source>
    <headline>US remembers astronauts killed, pledges to reach Mars by 2050</headline>
    <byline>The Author</byline>
    <content>The US space agency marks the 30th anniversary Thursday of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger with a pledge to remember lost astronauts as it presses on toward Mars. Wreath-laying ceremonies were planned for Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia and the Kennedy Space Center in Florida as NASA commemorated the seven lives lost on January 28, 1986, as well as other deadly space travel missions.</content>
  3. Submit the modified internal news story.
    The internalnews/upload request should include the internal news wire code and the encoded story XML.


  4. Retrieve the list of internal wire stories.


    <searchResults searchKey="112131_20170710T115252159">
      <search startDate="20170501T000000-0400" endDate="20170710T115352-0400" resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="0" dedup="0" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">...</search>
      <results status="true">
          <result score="1.0">
            <type code="News"/>
            <source code="IW_IntWire1" name="Space News and Stuff via Acquire Media Internal Wire" short-name="Space News and Stuff via Acquire Media Internal Wire">
              <provider code="ACQMEDIA" name="Acquire Media">
                <service code="IW_Custom" name="Custom Content"/>
              <topness code="FALSE"/>
              <media-type code="Text" name="Text"/>
              <rights code="DELIVERY" name="Delivery Rights"/>
            <headline>US remembers astronauts killed, pledges to reach Mars by 2050</headline>
            <byline>The Author</byline>
            <language code="en"/>
    The US space agency marks the 30th anniversary Thursday of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger with a pledge to remember lost astronauts as it presses on toward Mars. Wreath-laying ceremonies were planned for Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia and the Kennedy Space Center in Florida as NASA commemorated the seven lives lost on January 28, 1986, as well as other deadly space ...</summary>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
  5. View the modified internal news story.


    <newsedge version="1.0">
        <publish-reason code="corrected"/>
        <type code="News"/>
        <user-display-publication-date isotimevalue="2017-07-07T19:38:00Z">Friday, July 7, 2017, 3:38:00 PM EDT</user-display-publication-date>
        <user-display-received-date isotimevalue="2017-07-07T19:38:00Z">Friday, July 7, 2017, 3:38:00 PM EDT</user-display-received-date>
            <entity-list code="Location">
              <entity name="North America">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">LB/nam</property>
                <property code="fullname">North America</property>
                <property code="use">primary</property>
              <entity name="United States">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">LC/us</property>
                <property code="fullname">United States</property>
                <property code="use">primary</property>
              <entity name="Americas">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">LR/am</property>
                <property code="fullname">Americas</property>
                <property code="use">primary</property>
              <entity name="Florida">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">LS/us.fl</property>
                <property code="fullname">Florida</property>
                <property code="use">primary</property>
              <entity name="Virginia">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">LS/us.va</property>
                <property code="fullname">Virginia</property>
                <property code="use">primary</property>
              <entity name="Kennedy Space Center">
                <property source="xmltag.org" code="loc">LU/us.fl.kenter</property>
                <property code="fullname">Kennedy Space Center, Florida</property>
                <property code="use">primary</property>
            <entity-list code="Person">
              <entity name="The Author">
                <property code="use">author</property>
        <source short-name="Space News and Stuff via Acquire Media Internal Wire" name="Space News and Stuff via Acquire Media Internal Wire" code="IW_IntWire1">
          <provider name="Acquire Media" code="ACQMEDIA">
            <service name="Custom Content" code="IW_Custom"/>
          <topness code="FALSE"/>
          <media-type name="Text" code="Text"/>
          <rights name="Delivery Rights" code="DELIVERY"/>
          <headline>US remembers astronauts killed, pledges to reach Mars by 2050</headline>
          <byline>The Author</byline>
          <summary>The US space agency marks the 30th anniversary Thursday of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger with a pledge to remember lost astronauts as it presses on toward Mars. Wreath-laying ceremonies were planned for Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia and the Kennedy Space Center in Florida as NASA commemorated the seven lives lost on January 28, 1986, as well as other deadly space ...</summary>
          <p>The US space agency marks the 30th anniversary Thursday of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger</p><p>with a pledge to remember lost astronauts as it presses on toward Mars. Wreath-laying ceremonies were planned for</p>
          <p><location>Arlington National Cemetery</location> in 
            <location idsrc="xmltag.org" value="LS/us.va">Virginia</location> and the 
            <location idsrc="xmltag.org" value="LU/us.fl.kenter">Kennedy Space Center</location> in 
          <location idsrc="xmltag.org" value="LS/us.fl">Florida</location> as NASA commemorated the seven</p>
          <p>lives lost on <chron>January 28, 1986</chron>, as well as other deadly space travel missions.</p>
        <language code="en"/>

Deleting an Internal Wire Story
This example assumes that stories have already been added to the internal news source.
  1. Identifying the internal wire story to be deleted.

    Once again, submit a request to the internalnews/get api to view the list of uploaded stories and identify the story to be deleted.


    <searchResults searchKey="112131_20170710T143451621">
      <search startDate="20170501T000000-0400" endDate="20170809T161241-0400quot; resultsPerPage="20" stem="1" summary="1" metadata="0" taxonomy="0" entity="0" provider-code="0" minimum="0" cluster="0" dedup="0" refine="0" sorting="receiveDate" score="0" highlight="false" relevanceCutOff="85" busRelCutOff="0" includeProvDup="0" includeNRC="" filterLicensedPkg="" filterWebLinkedPkg="">
      <results status="true">
        <result score="1.0">
          <type code="News"/>
          <source code="IW_IntWire1" name="Space News and Stuff via Acquire Media Internal Wire" short-name="Space News and Stuff via Acquire Media Internal Wire">
            <provider code="ACQMEDIA" name="Acquire Media">
              <service code="IW_Custom" name="Custom Content"/>
            <topness code="FALSE"/>
            <media-type code="Text" name="Text"/>
            <rights code="DELIVERY" name="Delivery Rights"/>
          <headline>US remembers astronauts killed, pledges to reach Mars by 2050</headline>
          <byline>The Author</byline>
          <language code="en"/>
    The US space agency marks the 30th anniversary Thursday of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger with a pledge to remember lost astronauts as it presses on toward Mars. Wreath-laying ceremonies were planned for Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia and the Kennedy Space Center in Florida as NASA commemorated the seven lives lost on January 28, 1986, as well as other deadly space ...
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>
        <result score="1.0">...</result>    
  2. Preparing the story XML.
    Here, you will set the publish-reason element with a code attribute value deleted. The story XML only requires the publish-reason along with the story id and the source code.
     <newsedge version="1.0">
    <publish-reason code="deleted"/>
    <source code="IW_IntWire1"></source> </header>
  3. Submit the request to delete the internal news story.



internalnews/getsources - Get the a list of internal news sources

Use internalnews/getsources to get a list of source categories for internal news. For example, an internal news source might be defined for marketing use and a separate one defined for investor relations use. The returned results for each source include a code attribute in the source element, which you use to identify internal news sources in other internalnews requests. See also api/info where noun=internalnews and verb=getsources.



Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the value returned in the user-token element from session/login.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.

Returned Results

The returned results from internalnews/getsources include an opens-api element that contains status and sources sub-elements.


Name Values Description
statusOK, ERRORThe status of the request.
  • OK - Request completed successfully.
  • ERROR - An error occurred with the request. An error element contains a description of the error.
sourcesThe sources element represents the list of internal news source categories and contains one or more source sub-elements. The count attribute identifies the number of source sub-elements.
sourceA source identifies a category of news stories. Each source element includes the following attributes:
  • code - An identifier of an internal news source. Use this value in other internalnews API requests to identify a particular source.
  • name - a name for an internal news source.

internalnews/upload - Upload and manage a story for internal news

Use internalnews/upload to upload and manage your internal news stories. After a story is uploaded, the system automatically adds to the story Acquire Media's metadata for categories that include company, geography, industry, people, source, and subject. See also api/info where noun=internalnews and verb=upload.

The XML you supply contains both story content and instructions for managing the story in internal news. The following examples show the XML format for adding a new story, updating a story, and deleting a story.

XML to add a story

 <newsedge version="1.0">
<publish-reason code="original"/> <!-- use this value for a new story -->
<provider-codes> <!-- optional. Use if story is from another provider. -->
<provider-code source="provider-name" code="OrigStoryLink">http://link-to-original-story</provider-code>
<provider-code source="provider-name" code="OrigSource">Story provider name</provider-code>
<source code="Insert the value of the code attribute of a source element from internalnews/getsources.">
<headline>The Title</headline>
<byline>The Author</byline> <!-- optional -->
<content>Content including HTML tagging as needed.</content>

XML to update a story

 <newsedge version="1.0">
<id>Insert the value of the id attribute of a result element from internalnews/get.</id>
<publish-reason code="corrected"/> <!-- use this value for a modified story -->
<provider-codes> <!-- optional. Use if story is from another provider. -->
<provider-code source="provider-name" code="OrigStoryLink">http://link changes</provider-code>
<provider-code source="provider-name" code="OrigSource">Story provider name changes</provider-code>
<source code="Insert the value of the code attribute of a source element from internalnews/getsources.">
<headline>Title changes</headline>
<byline>Author changes</byline> <!-- optional -->
<content>Content changes as needed.</content>

XML to delete a story

 <newsedge version="1.0">
<id>Insert the value of the id attribute of a result element from internalnews/get.</id>
<publish-reason code="deleted"/> <!-- use this value to delete the story -->
<source code="Insert the value of the code attribute of a source element from internalnews/getsources."></source>



Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the value returned in the user-token element from session/login.
sourceA code representing a source category of internal news stories. Use the code attribute returned in a source element from internalnews/getsources.
xmlEncoded XML of the story content and other information required for an internal news story, including HTML tagging as needed.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.

Returned Results

The returned results from internalnews/upload include an opens-api element that contains a status sub-element.


Name Values Description
statusOK, ERRORThe status of the request.
  • OK - Request completed successfully.
  • ERROR - An error occurred with the request. An error element contains a description of the error.

internalnews/get - Get a list of internal news stories

Use internalnews/get to search and retrieve a list of news stories for an internal source. See also api/info where noun=internalnews and verb=get.


https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/internalnews/get?session=<<user-token>>&source=<<source-code>>[&parameter=value][& . . .]

Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the value returned in the user-token element from session/login.
sourceA code representing a source of internal news stories. Use the code attribute returned in a source element from internalnews/getsources.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.
0, 1
Determines whether to show story metadata in the returned results.

0 - Do not show story metadata in the returned results.

1 - Show the story metadata in the returned results. Metadata is returned in the classification element of the returned results.

0, 1
Determines how much of the result element to show in the returned results. See the result element for details.
1, 2, . . . totalPages
Sets which page of results to return. Use the page parameter in subsequent intern news/get requests in combination with the searchKey parameter to return other pages of results. For example, &page=2 will return the second page of results. To determine how many pages are available, see the returned totalPages element from internalnews/get.

See also the resultsPerPage parameter.

1, 2, . . . 210
Sets the number of results on a page returned from internalnews/get.
all, today, past2days, past7days, past14days, past21days, past30days, past60days, past90days, thisQuarter, past6months, past1year, past2years, past3years, past4years, past5years, past6years, past7years, past8years, past9years
Sets the date range of the search. A story will be included if its received date is within the date range. The searchDate is converted to values for the startDate and endDate elements in the returned results as follows:

all - The startDate is set to midnight of January 1, 2007.

today - The startDate time is set to midnight of the previous day.

past2Days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day before yesterday.

past7days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day seven days before today.

past14days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day fourteen days before today.

past21days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day twenty one days before today.

past30days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day thirty days before today.

past60days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day sixty days before today.

past90days - the startDate is set to midnight of the day ninety days before today.

thisQuarter - The startDate for Q1 is midnight January 1, for Q2 it is midnight April 1, for Q3 it is midnight July 1, and for Q4 it is midnight October 1.

past6months - the startDate is set to midnight of the day six months before today.

past1year - the startDate is set to midnight of the day one year before today.

past2years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day two years before today.

past3years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day three years before today.

past4years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day four years before today.

past5years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day five years before today.

past6years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day six years before today.

past7years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day seven years before today.

past8years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day eight years before today.

past9years - the startDate is set to midnight of the day nine years before today.

searchKeyThe searchKey identifies an internalnews/get search. Use a previous internalnews/get request to get the value from the searchKey attribute returned in the searchResults element.

To view more pages of story results, use the searchKey parameter in combination with the page parameter.

0, 1
Determines whether to show the story summary element in the returned results.

0 - Do not include the summary.

1 - Include the summary.

receiveDate, publicationDate, relevance
Sets the order of the returned results.

receiveDate - Sort by the date the story is received, from recent to oldest.

publicationDate - Sort by the publication date, from recent to oldest.

relevance - Sort by how well the story fits the search terms, from highest relevance value to lowest.

Returned Results

The returned results from internalnews/get are a page of internal news stories contained in a searchResults element, which includes the searchKey attribute that identifies the search for internal stories. Use this value as the searchKey parameter in subsequent internalnews/get requests to get additional pages of results.


The outer container element, which contains the searchKey attribute, and the search, pageInfo and results child elements.

Name Values Description
searchKeyAn attribute that identifies the search. Store this value to use for retrieving subsequent pages of results.
searchContains attributes used to control the the search for internal news. The search element also includes the queryString child element. The attributes include the following:

startDate - The start of the date range for this search. The value of the searchDate parameter is converted to the appropriate values for the startDate and endDate attributes, where startDate is earlier than endDate.

endDate - The end of the date range for this search.

resultsPerPage - The maximum number of result elements returned for the page. This value is set with the resultsPerPage parameter. See also the numberResults element.

stem - A value of 1 indicates that the search uses stemming.

summary - Indicates whether the story summary element is included in the returned results. This value is set with the summary parameter.

1 - The returned results include the summary element.

0 - The returned results do not include the summary element.

metadata - Indicates whether the story metadata is included in the returned results in the classification element. This value is set with the metadata parameter.

0 - The returned results will not include metadata.

1 - The returned results will include the story metadata.

taxonomy - A value of 0 indicates that the taxonomy elements are not included within the classification element.

entity - A value of 0 indicates that some entities sub-elements are not included in the returned results within the classification element.

provider-code - A value of 0 indicates that some provider-code elements are not included within the classification element.

minimum - Indicates which child elements are included within the result element. This value is set with the minimum parameter. See also the result element for more details.

cluster - A value of 0 indicates that the returned results are not clustered together by parent-child relationships.

dedup - A value of 0 indicates that duplicated stories are not removed from the returned results.

refine - A value of 0 indicates that the search did not refine the results related to facets.

sorting - indicates how the result elements are sorted in the returned results. See the sort parameter for details.

score - A value of 0 indicates that the search did not generate a score value for each story.

highlight - A value of false indicates that the returned results do not have search terms highlighted.

relevanceCutOff - The results are filtered to return those stories that have relevance equal or greater than this value.

busRelCutOff - A value of 0 indicates that the returned results are not filtered for business relevance.

includeProvDup - A value of 0 indicates that the returned results are not filtered for stories identified as duplicates by the provider.

includeNRC - Not relevant.

filterLicensedPkg - Not relevant.

filterWebLinkedPkg - Not relevant.

queryString The query used to search and return stories for a particular internal news source. The query is created from the source code used in the source parameter.
pageInfoContains paging information. Use values from the following child elements with the page and resultsPerPage parameters to coordinate getting multiple pages of results from internalnews/get.
  • totalResults
  • totalPages
  • resultsPage
  • numberResults
  • topResult
  • bottomResult
resultsA container element that is a list of result child elements. The results element includes the status attribute with a value of true if the search completed successfully and false if it did not. See the results table for more details.


Name Values Description
totalResultsThe number of total stories found in the search. If the totalResults element contains the attribute partialTotal and it is set to true, then the value of totalResults is not complete, and may increase with subsequent news/search calls with this searchKey.
totalPagesThe number of pages of results available. This value depends on the combination of values in the totalResults element and the resultsPerPage attribute of the search element.
resultsPageThe current page of results. This value is set with the page parameter.
numberResultsThe number of result elements in the current page. This value should be equal to or less than the value of the resultsPerPage attribute of the search element.
topResultThe sequential number for the first result on this page.
bottomResultThe sequential number for the last result on this page.
resultsA container element that is a list of result child elements. The results element includes the status attribute with a value of true if the search completed successfully and false if it did not. See the results table for more details.


Name Values Description
resultThe container element for a specific story, which includes the attribute:

score - The relevance score for this story with respect to the search executed.

The result child elements depend on the settings of the summary, minimum, and metadata attributes of the search element.

  • If minimum="1", the result element includes the following child elements:
    • id
    • storyURL
    • type
    • publication-date
    • receive-date
    • source
    • provider
    • service
    • headline
    • summary
  • If minimum="0", the result element includes all of the above plus the following additional child elements:
    • lastchanged-date
    • topness
    • media-type
    • rights
    • references
    • business-relevance
    • dup
    • wordcount
    • title
    • byline
    • language
  • If summary="0", the result element will not include the summary child element.
  • If metadata="1", the result element also includes the classification child element.
idThis alphanumeric string uniquely identifies this story. It is suitable for a database key. Use this value for the id element within the xml parameter of internalnews/upload.
storyURLThis is the URL to follow to read the full story.
typeNewsThe type element for stories uploaded to an internal source is News, where the story is hosted by NewsEdge servers. When the storyURL is followed, the story will be returned, along with associated metadata.
publication-dateYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS-ZZZZThe date and time the story was published to the internal wire source.
received-dateYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS-ZZZZThe date and time the story was received by the NewsEdge system.
lastchanged-dateYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS-ZZZZThe date and time the story was last modified in the system. Visible only if the attribute minimum="0" for the search element.
sourceThe source element contains the name, short-name and code attributes.

The name attribute is the Acquire Media full name for the publication.

The short-name attribute is the text that should be displayed to the user as the source of the story.

The code attribute can be used as a search term.

The source element contains the child element provider. The provider element for the internal news source is always Acquire Media.

The provider element contains the child service element. The service element for the internal news source is always Custom Content.

The source element also contains source classification data as child elements: topness, media-type and rights.

providerAcquire MediaIdentifies Acquire Media as the internal news source provider. The provider element includes the following attributes:

code - An identifier of a provider.

name - The name of the provider.

The provider element includes a service child element.

serviceCustom ContentIdentifies the Custom Content service from provider Acquire Media. This element includes the following attributes:

code - An identifier of a service.

name - The name of the service.

topnessTRUE, FALSEThe NewsEdge content team deems this source to be extremely influential with high editorial value. Visible only if the attribute minimum="0" for the search element.
media-typetextIdentifies the type of media the story source is, such as text. Visible only if the attribute minimum="0" for the search element. The media-type element includes the following attributes:

code - An identifier of a media type.

name - The name of the media type.

rightsThe rights element describes licensing rights. Visible only if the attribute minimum="0" for the search element. The rights element includes the following attributes:

code - An identifier of the type of rights.

name - The name of the type of rights.

referencesThe references element may contain zero or more reference elements. This element contains a summary of every external reference that is related to this file.

Visible only if the attribute minimum="0" for the search element.


A reference element contains an url to information related to the story.

If the reference type attribute is "pub-source", then the item href points to the full version of the story.

If the reference type attribute is "associated-media", it indicates the item child element with required attribute href points to an image, video, audio, or other media file that is related to the story.

The item child element has optional child elements to describe relevant details of the file. The item child elements are:

mime-type - defines the format of the file in standard IANA MIME content types.

file-size-octets - defines the size of the referenced file in number of 8-bit bytes.

height-pixels - defines the native height in pixels of the referenced picture or movie.

width-pixels - defines the native width in pixels of the referenced picture or movie.

business-relevance0-99A measure of the relevance of the story's content to business as opposed to non-business content. Visible only if the attribute minimum="0" for the search element.
dup0, 1Indicates if the story is a duplicate. Visible only if the attribute minimum="0" for the search element.

0 - The story is not a duplicate.

1 - The story is a duplicate.

wordcountThe number of words in the story's content. Visible only if the attribute minimum="0" for the search element.
headlineThis is the headline of the story.
bylineThe author(s) of this story. This element is optional. Visible only if the attribute minimum="0" for the search element.
languageThe language code assigned to stories uploaded to this internal news source. Visible only if the attribute minimum="0" for the search element. The language element includes a code attribute to identify the language. This code attribute is the two-letter ISO 639-1 language code.

An Acquire Media generated value used to identify duplicate stories. Visible only if the attribute metadata="1" for the search element.


An Acquire Media generated set of story elements that can be used for grouping similar stories.

Visible only if the attribute metadata="1" for the search element. Includes the following child elements, acorn, noun and hdl-noun, which may be used to group similar stories.


The ACquire media ORganizational Number for an organization. It is always a 10 digit number.

Visible only if the attribute metadata="1" for the search element.


Nouns extracted from the story text.

Visible only if the attribute metadata="1" for the search element.


Nouns extracted from the headline text.

Visible only if the attribute metadata="1" for the search element.


An Acquire Media generated identifier that can be used for grouping similar stories.

Visible only if the attribute metadata="1" for the search element.

summaryThis is an abstract, summation or the lead of the story.
classificationThe classification element contains the taxonomies and entities elements. Visible only if the attribute metadata="1" for the search element.

The taxonomies element contains the industry and subject taxonomic nodes that apply to this story.

The entities element contains the location, company and people entity-lists that apply to this story.