API Definition

RSS Feeds

NewsEdge search results and story folder content may be returned in an RSS format for redistribution to websites or RSS readers. Please note once the RSS feed is called, the feed is cached on the server for 15 minutes.
RSS Feed from a Saved Search
RSS Feed from a Story Folder

RSS Feed from a Saved Search
This example reuses saved searches created with news/search and savedsearch/create. Also, refer to session/login to obtain the uid required for building the RSS feed filename.
  1. List saved searches.
    Use the savedsearch/list to see a list of all saved searches. From the results.


        <savedsearch ss="13819" owner="API User" level="PERSONAL" name="Drug Trials" permission="WRITE"/>
        . . .
  2. Get RSS feed for saved search.
    Create the RSS filename by concatenating the following values:
    • the user-ID (refer to session/login for the uid)
    • the underscore (_) character
    • the letter "s"
    • the saved search ID (ss) from the previous step
    • ".xml" as the file extension

    e.g. <<user-ID>>_s13819.xml. Use this filename for the request.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <rss xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" version="2.0">
        <title>Drug Trials</title>
        <description>"This RSS feed is brought to you by NewsEdge.com"</description>
        <lastBuildDate>Fri, 29 Apr 2016 14:06:05 EDT</lastBuildDate>
        <generator>NewsEdge.com RSS generator</generator>
        <managingEditor>rss.editing@newsedge.com (Acquire Media NewsEdge)</managingEditor>
        <webMaster>rss.master@newsedge.com (Acquire Media NewsEdge)</webMaster>
          <title>FDA Approves First Generic Crestor-DJ</title>
          <description>BZ NOTE: Crestor Is A Notable Revenue Producer For AstraZeneca, Company Warned Of This In February; AstraZeneca Fell To $28.88 On News , Now Trading At $29.15 /Share</description>
          <guid isPermaLink="false">usCfWZTCrguwTbEvG2ONZkALkFg3PAaJFFl_BkfBG810ypCPXMtlv7owcah7GgBZ01Wo71_FpZIrK_oDEu9p_w</guid>
          <pubDate>Fri, 29 Apr 2016 12:57:00 EDT</pubDate>
          <author>Benzinga Lightning Feed</author>
          <dc:publisher>Benzinga Lightning Feed</dc:publisher>
          <dc:rights>(c) 2016 Benzinga Newswires. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.</dc:rights>
  3. Paging with RSS feeds.
    The RSS results default to 100 items per page. Some searches may return more than 100 headlines. Use the optional paging parameter to get links for paging.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <rss xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" version="2.0">
        <title>Drug Trials</title>
        <atom:link rel="self" type="application/rss+xml;charset=UTF-8" title="Drug Trials" href="https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/rss/get?file=32594_s13819.xml&paging=1" />
        <atom:link rel="first" type="application/rss+xml;charset=UTF-8" href="https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/rss/get?file=32594_s13819.xml&page=1" />
        <atom:link rel="next" type="application/rss+xml;charset=UTF-8" href="https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/rss/get?file=32594_s13819.xml&page=2" />
        <description>"This RSS feed is brought to you by NewsEdge.com"</description>
        <lastBuildDate>Fri, 29 Apr 2016 14:06:05 EDT</lastBuildDate>
        <generator>NewsEdge.com RSS generator</generator>
        <managingEditor>rss.editing@newsedge.com (Acquire Media NewsEdge)</managingEditor>
        <webMaster>rss.master@newsedge.com (Acquire Media NewsEdge)</webMaster>
  4. Calling Page 2 of RSS feed.
    From the previous results, submit a request using the href attribute of the atom:link element where attribute rel has value "next".


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <rss xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" version="2.0">
        <title>Drug Trials</title>
        <atom:link rel="self" type="application/rss+xml;charset=UTF-8" title="Drug Trials" href="https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/rss/get?file=32594_s13819.xml&page=2" /> 
        <atom:link rel="first" type="application/rss+xml;charset=UTF-8" href="https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/rss/get?file=32594_s13819.xml&page=1" /> 
        <atom:link rel="previous" type="application/rss+xml;charset=UTF-8" href="https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/rss/get?file=32594_s13819.xml&page=1" /> 
        <atom:link rel="next" type="application/rss+xml;charset=UTF-8" href="https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/rss/get?file=32594_s13819.xml&page=3" /> 
        <atom:link rel="last" type="application/rss+xml;charset=UTF-8" href="https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/rss/get?file=32594_s13819.xml&page=6" /> 
        <description>"This RSS feed is brought to you by NewsEdge.com"</description> 
        <lastBuildDate>Fri, 29 Apr 2016 15:55:51 EDT</lastBuildDate> 
        <generator>NewsEdge.com RSS generator</generator>
        <managingEditor>rss.editing@newsedge.com (Acquire Media NewsEdge)</managingEditor>
        <webMaster>rss.master@newsedge.com (Acquire Media NewsEdge)</webMaster>

RSS Feed from a Story Folder
This example shows how to get the RSS feed URL for a story folder. Refer to storyfolder/create and storyfolder/list for details about creating and viewing story folder lists.
  1. List story folders.
    Use the storyfolder/list to retrieve a list of story folders.


      <storyfolders count="3">
        <storyfolder id="17792" order="3" count="6" sharing="" name="Industry News" description="" owner="API User" level="USER" permission="READ|WRITE|MANAGE" sort="RANK"/>
        <storyfolder id="17791" order="2" count="4" sharing="" name="My Stories" description="Stories for my homepage" owner="API User" level="USER" permission="READ|WRITE|MANAGE" sort="PUBDATE"/>
        <storyfolder id="17785" order="1" count="1" sharing="" name="My Stories manual fill" description="" owner="API User" level="USER" permission="READ|WRITE|MANAGE" sort="DATEADDED"/>
  2. Get RSS feed for story folder.
    Create the RSS filename by concatenating the following values:
    • the user-ID (refer to session/login for the uid)
    • the underscore (_) character
    • the letters "pa", "pp", "ps" or "p", to retrieve the "active", "pending", "stored" or all headlines from the story folder.
    • the story folder ID (id) from the previous step
    • ".xml" as the file extension

    e.g. <<user-ID>>_pa17791.xml. Use this string as the filename value for the next step.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <rss xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" version="2.0">
        <title>My Stories</title>
        <description>"This RSS feed is brought to you by NewsEdge.com"</description>
        <lastBuildDate>Fri, 01 Dec 2017 15:28:30 EST</lastBuildDate>
        <generator>NewsEdge.com RSS generator</generator>
        <managingEditor>rss.editing@newsedge.com (Acquire Media NewsEdge)</managingEditor>
        <webMaster>rss.master@newsedge.com (Acquire Media NewsEdge)</webMaster>
          <title>WORKING WITH ROBOTS</title>
          <guid isPermaLink="false">d7v72x1iI6sXcUO3ZZ0YBC9ixjipxWQpAGaZMUZE0t_4VtD940LCSkWavYyrx6RO7RVedjRre-wN12hFjHUK9Q</guid>
          <description>EVER since the German concept "Industry 4.0" was coined as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), the term has become a buzzword penetrating public discourse in all walks of life. Advanced robotics, autonomous cars and artificial intelligence (AI) are among major trends brought by 4IR. While unprecedented technological advancements should instil some optimism for the future of human ...</description>
          <pubDate>Tue, 14 Nov 2017 00:01:00 EST</pubDate>
          <author>New Straits Time</author>
          <dc:creator>Dwintha Maya Kartika</dc:creator>
          <dc:rights>(c) 2017 New Straits Times Publishing Co.</dc:rights>
          <dc:publisher>New Straits Time</dc:publisher>
          <title>4As course aims to enlighten firms about AI, VR</title>
          <guid isPermaLink="false">d7v72x1iI6sXcUO3ZZ0YBPxrGDXAnAMxZM3hbjknXP8tzFoZiD5mdLLwTl3Zc21_C-OGn_HtrIDMrjcMX4UGyQ</guid>
          <description>KUALA LUMPUR: The Association of Accredited Advertising Agents Malaysia (4As) has organised a specially tailored course for companies to gain the latest knowledge on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) yesterday. 4As said this knowledge would reshape the next generation of marketing communications. The half-day course, titled "Magic and the Machines - ...</description>
          <pubDate>Tue, 14 Nov 2017 00:01:00 EST</pubDate>
          <author>Business Times</author>
          <dc:publisher>Business Times</dc:publisher>
  3. Get RSS feed for story folder (stored articles).


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
    <rss xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" version="2.0">
      <description>"This RSS feed is brought to you by NewsEdge.com"</description> 
      <lastBuildDate>Thu, 05 May 2016 15:41:12 EDT</lastBuildDate> 
      <generator>NewsEdge.com RSS generator</generator> 
      <managingEditor>rss.editing@newsedge.com (Acquire Media NewsEdge)</managingEditor> 
      <webMaster>rss.master@newsedge.com (Acquire Media NewsEdge)</webMaster> 
        <title>Sequoia invests £40m in Bristol-based AI startup</title>
        <description> Silicon Valley investment giant Sequoia Capital has pumped $50m (£38m) into Bristol-headquartered artificial intelligence chip producer Graphcore a major vote of confidence in the UK's booming startup scene. Sequoia is best known as an early investor in some of the technology sectors' most prominent names including Apple, Oracle, Yahoo, Google, YouTube, PayPal, Instagram, WhatsApp and ...</description>
        <pubdate>Tue, 14 Nov 2017 08:00:01 EST</pubdate>
        <dc:rights>(c) 2017 Independent News and Media Limited</dc:rights>
        <title>WORKING WITH ROBOTS</title>
        <description> EVER since the German concept "Industry 4.0" was coined as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), the term has become a buzzword penetrating public discourse in all walks of life. Advanced robotics, autonomous cars and artificial intelligence (AI) are among major trends brought by 4IR. While unprecedented technological advancements should instil some optimism for the future of human ...</description>
        <pubdate>Tue, 14 Nov 2017 08:00:01 EST</pubdate>
        <author>New Straits Time (Malaysia)</author>
        <dc:creator>Dwintha Maya Kartika</dc:creator>
        <dc:rights>(c) 2017 New Straits Times Publishing Co.</dc:rights>
        <dc:publisher>New Straits Time (Malaysia)</dc:publisher>
        <title>NVIDIA Chosen by Every Major Computer Maker, Every Major Cloud</title>
        <description> DENVER, Nov. 13, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NVIDIA today announced the world's most advanced data center GPU the NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU based on NVIDIA's Volta architecture is available through every major computer maker and chosen by every major cloud to deliver artificial intelligence and high performance computing. Dell EMC, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Huawei, IBM and Lenovo have all ...</description>
        <pubdate>Mon, 13 Nov 2017 13:00:00 EST</pubdate>

rss/get - Get an RSS feed of news stories

Use rss/get to provide an RSS feed of stories from a saved search or story folder.

See also api/info where noun=rss and verb=get, savedsearch/list, and storyfolder/list.


https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/rss/get?file=<<file-name>>[&parameter=value][& . . .]

Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description

An XML file name that identifies which stories to provide in an RSS feed. The file name format is:


The details of the format are:

user-ID - Identifies the user who searched for the stories. Use the value of the uid element available in the returned results of a news/search call.

Xsource-ID may be one of the following formats:

ssource-ID - Displays stories from a saved search. Use a saved search ID For the source-ID, which is the value of the ss attribute from the results of a call to savedsearch/info or savedsearch/list.

pasource-ID - Displays "active" stories from a story folder. For the source-ID, use a story folder ID, which is the value of the id attribute from the results of a call to storyfolder/info or storyfolder/list.

ppsource-ID - Displays "pending" stories from a story folder.

pssource-ID - Displays only "stored" stories from a story folder.

psource-ID - Displays all stories from a story folder.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
0, 1, 2, . . .
If a story headline contain images, all are included in the RSS feed by default. Use maxImagesPerStory to limit the number of images a headline will include in the RSS feed.
1, 2, . . . total-pages
A number representing a page of returned results. Use the page parameter in subsequent rss/get calls to return another page of results. For example, add &page=2 to an rss/get call to return the second page of results. If you use a value greater than total-pages, the last page is returned.

0 - Do not include Atom paging links in the feed.

1 - Include Atom paging links in the feed.

Atom feed readers use paging links so users can page through the feed by accessing the first, previous, next, or last page of a set of items. Atom paging links can be useful when the number of stories is very large or indeterminate. Consider including Atom paging links so that queries with very large numbers of items do not overwhelm the server, the network, or the client.

1,2, . . . 100
The number of headline results returned in the rss/get call.

0 - Show all headlines.

1 - Show only headlines with secure protocol connections, HTTPS.


0 - Show the at-sign (@) in the beginning of the link to WebLinked stories.

1 - Do not show the at-sign (@) in the link of WebLinked stories.

Returned Results

The results returned are an XML file suitable as input to an RSS reader. The XML includes an rss element, which contains a channel element with a set of item sub-elements representing each story.


Name Values Description

The channel element contains the following sub-elements:












titleThe title is the name of the RSS feed channel. This is the same name as the saved search or story folder.
descriptionA short description of the RSS feed channel.
languageen-USThe language in which the RSS feed items are written. The format is the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) language tag format, for example: en-US.
lastBuildDateDAY, DD MMM YYYY HH:MM:SS ZZZThe date and time of when the RSS feed content was last generated. For example: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 12:49:07 EST.
generatorThe application used to generate the RSS feed content. The NewsEdge.com RSS generator.
docsURL that points to the documentation used to format this RSS Feed XML. http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss.
managingEditorThe email address of the person responsible for the RSS feed's editorial content. The managing editor is available at rss.editing@newsedge.com (Acquire Media NewsEdge).
webMasterThe email address of the person responsible for technical issues for the RSS feed. The Webmaster is available at rss.master@newsedge.com (Acquire Media NewsEdge).
ttl15The time-to-live (ttl) for the RSS feed is the number of minutes the channel can be cached before refreshing from the source.

A channel contains item elements, each of which represents a news story. All sub-elements of an item are optional, however at least one title or description must be present. The sub-elements include:












titleThe title of the story.
descriptionA synopsis of the story. If the item is a complete story, the description may contain HTML encoding, and the link and title elements may be omitted.
media:contentThe URL links to images and videos, if available. There can be none, one or many <media:content> elements.
guidA global unique identifier for the story. The attribute isPermaLink indicates whether the guid value is a valid link. The default value is true. If the isPermaLink value is true, the guid is a valid URL that points to the full item. If the isPermaLink value is false, do not assume the guid is a valid URL.
pubDateDAY, DD MMM YYYY HH:MM:SS ZZZThe date the story was published. For example: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 12:43:00 EST.
authorThe publisher of the story.
dc:creatorThe byline, if available, lists the people and/or organizations that created the news asset, in a free-form, unstructured text.
dc:rightsThe copyright, if available, provides information about the intellectual property rights owner for the news asset, in a free-form, unstructured text.
dc:dateYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±HH:MMFor saved search RSS, the <dc:date> is the date the story was received by Acquire Media. For story folder RSS, the <dc:date> is the date the story was added to the story folder. The date is formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard.
dc:publishertext stringThe publisher of the story.
dc:languageThe language in which the published story is written, if available. Language is formatted with IETF format. For example, en-US.