API Definition

company/chart - Retrieve a Company Stock Price Chart

Calls to this API will return either a price or price and volume chart for the requested company


https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/company/chart?session=<<SESSION>>&acorn=<<ACORN>>[&parameter=value][&. . .]
https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/company/chart?session=<<SESSION>>&ticker=<<EXCHANGE:TICKER>>[&parameter=value][&. . .]
https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/company/chart?session=<<SESSION>>&cusip=<<CUSIP>>[&parameter=value][&. . .]
https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/company/chart?session=<<SESSION>>&isin=<<ISIN>>[&parameter=value][&. . .]

Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.
company identifierOne type of company identifier must be supplied in the request. The available company identifier types are acorn , ticker , cusip , or isin . Only a single company identifier can be included in a call to company/chart.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
acornThe ACquire media ORganizational Number for the company that the filings are desired. It is always a 10 digit number. ACORNs can be found using the company/search API.
tickerThe ticker company identifier is in the form EXCHANGE:TICKER. Both the exchange and ticker for a company can be found using the company/search API.
cusipThe cusip identifier is the 9 character Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number. The cusip number for a company can be found using the company/search API.
isinThe ISIN identifier is the 12 character International Securities Identification Number. The isin for a company can be found using the company/search API.
The type parameter controls whether only price information is shown or price and volume information are shown in the returned image.
The format parameter controls the representation of the price values -- either a line graph, a bar chart, or a candlestick chart.
The frequency parameter controls the time span between data points in the chart.
The time span covered by the chart is controlled by either the daterange parameter or the startdate and enddate parameter. If the daterange parameter is specified, then the chart will go back the indicated amount of time from the time of the call. For example, intraday means today's prices and volumes and week would go back 7 days from today.
startdateThe startdate parameter sets the beginning of the time range for the chart. It can be speficied as YYYYMMDD to indicate starting at market opening on a certain day or as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS to indicate starting at a particular time on a certain day. If the startdate is specified, the daterange is not allowed.
enddateThe enddate parameter sets the end of the time range for the chart. It can be speficied as YYYYMMDD to indicate ending at market closing on a certain day or as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS to indicate ending at a particular time on a certain day. If startdate is specified and enddate is not specified, then enddate is assumed to be the time of the call to the API.
The height parameter sets the height in pixels of the returned image.
The width parameter sets the width in pixels of the returned image.
axisColorR,G,B or X-11 color namesThe color of the axes of the charts.
backgroundColorR,G,B or X-11 color namesThis is the color of the border of the chart and the background color of the volume chart.
chartBackgroundColorR,G,B or X-11 color namesThis is the color of the even horizontal grids of the price chart.
altChartBackgroundColorR,G,B or X-11 color namesThis is the color of the odd horizontal grids of the price chart.
chartColorR,G,B or X-11 color namesThis is the color of the line of the price chart.
scaleColorR,G,B or X-11 color namesThis is the color of the horizontal dashed grid lines of both charts.
textColorR,G,B or X-11 color namesThis is the color of all the text on the chart.
studyColorR,G,B or X-11 color namesThis is the color the indicators on the volume chart.
candleUpColorR,G,B or X-11 color namesThis is the color of the candlesticks for up ticks.
candleDownColorR,G,B or X-11 color namesThis is the color of the candlesticks for down ticks.

Returned Results

If successful, the company/chart request will return an image showing the requested price and volume information. If unsuccessful, the company/chart request will return a status of ERROR, and a message element with a description of the error.

company/filings - Retrieve Company Filings

Calls to this API return available official corporate registration statements, period reports and other forms from the requested company as filed to official governmental commissions.

Currently, only filings made to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

The returned forms can be filtered by type.


https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/company/filings?session=<<SESSION>>&acorn=<<ACORN>>[&parameter=value][&. . .]
https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/company/filings?session=<<SESSION>>&ticker=<<EXCHANGE:TICKER>>[&parameter=value][&. . .]
https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/company/filings?session=<<SESSION>>&cusip=<<CUSIP>>[&parameter=value][&. . .]
https://secure.newsedge.com/opensapi/20/company/filings?session=<<SESSION>>&isin=<<ISIN>>[&parameter=value][&. . .]

Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.
company identifierOne type of company identifier must be supplied in the request. The available company identifier types are acorn, ticker, cusip, or isin. Only a single value may be provided per call.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.
acornThe ACquire media ORganizational Number for the company that the filings are desired. It is always a 10 digit number. ACORNs can be found using the company/search API.
tickerThe ticker company identifier is in the form EXCHANGE:TICKER. Both the exchange and ticker for a company can be found using the company/search API.
cusipThe cusip identifier is the 9 character Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number. The cusip number for a company can be found using the company/search API.
isinThe ISIN identifier is the 12 character International Securities Identification Number. The isin for a company can be found using the company/search API.
formsThe forms parameter is a pipe delimited list of forms to be returned in the results. The available forms can be found using the company/getforms API.
The number of results returned in a company/filings call.
1 - totalPages
A number representing a page of returned results. Use the page parameter with the original company identifier and forms parameters to return subsequent pages of results. The totalPages element from returned results indicates how many pages of results are available.

Returned Results

If successful, the company/filings request returns a list of links to official corporate registration statements, period reports and other forms as filed to official governmental commissions.


Name Values Description
statusOK, ERRORIf status is OK, the results element will contain links to filings. If status is ERROR, a message element will contain a description of the error.
company-nameThe official name of the company requested.
pageInfoThis element contains child elements for number of results and pages.
resultsThis element contains a list of result elements.


Name Values Description
totalResultsintegerThe total number of forms available. If the element contains the attribute partialTotal with the value of TRUE, then the totalResults value is the minimum number available and a subsequent call for additional pages will eventually return the final totalResults.
totalPagesintegerThe total number of pages available based on the resultsPerPage parameter. Subsequent calls can have a page parameter between 1 and this number. If the element contains the attribute partialTotal with the value of TRUE, then the totalPages value is the minimum number of pages available and a subsequent call for additional pages will eventually return the final totalPages number.
resultsPage1 ... totalPagesIf the page parameter on the request was between 1 and totalPages, resultsPage will be the requested page. However, if the page parameter on the request is greater than the totalPages value, then the last valid page will be returned.
topResult1 ... totalResultsThe topResult is the ordinal for the first result element in the returned results.
bottomResult1 ... totalResultsThe bottomResult is the ordinal for the last result element in the returned results. For all pages except the last page, bottomResult will equal topResult + resultsPerPage -1. On the last page, bottomResult can be less than topResult + resultsPerPage - 1.


The results element contains bottomResult - topResult + 1 number of result elements. Each result element contains the following child elements.

Name Values Description
headlineThe headline of the filing.
formtypeThe type of form this result links to.
received-dateYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS-ZZZZThis is the first time the NewsEdge system received this story.
publication-dateYYYYMMDDTHHMMSS-ZZZZThis is the date and time that the company filed this form with the superviory body.

This is the URL to follow to read the filing.

company/forms - Retrieve a list of available forms.

Calls to this API return a list of forms that are available in the company/filings interface



Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.

Returned Results

If successful, the company/forms request will return a list of forms available for use in the company/filings interface.


Name Values Description
statusOK, ERROR

If status is OK, then the forms element contains a list of form elements.

If status is ERROR, then there was an issue retrieving the list of forms and the message element will describe the error.

formsThe forms element contains a list of form elements that can be used to filter the results returned by a call to company/filings.


Name Values Description
formAn individual form type that can be used in the forms parameter in a call to company/filings.

company/info - Retrieve Basic Company Information



Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.
company identifierOne type of company identifier must be supplied in the request. The available company identifier types are acorn , ticker , cusip , or isin . Multiple company identifier values may be provided in a comma-separated list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.
acornThe ACquire media ORganizational Number for the company that the infomation is desired. It is always a 10 digit number. ACORNs can be found using the company/search API.
tickerThe ticker company identifier is in the form EXCHANGE:TICKER. Both the exchange and ticker for a company can be found using the company/search API.
cusipThe cusip identifier is the 9 character Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number. The cusip number for a company can be found using the company/search API.
isinThe ISIN identifier is the 12 character International Securities Identification Number. The isin for a company can be found using the company/search API.

Returned Results

If successful, the company/info request returns profile information about the requested companies including a company description, locations, number of employees, etc.


Name Values Description
statusOK, PARTIAL-OK, ERRORIf status is OK, the company profile information for all of the companies requested. The profile information is contained in the company child elements If status is PARTIAL-OK, at least one, but not all, of the companies requested did not return profile information. The caller must refer to the status child element of the company element to determine which company identifiers were not valid. If status is ERROR, then all of the company identifiers requested were invalid. The count and company elements will not be returned and a message element will contain a description of the error.
countThis number represents the number of company elements returned.
companyThe company element contains the main payload for each of the requested companies. The value attribute maps the contained profile information back to the requested company identifier.


Name Values Description
statusOK, ERRORIf status is OK, a company-profile element is present that contains all of the requested information. If status is ERROR, a message element is present that contains a description of the error.
company-profileThe company-profile element contains individual child elements for the company indicated by the value attribute of the parent company element.


Name Values Description
acornThe 10 digit ACquire media ORganizational Number for the company information contained in this element.
nameThe official name of the company requested.
synopsysThis element contains a short description of the company and its operations.
urlThe optional main website of the company.
dba-namesThis optional element contains zero or more dba-name elements which contain other names that this company is known by.
descriptionThe element contains a long description of the company and its operations.
year-foundedThe year that the company started operations.
total employeesThe number of employees in the company, if available.
sales-revenueThe reported sales figure, in millions, for the period indicated by the period attribute, if avaiable.
net-incomeThe reported net-income, in millions, for the period indicated by the period attribute, if available.
accounting-firmThe name of the company's accounting firm, if available.
bank-nameThe name of the company's primary financial institution, if available.
ethnicityThe reported ethnicity of the company's ownership, if available.
legal-statusThe status of the company as registered with the applicable government regulatory body.
mfg-indicatorIndicator of whether the company manufactures goods for sale, if available.
number-of-pcsThe number of personal computers in use at the company, if available.
owned-or-leasedOwns, LeasesThe ownership status of the primary company location.
ownership-yearThe year in which the business was incorporated
parent-nameIf this company is a subsidiary This is the name of the company that is is immediate owner.
ultimate-parent-nameThis is the name of the company at the top of the ownership structure. The name can be the same as the name element if the company is not a subsidiary .
subsidiary-statustrue, falseIf the company is partially- or wholly-owned by another organization, this element will be true.
minority-ownedtrue, falseFor the purposes of consideration in government contracting, is this company considered to be minority-owned.
women-ownedtrue, falseFor the purposes of consideration in government contracting, is this company considered to be women-owned.
stocksThis element contains zero or more stock elements that contain country, exchange and symbol attributes on which the company's shares are traded.
naics-listThe North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this company. This element contains zero or more naics elements whose value is the name of the assigned naics and the code attribute is the numerical identifier for the naics.
rankingsThis element contains zero or more ranking elements whose value is the name of the ranking list and whose rank attribute is the optional placement of the company on the list.
top-execsThis element contains zero or more exec elements that describe the top executives of the company. The value of the exec element is the name of the executive; the position attribute is the role the person plays in the organization; the optional age attribute is the age, in years, of the executive, and the optional salary attribute is the number in dollars of the executive's yearly salary.
competitorsThis element contains zero or more competitor elements whose value are the names of this company's top competition.
locationThis element contains the primary address of the company with the following child elements: addr1, addr2, city, sate, country, zip, zip4, latitude, and longitude.
phonesThis element contains zero or more phone elements containing the main contact phone numbers for the company. The value of the phone element is the number; the countrycode attribute contains the country code for the number and the areacode element contains the optional area code. The full number would be countrycode-areacode-value.
faxesThis element contains zero of more phone elements containing the main fax numbers for the company. The value of the phone element is the number; the countrycode attribute contains the country code for the number and the areacode element contains the optional area code. The full number would be countrycode-areacode-value.
childrenThis element contains zero or more child elements indicating subsidary companies. The value of the child element is the name of the subsidary and the acorn attribute is the Acquire Media identifier for that child company.

company/quote - Retrieve a Company Stock Quote

Calls to this API return equities pricing information for the requested company.



Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.
company identifierOne type of company identifier must be supplied in the request. The available company identifier types are acorn , ticker , cusip , or isin . Multiple company identifiers can be provided in a comma-separated list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.
acornThe ACquire media ORganizational Number for the company that the filings are desired. It is always a 10 digit number. ACORNs can be found using the company/search API.
tickerThe ticker company identifier is in the form EXCHANGE:TICKER. Both the exchange and ticker for a company can be found using the company/search API.
cusipThe cusip identifier is the 9 character Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number. The cusip number for a company can be found using the company/search API.
isinThe ISIN identifier is the 12 character International Securities Identification Number. The isin for a company can be found using the company/search API.

Returned Results

If successful, the company/quote request will return pricing, trading volume and other relevant equities data.


Name Values Description
countThe number of company quotes requested.

If status is OK, then all company elements contain quotation information.

If status is PARTIAL-OK, from 1 to count-1 company elements had an error.

If status is ERROR, then none of the company identifiers provided were valid.

companyThe company element contains the quotation information for the company identified by the value attribute.


Name Values Description
statusOK, ERRORIf status is OK, the results element will contain links to filings. If status is ERROR, a message element will contain a description of the error.
quoteThe quote element contains the header, dtstamp, quotation, wk52, and stats child elements.


The header element contains identifing information about the company requested

Name Values Description
cusipThe cusip identifier is the 9 character Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number, if available.
symbolThe ticker symbol of the company.
nameThe official name of the company.
descAn optional, short description of the company.
exchThe exchange on which this equity is traded.
isinThe ISIN identifier is the 12 character International Securities Identification Number,if available.


The dtstamp element contains information when the quote was last updated.

Name Values Description
dateThis is the date of the last update in the form YYYYMMDD
time_tThis is the time of the last update in 12-hour format HH:MM am/pm
timeThis is the time of the last update in 24-hour format HH:MM
date_tThis is the date of the last update in the form MMM. DD, YYYY


The quotation element contains the values for requested company.

Name Values Description
pvolThis is the traded volume for the previous trading day.
lastThis is the value of the equity at the time specified in the dtstamp element.
curr_strThis is the three-letter code for the currency in which the equity is traded.
hiThis is the highest value the equity has reached during today's trading.
loThis is the lowest value the equity has reached during today's trading.
vlThis is the volume of trades of this equity during today's session.
chgThis is the magnitude of the change of the price of the equity between yesterday's close and the last reported value.
chg_signu,dThis element is 'u' if last is greater than or equal to pcls and 'd' if pcls is greater than last .
bidThis is the currently reported bid price.
askThis is the currently reported ask price
pclsThis is the value of the equity at the close of the previous trading day.
opnThis is the value of the equity at the beginning of the current trading day.
phiThis is the highest value of the equity during the previous trading day.
ploThis is the lowest value of the equity during the previous trading day.
popnThis is the value of the equity at the beginning of the previous trading day.
askszThe number of shares being offered at the ask price .
bidszThe number of shares being offered at the ask price .


This element contains information regarding the 52 week high and low values of the equity.

Name Values Description
wk52hidateThe date in the past year where the equity reached its highest value in the form YYYYMMDD.
wk52lodateThe date in the past year where the equity reached its lowest value in the form YYYYMMDD.
wk52loThe lowest value of the equity in the past year. It occured on wk52lodate .
wk52hiThe highest value of the equity in the past year. It occured on wk52hidate .
wk52lodate_tThe date in the past year where the equity reached its lowest value in the form MMM. DD, YYYY.
wk52hidate_tThe date in the past year where the equity reached its highest value in the form MMM. DD, YYYY.


The stats element contains related information regarding the equity.

Name Values Description
shoThe sho element is the number of shares outstanding of the equity
betaThe beta measure of volatility of the equity.
epsThe last reported earnings per share.
peThe ratio of equity price to earnings.
iadThe indicated annual dividend for the equity.
sicThe standard industry classification code for the company.
yieldThe divident yield of the equity.

company/quotehistory - Retrieve the quote history for a Company Stock

Calls to this API return a history of equities pricing information for the requested company.



Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.
company identifierOne type of company identifier must be supplied in the request. The available company identifier types are acorn , ticker , cusip , or isin . Multiple company identifiers can be provided in a comma-separated list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.
acornThe ACquire media ORganizational Number for the company that the filings are desired. It is always a 10 digit number. ACORNs can be found using the company/search API.
tickerThe ticker company identifier is in the form EXCHANGE:TICKER. Both the exchange and ticker for a company can be found using the company/search API.
cusipThe cusip identifier is the 9 character Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number. The cusip number for a company can be found using the company/search API.
isinThe ISIN identifier is the 12 character International Securities Identification Number. The isin for a company can be found using the company/search API.
1D, 1W, 1M, 3M, 6M, 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 5Y, ALL
The period parameter controls what the time range is covered by the request. The default is 1D meaning the past one day of quote data will be returned. The period time range is always measured backwards from the current time. The time ranged returned may be less than requested if the data is not available. For example, requesting a period of five years for a company that went public 1-1/2 years ago will only return 1-1/2 years of data. The values for period are:
The past one day of quote data is returned.
The past one week of quote data is returned.
The past one month of quote data is returned.
The past three months of quote data is returned.
The past six months of quote data is returned.
The past one year of quote data is returned.
The past two years of quote data is returned.
The past three years of quote data is returned.
The past five years of quote data is returned.
All available quote data is returned.
H, D, W, M
The frequency parameter controls the amount of time between quote data points in the returned data. The default is H which means hourly data will be returned. The values for frequency are:
Hourly quote data is returned.
Daily quote data is returned.
Weekly quote data is returned.
Monthly quote data is returned.

Returned Results

If successful, the company/quotehistory request will return a data series representing the stock prices for the times indicated and the company requested.


Name Values Description
countThe number of company quotes requested.

If status is OK, then all company elements contain quotation information.

If status is PARTIAL-OK, from 1 to count-1 company elements had an error.

If status is ERROR, then none of the company identifiers provided were valid.

companyThe company element contains the quotation information for the company identified by the value attribute.


Name Values Description
statusOK, ERRORIf status is OK, the results element will contain a quote data series for the indicated company. If status is ERROR, a message element will contain a description of the error.
prhistThe prhist element contains the header and pts child elements.


The header element contains identifing information about the company requested.

Name Values Description
symbolThe ticker symbol of the company.
nameThe official name of the company.
descAn optional, short description of the company.
exchThe exchange on which this equity is traded.
acty, nThe active attribute of the act element indicates if the requested company is still actively being traded.


The pts element contains obs child elements. The obs child elements each contain a quote history data point.

Name Values Description
frequencyThe frequency attribute reflects the requested data frequency - h, d, w, m.
begdateThe begdate attribute provides the starting date of the data series in YYYYMMDD format.
enddateThe enddate attribute provides the ending date of the data series in YYYYMMDD format.
curr_strThis is the three-letter ISO 4217 code for the currency in which the equity is traded.


The obs element contains the data points for the requested quote history.

Name Values Description
curr_strThis is the three-letter ISO 4217 code code for the currency in which the equity is traded.
dateThe date for the data point in YYYYMMDD format.
timeIf the requested frequency is H, this element contains the hour for the data point in HH:MM:SS format.
hiThis is the high value for the equity requested during the time range covered by this data point. It can be used at the top value in a candlestick display.
loThis is the low value for the equity requested during the time range covered by this data point. It can be used at the bottom value in a candlestick display.
clThis is the value of the equity at the date and time for this data point.
vlThis is the volume of traded equities during the time range covered by this data point.

company/exchanges - Retrieve a list of known exchanges and available company information

Calls to the API return a list of supported exchanges and the availability of quotes and filings for those exchanges.



Required Parameters

Parameter Values Description
sessionThe ID of the OPENS API session. Use the user-token value returned from the session/login request.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Values Description
The json parameter controls the format of the return data. If the parameter is not provided, the data is returned in XML format.
  • 0 - Return data in XML format.
  • 1 - Return data in compact JSON format. If the caller is planning on using JSON in production, this value should be used.
  • 2 - Return data in expanded JSON format. This parameter value sets the return data to be in a more human-readable JSON form.

Returned Results

If successful, the company/exchanges request will return a list of stock exchanges supported by the OPENS API and related information.


Name Values Description
statusOK, ERROR

If status is OK, then the exchanges element contains a list of exchange elements.

If status is ERROR, then there was an issue retrieving the exchange information and the message element will describe the error.

exchangesThe exchanges element contains a list of exchange elements which contain information that can be in various company-related API calls.


The exchanges element contains one or more exchange element. Each exchange element has the following attributes.

Name Values Description
codeThe value to use for the EXCHANGE in calls to company-related functions. For example, ticker in company/quote.
nameThe formal name of the stock exchange.
micIf available, this is the ISO 10383 Market Identifier Code for the exchange.
mic_nameIf available, this is the exchange name provided by ISO 10383.
country_codeThe two-letter country code for the location of the exchange as defined by ISO 3166.
quotes0,1If the value is 1, then calls to company/quotes for this exchange are supported.
filings0,1If the value is 1, then calls to company/filings for this exchange are supported.